1500字范文 > 降雨模型 rainfall model英语短句 例句大全

降雨模型 rainfall model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-11 23:11:03


降雨模型 rainfall model英语短句 例句大全

降雨模型,rainfall model

1)rainfall model降雨模型

1.Hourlyrainfall model for building energy simulation(1): rainfall identification;建筑能耗分析用逐时降雨模型(1):降雨判断

2.In this paper, the applicable attributes have been analyzed with reference to naturalrainfall model and the rain particles,in accordance with the basic principles of particle systems.本文基于粒子系统的基本原理分析井提出了实用的自然降雨模型和雨粒子的属性。

2)FDEM rainfall modelFDEM降雨模型

1.The seepage of unsaturated soil roadbed and the change of water content of the roadbed are studied withFDEM rainfall model.该文研究FDEM降雨模型下非饱和土路基渗流及路基含水量的变化。


4)rainfall-runoff model降雨-径流模型

5)rainfall infiltration model降雨入渗模型


1.A one-dimension model was proposed simulating the regularity of moisture flow under rainfall condition.应用非饱和土一维降雨入渗模型模拟膨胀土基坑边坡在降雨入渗条件下的水分运移规律。

2.Regulating Model of DEM-Based Urban Rainfall Infiltration基于DEM的城市降雨入渗条件调控模型的设计

3.Influence of rainfall infiltration on slopes by physical model test降雨入渗对边坡性状影响的模型实验研究

4.Model tests on responses of unsaturated road-embankments to loading and rainfall infiltration非饱和路堤对加载和降雨入渗响应的模型试验研究

5.Study on physical base model of infiltration and runoff formation on loess slope land for a fixed rainfall intensity during rainfall黄土坡面定雨强入渗产流物理基础模型研究

6.Study on Simulation of Soil Water Transportation in Slope under Rainfall Infiltration and Soil Water Redistribution降雨入渗和再分布对边坡土壤水分运移的数值模拟研究

7.Case Study on the Influence on the Jiangxi Typical Natural Slope Stability of Rainfall Infiltration;降雨入渗对江西典型自然边坡稳定影响的实例研究

8.Study on Rainfall-Infiltration-Runoff Under Typical Ground Surfaces Conditions in the Hilly Regions of Taihang Mountain太行山低山丘陵区不同地表类型降雨入渗产流规律研究

9.Stability Analysis of Soil Slope Subjected to Rain Infiltration;降雨入渗过程中的土质边坡稳定分析

10.Analysis of Earthslope Stability on the Condition of Rainfall Infiltration;降雨入渗条件下土质边坡稳定性分析

11.The Study on Soil Unsaturated Character under Rainfall Seepage;降雨入渗条件下土壤非饱和特性研究

12.Influence of Slope Gradient and Rainfall Intensity on Infiltration in Sloping Farm Land坡度和降雨强度对坡耕地入渗的影响

13.Research of the Earth Dams Seepage Field and Slope Stability Based on the Rain Infiltration;降雨入渗对土坝渗流及坝坡稳定性影响的研究

14.Study on the Characteristics of Rain Infiltration and Its Influence on Slope Stability;降雨入渗对边坡渗流特性及稳定的影响研究

15.Effects Analysis of Rainfall Infiltration on the Landslide Seepage Field and Stability降雨入渗对滑坡渗流场和稳定性的影响分析

16.Study on Rainfall Infiltration Process and the Biggest Infiltration Depth for Unsaturated Soil Slope非饱和土边坡降雨入渗过程及最大入渗深度研究

17.Rainfall infiltration replenishment factor analysis at the plane in middle part of Liaoning province辽宁省中部平原降雨入渗补给系数分析

18.Research on the Stability of Mudstone Slope Considering Rainfall Infilitration;考虑降雨入渗条件下泥岩边坡稳定性研究


FDEM rainfall modelFDEM降雨模型

1.The seepage of unsaturated soil roadbed and the change of water content of the roadbed are studied withFDEM rainfall model.该文研究FDEM降雨模型下非饱和土路基渗流及路基含水量的变化。


4)rainfall-runoff model降雨-径流模型

5)rainfall infiltration model降雨入渗模型

6)Rainfall-runoff Model降雨径流模型


AutoCad 教你绘制三爪卡盘模型,借用四视图来建模型小弟写教程纯粹表达的是建模思路,供初学者参考.任何物体的建摸都需要思路,只有思路多,模型也就水到渠成.ok废话就不说了.建议使用1024X768分辨率 开始先看下最终效果第一步,如图所示将窗口分为四个视图第二步,依次选择每个窗口,在分别输入各自己的视图第三步,建立ucs重新建立世界坐标体系,捕捉三点来确定各自的ucs如图第四步,初步大致建立基本模型.可以在主视图建立两个不同的圆,在用ext拉升,在用差集运算.如图:第五步:关键一步,在此的我思路是.先画出卡爪的基本投影,在把他进行面域,在进行拉升高度分别是10,20,30曾t形状.如图:第六步:画出螺栓的初步形状.如图第七步:利用ext拉升圆,在拉升内六边形.注意拉升六边行时方向与拉升圆的方向是相反的.之后在利用差集运算第八步:将所得内螺栓模型分别复制到卡爪上,在利用三个视图调到与卡爪的中心对称.效果如图红色的是螺栓,最后是差集第九步:阵列第10步.模型就完成了来一张利用矢量处理的图片
