1500字范文 > 文论史 history of literature theory英语短句 例句大全

文论史 history of literature theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-29 06:51:10


文论史 history of literature theory英语短句 例句大全

文论史,history of literature theory

1)history of literature theory文论史

2)literary history theory文学史论


1.On Compiling Collection of Papers on Literature History;论文学史论文集的编纂——《二十世纪中国文学史论文精粹》个案评析

2.A Unity of External Comments and Internal History --On the literary history and Carving of the Literary D ragon;论外史内 史论合一—《文心雕龙》与文学史刍论

3.The Second Existence of Literary History--On the Practice of Literary History;文学史的第二重存在——论文学史实践

4.On the Secondary Language Teaching Literature "History Infiltration";试论中学语文文学教学的“文史渗透”

5.Review of Historical Meaning of Scar Literature and Introspection Literature再论伤痕文学、反思文学的文学史意义

6.On the Ideas of the Literature History in the Preface of the Brief History of Chinese Literature by Qian Zhong-shu;论钱钟书《中国文学小史序论》中的文学史观

7.On the Impact of the Han Dynasty s Historical Writings on the History of Chinese Literary Criticism;论汉代史学对中国文学批评史的影响

8.A New concept on Mountain Rain--From the perspective of literary,cultural and ideological history;《山雨》新论——从文学史、文化史、思想史的视角切入

9.Styles,Ideas and Literature History Narratation--On Lu Xun s Compendia of Chinese Literature History;文采、意想与文学史叙述——论鲁迅的《汉文学史纲要》

pilation and Concept of Literature History --Investigation on Practice and Theory of Zhan Antai’s Compiling of “History of Chinese Literature”;文学史编纂与文学史观念——詹安泰《中国文学史》编纂实践与理论考察

11.A View on Sima Qian s Obtaining the Literary Feature in Records of the Historian;从“诗言志”到“史言志”——《史记》文学发生论

12.Literary Gatherings by the Historiographer of the Sishi in Southern Dynasty;论南朝“四史”史传人物的文学赏会

13.On the Historical Views and the Period-divisions of the Chinese Literary History;论中国文学史的史观与分期、前沿问题

14.Problems on "History and Theory" in Compilation of Chinese History of Modern Literature中国现代文学史编撰中的“史与论”问题

15.The Change of Concepts in the Four History Records:from Wen Yi(Meaning) to Wen Zhang(Article) to Wen Xue(Literature);论南朝四史文义-文章-文学的概念变化

16.The Tradition and Newness of Literature History--Talk about Hakka Literature History Compendium;文学史的传统与新质——兼论《客家文学史纲》

parative Study on Wang Guowei and Hushi"s View and Research to the History of Chinese Literary王国维、胡适文学史观与文学史研究方法比较论

18.Rational Thought on the Significance of the History of Literature in the New Period Literature;理性沉思:论新时期文学的文学史意义


literary history theory文学史论

3)Shi ji lun wen《史记论文》

1.Personalities——on the biographic theory ofShi ji lun wen;言人人殊——《史记论文》的传记文学理论片谈

4)criticize literature from history以史论文

5)significance of the history of literary theory文论史意义

6)the theory of civilization history文明史理论


