1500字范文 > 西魏 the Western Wei Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

西魏 the Western Wei Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-26 01:39:36


西魏 the Western Wei Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

西魏,the Western Wei Dynasty

1)the Western Wei Dynasty西魏

1.The Foundation of the Guanlong Group duringthe Western Wei Dynasty西魏时期关陇集团之形成

2.WEI Xiao-kuan,the famous general ofthe Western Wei Dynasty,played an important role in this war.南北朝时期,东、西魏之间为争夺河东战略要地爆发了"玉壁之战"。


1.The"Feminine Appearance"of Xiwei Buddha in Cave 44 at Maiji Mountain Grottoes麦积山第44窟西魏佛的“女相化”

2.The Costumes Research of Sacrifice Providers in Dunhuang 285 Cells;敦煌莫高窟西魏第285窟供养人像服饰研究

3.On the Changes in Composition of the Troops of the West Wei and the North Zhou and the Relevant Military Influence on the North Dynasty;西魏北周军队构成的变化及其对北朝军事的影响

4.The Demonstration for the Western Sea which Bordered on Syria in Han and Wei Dynasty History Works;汉魏史籍中条支国所临“西海”释证

5.Central Plains Background and the Lyric Features of the Poetry of Wei and West Jin Dynasties;“中原”背景与魏、西晋诗歌的抒情特色

6.The thought of economic development of the northeast region in the Northern Dynasties;魏晋十六国北朝西北的经济开发思想

ment on Wei Yuan s Chinese and Western Cultural Views Presented in hisHai Kuot u chih;从《海国图志》看魏源的中西文化观

8.A Dated Tomb with Color-painted Brick Carvings of the Jin Period at Weicun Village in Changzhi City,Shanxi山西长治市魏村金代纪年彩绘砖雕墓

9.Migration-in and Merging: the Ethnic Interaction of the Northwest in the Wei and Jing Dynasty内迁与融合:魏晋时期西北地域的民族互动

10.The Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) set up Shanshan and Yanqi garrison commands to strengthen its administration of the Western Regions.北魏王朝设置鄯善镇、焉耆镇,加强对西域的治理。

11.Translation Activity to of Western Library by Lin Zexu and Wei Yuan and Its Evaluation;林则徐、魏源对西方图书馆的译介活动及其评价

12.The Relation between the Inland Regime and the Local Powers in Southwest China in the Wei,Jin,Southern and Northern Dynasty;魏晋南北朝时期西南地区民族关系的变化

13.On "Ping Models" in the West-Jin Dynasty,the North-Wei Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty;论“品式”:西晋《户调式》、北魏《丘井式》、隋《输籍样(式)》

14.On Wei Yuan Thought’s Cultural Significance in Sino-western Cultural Dialogue;论魏源思想在中西文化对话中的文化意义

15.The Economy of the Northwest and the Economic Communication Among the Districts from the Qin to the Southern and Northern Dynasties;秦汉魏晋南北朝西北经济及其经济交流初探

16.The Administering and Management of the Western Regions by the Central Courts in the Time of the Wei and Jing Dynasties and the Northern and Southern Dynasties;论魏晋十六国时期中原王朝对西域的管辖经营

17.The Concrete Evidence For the Seat of Jurisdiction of Clarklik Under Superior Chief of Western Region During Wei and Jing Dynasty-Argument On Question of charklik(Part Ⅰ);魏晋西域长史治楼兰实证──楼兰问题驳难之一

18.The Contributions of Lin Zexu and Wei Yuan to the Introduction of Western Library into China林则徐、魏源对西方图书馆的译介及其影响


Western Wei and Northern Zhou dynasties西魏北周

1.Maijishan, Xumishan and Mogao grottoes are the main Buddhist grotto groups in Gansu and Ningxia provinces duringWestern Wei and Northern Zhou dynasties.西魏北周时期甘宁地区的石窟群主要有麦积山、须弥山、莫高窟。

3)statue of West Wei Dynasty西魏造像

4)the Han Wei and Xijin汉魏西晋

5)Wei and Western Jin Dynasty魏与西晋

6)from Western Jin Dynasty to Northern Wei Dynasty西晋至北魏

1.Based on analysis and investigation,the authors discussed human activities and land utilization changes in northwest areas of Shanxi Provincefrom Western Jin Dynasty to Northern Wei Dynasty.通过对史料的分析和考证 ,探讨了从西晋至北魏时期晋西北地区人类活动和土地利用方式的变迁。


