1500字范文 > 旬降雨 ten-day rainfall英语短句 例句大全

旬降雨 ten-day rainfall英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-18 20:54:43


旬降雨 ten-day rainfall英语短句 例句大全

旬降雨,ten-day rainfall

1)ten-day rainfall旬降雨

1.The ten-day correlation forecast model of rainfall and runoff based on BP neural network was established by taking actual initial soil water content andten-day rainfall as its inputs and the actual ten-day runoff as its output,according to the watershed characteristics of rainfall and runoff correlation.参照流域暴雨与径流相关的特点,以实际的旬初土壤蓄水量、旬降雨量为输入条件,以实际的旬径流量为输出条件,建立BP神经网络旬降雨径流相关模型。


1.Non-Linear Model Between Ten-Day Precipitation and Runoff and Its Application旬降雨径流非线性模型及其应用研究

2.Ten-day Correlation Forecast Model of Rainfall and Runoff Based on BP Neural Network基于BP神经网络的旬降雨径流相关预报模型

3.The Leonid meteor shower happens every year in mid-November and it is very easy to observed with the naked eye.狮子座流星雨于每年的11月中旬降临,裸眼就可以非常容易地观察到。

4.Meteor shower begin in earnest in mid-July.流星雨真正开始是在七月中旬。

5.In late August, Typhoon Zita brought more heavy rain to Hong Kong.八月下旬,台风思蒂为本港带来更多的豪雨。

6.Late in December the heavy rains came, and the river climbed to the tops of its banks.12月下旬下起了大暴雨,河水涨到河沿上。

7.an annual rainfall of 10 cm年降雨量10厘米.

8.A harmonic analysis indicates that annual variations are dominated by wave one.谐波分析表明,旬降水量年变化以1波为主。

9.Ten-day Response of vegetation NDVI to the Variations of Temperature and Precipitation in Eastern China中国东部植被NDVI对气温和降水的旬响应特征

10.depth-area-duration analysis of severe rainstorm暴雨的雨量─面积─降雨期分析

11.Analysis of the Erosive Rainfall and Rainfall Erosion Energy on Red-soil Slopeland红壤坡地侵蚀性降雨及降雨动能分析

12.an unusually high rainfall for January一月份异常高的降雨量

13.the annual precipitationof the region该地区的年降雨量.

14.The climate affects the amount of the rainfall.气候影响了降雨量。

15.a belt of rain moving across the country经该国而移动的降雨带.

16.Those dark clouds will probably bring rain.那片乌云很可能要降雨。

17.a water supply dependent on adequate rainfall;依赖于充足的降雨供水;

18.The rainfall averages 36 inches a year.年降雨量平均为36英寸.


dekad precipitation旬降水

1.Based ondekad precipitation in the last 44 years,the method of EOF is employed to study the spatial and temporal features of rainfall in China.用 EOF方法分解我国近 44a的旬降水场 ,得知 :我国旬降水的 6种主要空间型出现的集中时段各不相同 ,各型均以年际和年内的短周期变化为主 ,且有各自的长期变化趋势。

2.This paper is concerned with the characteristics ofdekad precipitation in China based on dekad rainfall data of 188 stations from 1955 to 1998.本文利用我国188个测站1955-1998年的逐旬降水资料,对我国的旬降水特征进行研究。

3)precipitation of ten days旬降水量

4)Dekad-to-dekad rainfall variation旬雨量变差


6)precipitation for the last ten day of May5月下旬降水


