1500字范文 > 克服策略 overcoming countermeasure英语短句 例句大全

克服策略 overcoming countermeasure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-17 08:13:49


克服策略 overcoming countermeasure英语短句 例句大全

克服策略,overcoming countermeasure

1)overcoming countermeasure克服策略

1.In order to fasten the forming of students volleyball skill and enhance the teaching quality,students plateau period of motivation,thoughts,methods,physiology andovercoming countermeasures were analyzed in this paper.高原期是影响学生技能形成的重要因素,对排球普修课教学中学生因动机、思维、方法和生理等形成高原期的机理及其克服策略进行了分析,以加快学生排球技能的形成,提高排球课的教学质


1.Negative Transference in English Teaching and Learning With Overcoming Strategies;英语教学中负迁移现象及其克服策略

2.On Overcoming Strategies to Cross-cultural Obstacles in English Words Study--An Analysis on the Chinese Background Students;英语词汇学习的跨文化障碍克服策略——对汉语背景学生的分析

3.Negative Effects and Overcoming Tactics of Alternative Framework in Physical Teaching;试论体育教学中相异构想的负面影响及克服策略

4.Strategies for Overcoming Cultural Barriers in Translation;克服翻译中文化障碍的策略(英文)

5.The Effective Tactics off Overcoming Obstacles to University Student’s Human Communication;克服大学生人际交往障碍的有效策略

6.It"s just a tactical device to get over a split in their own Party.这不过是他的想要克服党内分歧的一种策略。

7.Using Cooperative Learning to Overcome Language Anxiety in EFL Learning合作学习:克服外语学习者焦虑情感的有效策略

8.Shenzhen Securicor Donar Technology Co.,Ltd s Relationship Marketing Strategy;深圳士瑞克东南服务有限公司关系营销策略

9.Tactics serve strategies.策略是为战略服务的。

10.It formulated a correct programme and correct tactics and straightened out the wrong ideas inside the Party.制定了正确的纲领和策略,克服了党内的错误思想

11.Researching and Developing Strategy of Overcoming Time-delay Infection for Telepresence Telerobot System临场感遥操作机器人系统克服时延影响的研究发展策略

12.Interpreting Strategies for Overcoming the Intercultural Communicative Barriers in Guide-interpreting Through Functionalist Approach;从功能派翻译观论克服导游口译跨文化交际障碍的汉译英策略

13.A Research on Strategies of Overcoming Difficulties in Oral English Learning with IT;信息技术在克服英语口语学习障碍中的运用策略研究

14.Logistics Based Service Recovery on Service Profit Chain;基于服务利润链的物流服务补救策略

15.A strategy for service fault tolerance in SOA一种面向服务架构中服务容错的策略

16.Tactics for the Library Construction and Service Based on the Cloud Service基于云服务的图书馆建设与服务策略

17.It can also receive the requests from PEP and make policy decisions.它也可接收来自策略执行点的策略服务请求,并进行策略决策。

18.The best approach is to admit your weakness but show that you are working on it and have a plan to overcome it.最佳策略是承认你的弱点, 但同时表明你在予以改进, 并有克服弱点的计划。


Clonal strategies克隆策略

1.The main research work and results are followed:1 Clonal Strategies based multicast algorithm.主要内容如下: 1、提出了基于克隆策略的多播路由算法,将多播树的构造问题转化为备选路径的选择问题,再利用克隆策略来处理备选路径的选择。

3)policy service策略服务

4)service strategy服务策略

1.This paper begins with the psychological situation of freshmen,analyses psychologically the problems that confront the freshmen in detail,presents the advantageous conditions that library holds,and puts forward theservice strategy to deal with adaptation of freshmen.本文从大学新生的心理现状入手 ,利用心理学理论详细分析了大学新生的适应问题和图书馆在解决大学新生适应问题中具备的有利条件 ,着重论述了图书馆解决大学新生适应问题的服务策略。

2.These service patterns have their own advantages and disadvantages,and each pattern emphasizes particularly on its ownservice strategy.这些服务模式各有其利弊和特点,在其服务策略上也各有侧重。

5)service policy服务策略

1.Simulation of Parlay overload control based onservice policy;基于服务策略的Parlay网关过载控制仿真研究

2.To deliver real-time multimedia application end-to-end QoS,Differentiated Service(DiffServ) has two key components-packet marking(classification) andservice policy.如何对多媒体网络系统中的不同的信息流进行正确的区分服务,然后对不同类别采取不同的服务策略和拥塞管理,从而对网络资源进行有效配置,是实现实时多媒体服务端到端服务质量QoS的关键步骤。

6)service tactics服务策略

1.The characteristics of the users behaviors and theservice tactics under the network environment;网络环境下查新用户信息行为特点及服务策略


克服①用坚强的意志和力量战胜(缺点、错误、坏现象、不利条件等):~急躁情绪 ㄧ~不良习气 ㄧ群策群力,~重重困难。②克制;忍受(困难):这儿的生活条件不太好,请诸位~一下。
