1500字范文 > 执法资源 resources of law enforcement英语短句 例句大全

执法资源 resources of law enforcement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-04 14:26:47


执法资源 resources of law enforcement英语短句 例句大全

执法资源,resources of law enforcement

1)resources of law enforcement执法资源

1.The problems are mainly: problems of Philosophy of law enforcement, the lack of the way of law enforcement, the lack ofresources of law enforcement, backward technical means, etc.二是执法中的不足,主要是执法理念上存在问题、执法方式的不足、执法资源不足、技术手段不够先进等问题。

2)governance rationality"s resources执政合法性资源


1.The Construction of Legitimacy Resources of the Chinese Communist Party;论中国共产党执政合法性资源之构建

2.Hu Jintao and the Exploitation of the Resources for the Party s Ruling Legitimacy;胡锦涛与党的执政合法性资源的开发

3.On Hu Jintao s Exploiting the Legal Resources of the Party s Administration;试论胡锦涛对党的执政合法性资源的开发

4.On Maintenance and Re-construction of the Regime Legitimacy in the Economics Transformation Period;经济转型期执政合法性资源的维护和重构

5.The Maintenance and Reconstruction of the Chinese Communist Ruling"s Legitimacy Resources Since the Founding of New China for 60 Years建国60年来中共执政合法性资源的维护与重构

6.The tentative analysis on the different exertion point of three generations leader exploiting the resource of legitimacy in power;试论三代领导执政合法性资源开发的不同着力点

7.Deng Xiaoping and his reconstruction of the legal resources for the CPC administration邓小平对中国共产党执政合法性资源的维护与重构

8.Analyze the Connotation and Resources of Ruling Party s Governance Rationality;执政党执政合法性的内涵与资源探析

9.Construction of a Socialist Harmonious Society and the Transformation of the Fundamental Resources Supporting the Legitimacy of the Party in Power;构建社会主义和谐社会与党执政合法性基础性资源的转换

10.Deng Xiaoping s Safeguarding the Ruling Party Legitimacy from the Angle of Absorption of Historic Resources;从历史资源的汲取谈邓小平对中共执政合法性基础的维护

11.To Increase the Law Enforcement of Fisheries Adminis-tration and To Promote Suitable Utilization of Fishery Resources;加大渔业行政执法力度 促进渔业资源合理利用

12.The Construction of Ruling Abilities & Ruling Legality and Ruling Ethics;执政能力建设与执政合法性及执政伦理

13.The Work Methods and Inspiration of the Abroad Ruling Party s Ruling Resources Development;国外执政党开发执政资源的做法及启示

14.The Consolidation of China"s Ruling Party"s Legitimacy of the Ruling in Transitional Society转型期中国执政党执政合法性的巩固

15.An Ethical Analysis of Ruling Individuals under Perspective of Legitimacy;执政合法性视野中的执政个体合道德性探析

16.Improving the Forest Resources Management System and Strengthening the Enforcement of Forest Law and Regulations;健全资源林政管理体制 加强林政执法力度

17.Governing Legitimacy of Proletariat Governing Party in View of Failure of Soviet Communist Party;从苏共败亡看无产阶级执政党的执政合法性

18.Relay the Legitimacy Foundation of Party s Government;转型时期执政党执政的合法性基础构建


governance rationality"s resources执政合法性资源

3)governing resources执政资源

1.The new leading collectives with Hu Jintao as its core put forward seven points about building governing theories,governing resources as one of them.执政资源是中国共产党新的领导集体提出的执政理论建设七个方面内容之一。

2.The new leading collectives with Hu Jintao as the core put forward seven points about building governing theories,governing resources as one of them.以胡锦涛为核心的新的领导集体提出了执政理论建设的七个方面内容,执政资源为其中之一。

3.The practice of modern democratic politics demonstrates that the promotion course of governing capability of the ruling party actually is that of readjusting thegoverning resources effectively to consolidate the legitimacy of governance and to strengthen the validity of governance.现代民主政治的实践表明,执政党执政能力的提升过程,实际上是执政党对其所掌控的执政资源进行有效整合,以巩固其执政的合法性、强化其执政的有效性的过程。

4)resources for implementation执行资源

5)ruling resources执政资源

1.The CPC ruled part areas in the period of ShanGanNing border areas,The CPC ethnic policies brought into important funtion on enhancing the nation s unity,strengthening Border Areas,expanding political influence and exploitingruling resources;It exploited The CPC resource of popular feelings,ethnic policies and nationality leaders.陕甘宁边区时期中国共产党局部执政,党的民族政策对于党团结少数民族,发展民族经济,巩固边区,扩大政治影响,开发执政资源发挥了重要作用,它开发了党的民族民心资源、党的民族制度资源和党的民族人才资源。

2.Under new historical condition,we must strengthen the study ofruling resources,make an effort to consolidate and expand effective mea.执政资源是执政理论的一个重要方面,它有着丰富的内涵。

3.Developingruling resources is an important way to raise ruling capability.执政资源是执政党生存发展的前提,开发执政资源是提升执政能力的重要途径。

6)governing resource执政资源

1.Consolidating and developing thegoverning resources of CPC;巩固和拓展党的执政资源

2.Discussion of the Party"s solutions togoverning resource optimization in the new era新时期党的执政资源优化路径选择


执法1.执行或执掌法令。 2.执法的官吏。王莽时曾改御史为"执法"。 3.星名。
