1500字范文 > 文学叙述 literary narrative英语短句 例句大全

文学叙述 literary narrative英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-15 15:30:28


文学叙述 literary narrative英语短句 例句大全

文学叙述,literary narrative

1)literary narrative文学叙述


1.On the Literature Narration of "from Country to City" Since the New Time;论新时期以来“由乡入城”的文学叙述

2.On Northrop Frye′s Literary Narration and Meaning;论诺思洛普·弗莱的文学叙述与意义

3.On Statue of Fringe Literature in Narration of Contemporary Chinese Literature;论中国现代文学叙述中“边缘文学”的地位

4.On PAN Wan-mu s Views of Narration Pattern in Zuo Commentary;叙述学研究走进历史叙述文本——评潘万木的《〈左传〉叙述模式论》

5.Semiotic approach to cultural analysis of narrative texts;基于叙述符号学的叙事文本的文化意义分析

6.Fiction and Narrative Style;虚构与叙述方式——兼谈历史编纂与叙事文学在叙述方式上的分野

7.The Narration of Literary History and the Historical Evaluation of "the Literature in the 17-year Period";文学史叙述与“十七年文学”的历史评价

8.A Narratological and Stylistic Study of Virginia Woolf s Point of View;对伍尔夫小说叙事视角的叙述学和文体学研究

9.A Historical Narration of the Cultural Revolution--On the literary drama of the model Beijing opera;“文革”的历史叙述——论“样板戏”的文学剧本

10.The Way to Communicate with the Folk--On the Significance of the Narrator of Country-side;沟通民间的叙事策略——论乡土叙述者文学史意义

11.Narration Dispelling the Demon: Chinese New Literature in Scientific Linguistic Environment;叙述祛魅:科学语境中的中国新文学

12.Styles,Ideas and Literature History Narratation--On Lu Xun s Compendia of Chinese Literature History;文采、意想与文学史叙述——论鲁迅的《汉文学史纲要》

13.literature narrating the lives (and legends) of the saints.叙述圣徒生活(和传奇)的文学。

14.A Game:Narrative Tactics in Postmodern Literature;“游戏”,后现代主义文学的叙述策略

15.Body Narrative in Literature in the Period of Seventeen Years;“十七年”时期文学作品中的“身体叙述”

16.How to Write Chinese Literary History of the Past 20 Years (special topic for discussion);20世纪90年代新诗的文学史叙述

17.Buddhism and Literature:the Dialogue Narrative in “Mingming Niao”;佛教与文学:《命命鸟》中的对话叙述

18.Understanding Neo-realistic Novels from the Perspective of Cultural Esthetic Narratology;审美文化叙述学视野中的新写实小说


narration of the text文本叙述学

3)the narration of literary history文学史叙述


1.Narratological-Stylistics Theoretical Construction and Application叙述文体学—理论建构与应用

5)contemporary literature narration现代文学叙述

6)cultural aesthetic narratology审美文化叙述学

1.The idea ofcultural aesthetic narratology is suggested in order to lift the study of narrative above the text itself to cover the multiple contexts that are associated with it, and in this way to create new d.提出审美文化叙述学这一新的学科分支的构想 ,意图使局限于叙述本文范围内的研究不仅涉及本文自身 ,而且扩展到与叙述本文密切相关的多重语境 ,从而进一步丰富叙述学的理论与实践。


