1500字范文 > 叙述性文学语篇 literary narrative text英语短句 例句大全

叙述性文学语篇 literary narrative text英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-02 14:15:04


叙述性文学语篇 literary narrative text英语短句 例句大全

叙述性文学语篇,literary narrative text

1)literary narrative text叙述性文学语篇

1.In light of the generative holistic view of language,the general function and purpose ofliterary narrative texts determines the representative features and constructional organization of the componential elements.根据生成整体论的语言观,叙述性文学语篇的整体功能和目标决定了其构成要素的表征和组合形式。


1.Metonymically-Motivated Thinking in Literary Narrative Texts:From the Perspective of Generative holism叙述性文学语篇中的转喻理据思维——基于生成整体论的视角

2.A Study of On-line Thematic Inferences of Chinese EFL Learners during Narrative Text Processing;中国英语学习者叙述性语篇即时主题推理研究

3.A Stylistic Study of Narrative Point of View and Its Pedagogical Implications in the Interpretation of Literary Discourses;对叙述视角的文体分析及其在文学语篇教学中的启示

4.Poetic Narration and Revelation of Humanity;诗化的叙述 人性美的呈示——评第二届鲁迅文学奖短篇小说获奖作品

5.Research on Textual Errors of Person Reference in Chinese Narration of Thai Students泰国学生汉语叙述体语篇人称指称偏误研究

6.On Instructing Middle School Student s to Plan Narrative Composition Conception and Expression;论导引中学生叙述性作文构思与语言表达

7.The Pragmatic Function of Subjective Narration and Objective Description in Literary Text;文学语篇中的主体性讲述和限制性描述的语用功能

8.The Narrative Modes of Novel and Short Stories in New Period--Taking example for Shanghai Literature;新时期中短篇小说的叙述模式——以《上海文学》为例

9.Narration Dispelling the Demon: Chinese New Literature in Scientific Linguistic Environment;叙述祛魅:科学语境中的中国新文学

10.A Contrastive Analysis of Personal Reference in English Narrative Fictions and Scientific Writings;英语叙述语篇与科技语篇人称指称对比分析

11.On Narrative Clauses and Narrative Texts withinSystemic Functional Framework──After Reading The Old Man and the Sea;试用系统功能模式分析论证叙述句和叙述体语篇——读《老人与海》后的感想(英文)

12.On the Context Standpoint of Literature History Narration from Literature Consciousness;从“文学自觉”看文学史叙述的语境化立场

13.Translate the event vividly Achieve the Narrative Function of the Discourse;形象地翻译活动词 实现语篇叙述功能

14.An Error Analysis of Personal Deixis Used in Chinese Narrations by Ethnic Minority Students in Xinjiang;新疆少数民族学生汉语篇章叙述人称指称偏误分析

15.Analysis of "Extramarital Love" in Men s Narrating Discourse-Re-reading Mao Dun s Shui Zao Xing;男性叙述话语中的“红杏出墙”解析——重读茅盾的短篇小说《水藻行》

16.Textual Interaction and the Textual Construction of English Medical Research Papers;语篇性互动与英语医学研究论文的语篇建构

17.Anti-epic: the Historic Narrative in Literary Transition;反“史诗性”:文学转型中的历史叙述(下)

18.Anti-epic:Historic Narration in Literary Transition;反“史诗性”:文学转型中的历史叙述(上)


narrative discourse叙述语篇

1.Ideological point of view is contained in anynarrative discourse,forming the political dimension.叙述语篇无不蕴涵着一定的观念视点 ,由此构成语篇的政治维度 ,因此叙述语篇的理解既涉及言语行为又涉及社会行为 ,只有从语言标志入手把握观念视点进而把握了语篇的政治维度 ,才能最大限度接近真正完整的理解。

3)Systemic functional approach叙述体语篇

4)Chinese narrative discourse汉语叙述语篇

1.This dissertation analyzes reference and referential choice inChinese narrative discourse from four perspectives: a syntactic perspective, a semantic perspective, a pragmatic perspective and a cognitive perspective.本文从四个角度分析了汉语叙述语篇中的指称和指称选择:句法角度,语义角度,语用角度和认知角度。

5)narrative texts叙述体语篇体裁

1.This paper attempts to investigate the relationship between the narrative clauses andnarrative texts, and the characteristics ofnarrative texts The relationship between the narrative clauses andnarrative texts is studied within a multi-leveled approach.本文主要研究叙述句与叙述体语篇体裁之间的关系 ,并试图通过对叙述句特点的研究来探讨叙述体语篇体裁的特点。

6)the translation of narrative discourses叙述语篇翻译


