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文史 literature and history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-16 05:41:46


文史 literature and history英语短句 例句大全

文史,literature and history

1)literature and history文史

1.Research onliterature and history s of university mathematical teaching contents and methods;大学文史类数学教学内容与方法探索

2.The necessity of advanced mathematical teaching reform in the category ofliterature and history in colleges and universities was stated.阐述了文史类高等数学教学改革的必要性,就大学文史类数学教学内容的设置进行了探索和研究。


1.From unity to separation of literature and history -Discussion on classical Chinese biographies of official history;从“文史不分”到“文史异辙”:略议中国古代正史传记

2.Philosophy in Literature:Theory of Literature History and Construction of Literature History“文学的哲学”:文学史观与文学史的建构

3.Monumenta Germaniae Historica《日耳曼历史文献》

4.Exhibit the culture of the people of Western Kenya, prehistory, and natural history.陈列肯亚西部文化、史前史和自然史。

5.History and literature are among the arts.历史和文学属于文科。

6.A New concept on Mountain Rain--From the perspective of literary,cultural and ideological history;《山雨》新论——从文学史、文化史、思想史的视角切入

7.A Unity of External Comments and Internal History --On the literary history and Carving of the Literary D ragon;论外史内 史论合一—《文心雕龙》与文学史刍论

8.MARY BETH: Hi, Steven. . . Hi, Steven.玛丽?贝思:嗨,史蒂文??嗨,史蒂文。

9.Study on Historical Conception in the History Works of Chinese New Literature from 1950s to 1980s;1950-1980新文学史著作文学史观念研究

10.The Narration of Literary History and the Historical Evaluation of "the Literature in the 17-year Period";文学史叙述与“十七年文学”的历史评价

11.The History of Humanities Education and Humanities Education in History;人文教育的历史与历史中的人文教育

12.Describe Dragon River s History with My Graphic Pen;文学史笔写龙江——评《黑龙江文学通史》

13.The Second Existence of Literary History--On the Practice of Literary History;文学史的第二重存在——论文学史实践

14."A History of Vernacular Literature":Politics of Writing Literary History《白话文学史》:文学史书写的政治

15.Writing Literature History Should Pay Attention To Literature And History文学史教材编写应注意“文学”“史”

16.Styles,Ideas and Literature History Narratation--On Lu Xun s Compendia of Chinese Literature History;文采、意想与文学史叙述——论鲁迅的《汉文学史纲要》

17.Yuwen Suoan’s View on the History of Chinese Literature and Research Methods宇文所安的中国文学史观及文学史研究法

18.Reflection on Civilization History Research文明地对待文明的历史——关于文明史研究的思考


the history of literary history文学史学史

3)Literary and Cultural History文学文化史

4)The Chinese Cultural Revolution: A History文革文化史

1.HisThe Chinese Cultural Revolution: A History published by Cambridge University Press in June .剑桥大学出版社6月刚刚出版的,由新西兰奥克兰大学亚洲研究学院康浩教授(Paul Clark)所著的《文革文化史》(The Chinese Cultural Revolution:A History)是近年来国外唯一的一部以文革中文化艺术为主题的专著。

5)History and Culture历史文化

1.Exploration of the history and culture tourist resources in Luzhou;泸州市历史文化旅游资源开发探讨

2.On innovative spirits as a pearl in Zhenjiang history and culture;创新精神是镇江历史文化宝库中光芒四射的瑰宝——以“三星”、“双璧”、“二米”为例

3.The paper bases on the conservation and renewal planning of old-city which is along the Xiangjiang River and in the west of that in Xiangtan,and discusses how to protect and keep history and culture in old-city renewal from material-lay and immaterial-lay,so that the city memory and historic contexture will go down.结合湘潭市河西沿江旧城保护与更新项目,从物质和精神层面来探讨旧城更新中历史文化的保护和延续问题,以期保存城市记忆,延续城市历史文脉。

6)History of Tea Culture茶文化史


文史1.文书记事。 2.指文学﹑史学的著作或知识。 3.指诗话﹑文评之类的书。《新唐书.艺文志四》"丁部集录总集类"有"文史类"一目。凡所以讥评文人之得失者﹐如《文心雕龙》﹑《诗品》等﹐均列入该类。
