1500字范文 > 北魏前期 the Early Northern Wei Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

北魏前期 the Early Northern Wei Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-27 11:54:35


北魏前期 the Early Northern Wei Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

北魏前期,the Early Northern Wei Dynasty

1)the Early Northern Wei Dynasty北魏前期

1.This was the backstage of how Hebei district played an important role inthe Early Northern Wei Dynasty.这是河北之地对北魏前期政局产生重大作用与影响的历史背景。


1.The Characteristics of Military Struggle in Early Beiwei and the Reasons for the Victories;北魏前期军事斗争的特点及其胜利原因

2.Discussion on the Emperor s Limition and Attack on the Royal Clansman in the Prophase of the Northern Wei Dynasty;略论北魏前期皇帝对宗王的限制和打击

3.Reasons to the Xian-Han Interaction and Its Influence on Clothing;北魏前期鲜汉互动的原因及对服装的影响

4.The Military Officer System in the Court Garrison in the Early Period of the Northern Wei Dynasty: A Record in Emperor Wencheng s Nanxunbei (Inscription of South Inspection);文成帝《南巡碑》所见北魏前期禁卫武官制度

5.The System of Palace Guard Officers in the Early Northern Wei Dynasty: A Discussion Based Mainly on Historical Records;北魏前期禁卫武官制度考论——以史籍记载为中心

6.Tuoba"s cultural psychology and the literature development during the early period of the North Wei dynasty拓跋氏的文化心态与北魏前期的文学发展

7.Since Deng Yuan died of a false charge and Cui Hao also died in prison in connection with the case of national history the historians regarded writing history of the early Northern Wei as dangerous and,as a result,historiography ceased to flourish.由于邓渊冤死 ,崔浩死于国史之狱 ,北魏一代史学衰微 ,史官视修纂北魏前期历史为畏途。

8.Exploring the Tendency of Han Nationality Towards Minor Nationalities in the Area to the North of the Yellow River from the Period of North Wei to Mid-tang Dynasties;北魏至唐中前期河朔地区汉人“胡化”探微

9.Historical Effects of Sun Quan s Attacking Hefei ──On the War of the Earlier Period between Wu Kingdom and Wei Kingdom;孙权北击合肥的历史作用──吴、魏前期战事评议

10.Historic Investigation on Southerners in the North in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝时期南人北上的历史考察

11.The Differences between Southern and Northern Clothes Customs during the Southern and Northern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝时期南北服饰风俗之差异

12.On Water Transport s Expansion from South to NorthDuring Wei-Jin & Northern-Southern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝时期南北水路交通的拓展

13.The substitution of Wei royalty for Han royalty and Jin royalty for Wei royalty were importing and profound political affairs.曹魏代汉和晋代魏都是魏晋南北朝时期重大的政治事件,影响深远。

14.On Northern Wei Dynasty Being the Mature Stage for the "Ballad Literature"北魏洛阳时期“说唱文学”成熟期考

15.On the Enterprising Spirit of the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi --A Concurrent Study of the Division of Eastern Wei and Northern Qi;论东魏北齐的积极进取——兼论东魏北齐历史的一种分期法

16.14~ Buddhism and historiography of Wei, Jin,North-South Dynasties.14、佛教与魏晋南北朝时期的史学。

17.The Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties Aesthetic Style of Figure Painting;魏晋南北朝时期人物画审美风格初探

18.A Study of Jiaosi System from Han Dynasty to Nan-Bei Dynasty;汉魏至南北朝时期郊祀制度问题研究


Pro-Northern Wei Dynasty北魏早期

1.On the Relationship between Han Scholars Views of Literature inPro-Northern Wei Dynasty and the Formation of Prose Tradition;北魏早期汉族士人的文学观念与散文传统形成之关系

3)Northern Wei period北魏晚期

4)later North Wei Dynasty北魏后期

5)the later period of northern Wei Dynasty北魏末期

6)Northern Wei Dynasty middle term北魏中期


