1500字范文 > 执法障碍 Obstacles to enforcement of law英语短句 例句大全

执法障碍 Obstacles to enforcement of law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-19 18:15:58


执法障碍 Obstacles to enforcement of law英语短句 例句大全

执法障碍,Obstacles to enforcement of law

1)Obstacles to enforcement of law执法障碍


1.On the Enforcement Barrier of Water and Soil Conservation Law and Its Countermeasures;论水土保持法的执法障碍及对策思考

2.On the Realistic Barriers and Legal Strategy of the Execution of Environmental Protection;试论环保执法的现实障碍及其法律对策

3.On Obstacles for the Execution of "Three Agricultures" Policy and Path Choice for Overcoming;“三农”政策执行中的障碍及克服路径

4.Obstacles in the Implementation of San Nong Policy and the Solution;“三农”政策执行中的障碍及其对策

5.Implementation Deviation Correction of Ruling Costs and Obstacle Elimination in the End;执政成本的执行偏差矫正与终结障碍消除

6.or an obstacle that seems impossible to overcome,或是无法克服的障碍时,

7.These facilities will enhance the capability of the Traffic Police to enforce legislation regarding the construction and use of vehicles, and enable obstructions to be removed more rapidly from major roads.这些设施有助交通警察执行关于车辆结构及使用的法例,也有助迅速清理主要道路上的障碍物。

8.Enforcement of Consumer Protection Legislation执行保障消费者的法例。

9.A Study of Executive Functions for Some Children with ADHD;注意缺陷多动障碍儿童执行功能的研究

10.The Barrier Factor Researches on the Public Policies Executive at Present in Our Country;现阶段我国公共政策执行中的障碍性因素研究

11.On Barriers to Execution of State Treasury Concentrated Payment System and Corresponding Measures;论国库集中支付制度执行的障碍及对策

12.Exploration for Institutions of Controlling Benefit Factors in the Barriers to Policy Implementation;政策执行障碍中控制利益因素的制度探寻

13.Analysis and Countermeasure of Barriers of Policy of Non-public Economy Development;非公经济发展政策执行中的障碍分析及对策

14.The Neuropsychological Study of Executive Function in Adolescent with Bipolar Disorder before and after Treatment青少年双相障碍治疗前后执行功能的对照研究

15.On Barrier and Security of the Procuratorial Power Exercising Independently;论依法独立行使检察权的障碍及保障

16.The Risk of Police Enforcement and Legal Interests of Protection警察执法职业风险及执法权益的法律保障

17.Grammatical disorders in aphasia: A survey of the literature abroad失语症语法障碍的表现与研究——海外失语症语法障碍研究述评

18.A Review on Laws and Regulations of American Early Intervention to Functional Dysfunction;美国功能障碍早期干预法律法规述评


legal obstacles法律障碍

1.Legal Obstacles to Chinese Enterprises Overseas M&A and Some Counter-Strategies;中国企业海外并购的法律障碍及其对策研究

2.The Legal Obstacles and Solutions to Development of REITs in China;我国发展房地产投资信托的法律障碍与对策

3.There are somelegal obstacles in the financial wav of private\|owned enterprises in China.目前民营企业间接融资的法律障碍,已成为束缚民营企业间接融资顺利进行的瓶颈,完善间接融资的法律制度,扫除相关法律障碍势在必行、刻不容缓。

3)legal barrier法律障碍

1.Study on the Legal Barriers and the Countermeasures of Electronic Contracts Application in China;我国电子合同实施的法律障碍及对策研究

2.The system defect andlegal barrier should be overcome to apply it in domestic corporations.我国股份有限公司要实施一套行之有效的股票期权制度,必须克服制度自身缺陷和法律障碍。

4)method barrier方法障碍

5)law-abiding obstacle守法障碍

1.It is urgent for us to overcomelaw-abiding obstacles and develop law-abiding spirit.实现守法文明是一项复杂的系统工程,当务之急就是要克服守法障碍,弘扬守法精神,健全守法体系。

6)legal obstacle法律障碍

1.Thelegal obstacle of stock market internationalization and related strategies;证券市场国际化的法律障碍及对策

2.Starting with a brief observation on the stock option,the article takes a primary study on the current existinglegal obstacles in applying this institution.本文从对股票期权制度的简单评析入手 ,考察了目前在我国实施这一制度所存在的若干法律障碍。


工程化学障碍物(见化学障碍物)工程化学障碍物(见化学障碍物)engineering-chemical obstacle习U·上日、11匕I一9 nuQXue Zhang’aiwu工程化学障碍物(engineelsng一ehemiealobstacle)见化学障碍物。
