1500字范文 > 观点创新 viewpoint innovations英语短句 例句大全

观点创新 viewpoint innovations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-03 18:42:36


观点创新 viewpoint innovations英语短句 例句大全

观点创新,viewpoint innovations

1)viewpoint innovations观点创新

1.Furthermore, with a view to bringing forthviewpoint innovations, we should also try to give prominence to the practicality of the article and what s more, we are also required to follow relevant principles to grasp and apply scientific methods.要搞好工会理论研究 ,就要了解我国工会理论研究的实质和现状 ;要求真务实 ,着眼于观点创新 ,突出文章的实践性 ;还要遵循相关原则 ,掌握和运用科学的方法。

2)reformation standpoint创新观点


1.He is a bold thinker, with olor=# cc0066>lots of original ideas.他是个敢于思考的人,富有创新观点。

2.Consistently Insist on Scientific and Technological Innovation--Review the Innovation Opinions of China"s Tectonics科技创新、贵在坚持——对我国大地构造中某些创新观点的回顾与反思

3.He"s a bold thinker, with lots of original ideas.他是个胆大包天的思想者,富有创新观点。

4.Non-logic cognition: a cybernetic view on education innovation;非逻辑认知:教育创新的控制论观点

5.The Technological Systemand Innovation System :Perspectives and Comparison;技术系统和创新系统:观点及其比较

6.A Case Study on the Changes in the Innovation Capability of China s Regions: a Concept Based on the Innovation System;中国区域创新能力变迁的实证分析:基于创新系统的观点

7.Theory and Practice of ZheShang Innovation--ZheShang Innovation:From Imitation to Autonomy Seminar Summary;浙商创新的理论与实践——“浙商创新:从模仿到自主”研讨会观点综述

8.For many of us, he is our role model, continually generating new ideas and refining old ones.他总是创新新的理念与观点,并对旧有的观念进行修正。

9.Empirical Research of Private Small Enterprises Innovativeness based on the Resource-based View;基于企业资源观点的民营小企业创新实证研究

10.Study on the Contents of Air Material SCM System Based on the View of Systems;基于系统观点的航材供应链管理体系创新

11.Follow the Views of Development Promoting the Innovation of Marxism Theory;用发展的观点推进马克思主文理论创新

12.Analying Several Significant Contributions on Bringing Forth New Theory of Scientific Development Viewpoint;浅析科学发展观在理论创新上的几点重大贡献

13.Research On The Main Body Of Integrated Innovation;创新主体研究:整合的观点及中国的实践

14.The Significance of the Conception of National Innovation System --From A Historical and Competent Viewpoint;国家创新系统的意义——基于历史和能力的观点

15.The selection of the technology innovation: a stand-point about technological association;企业技术创新的组织选择:关于联盟的观点

16.Market structure and technological innovation: a theory of industry organization;市场结构与技术创新:一种产业组织理论的观点

17.Innovation and Practising of the Project -Registration,Quality and Efficiency;试点项目观念的创新及实践——注册入学、严教、高出

18.Understanding Product Innovation in Chinas ManufacturingEnterprises in View of Process;从流程的观点认识我国制造企业的产品创新


reformation standpoint创新观点

3)view of systemic and dialectic innovation系统辩证创新观点

4)idea innovation观念创新

1.On theidea innovation of tourism integration development and management about the inter - administrative region;跨行政区域的旅游整合开发与管理的观念创新

2.The intension of innovation is analysed and the relations betweenidea innovation、system inno- vation、management innovation、technical innovation are discussed.剖析了创新的内涵,论述了观念创新、体制创新、管理创新和技术创新的关系,指出观念创新是一切创新的先导,体制创新可以促进也可以制约技术创新和管理创新的发展,管理创新是保证技术创新的必要手段,技术创新是一切创新活动的出发点,是企业发展的动力源泉。

3.The paper points out that improving the ability for innovation should start from the following aspects: first,theidea innovation,this is: we must abandon the force of habit and the subjective prejudice;second,we must pay attention to the innovation in terms of theory,including primitive innovation,theory integration innov.增强地勘单位的创新能力要从以下方面着手:一是观念创新,要摒弃"习惯势力和主观偏见";二要注重理论上的创新,包括原始创新、理论集成创新、模仿创新和思维创新;三要对地质勘查技术和方法进行创新;四是通过理顺体制、激活机制以及加强计划管理等方式实现管理创新。

5)Concept innovation观念创新

1.This paper expounds the urgency of library s concept innovation under the condition of knowledge-based economy,points out that the concept innovation is the precondition of all innovation,and puts forward some ideas for library s concept innovation.阐述了知识经济条件下图书馆观念创新的迫切性,指出观念创新是一切创新的前提,提出了图书馆观念创新的思路。

2.In network times the library,which wants to propel the service for readers forward and promote the development of the library cause,must change and adjust its service patterns,service contents and service methods through the concept innovation,management innovation and service innovation.网络时代,图书馆必须通过观念创新、管理创新与服务创新,变革和调整其服务方式、服务内容和服务手段,把读者服务工作不断推向前进,才能促进图书馆事业的发展。

3.She is tending to cultivate innovative talents by concept innovation,system innovation and teaching innovation.电子科技大学在创建国内外知名高水平大学的过程中 ,对如何培养创新人才进行了积极的探索与实践 ,通过不断的观念创新、制度创新和教学创新 ,努力培养具有国际竞争力的创新人才。

6)concept renovation观念创新


产品质量的统计观点产品质量的统计观点statistical viewpoints of product qualityChanPin zhiliang de tongii guandian产品质l的统计观点(statisti司,ie甲ints。fp耐uet甲ality)应用数理统计方法分析和总结产品质量规律的观点。质童管理的基本观点之一。包含这个基本观点的质量管理就是现代的质量管理,否则就是传统的质量管理。产品质量的统计观点包括以下两方面内容:①产品的质量特性值是波动的。由于产品的生产不断受着人、机、料、法、环等质量因素的影响,而这些质量因素是在不停地变化,故产品质量特性值也是波动的。工业革命后,人们逐渐认识到即使是机器生产,产品质量仍会产生一定的波动。产品公差制度的建立就表明承认产品质量是波动的。但是这段认识过程经历了一百多年之久。②产品质t特性值的波动具有统计规律性。指产品质t特性值的波动幅值及出现不同波动幅值的可能性大小,服从统计学的某些分布规律。在质量管理中,常用的分布主要有正态分布、二项分布、泊松分布等,而寿命特性值很多服从指数分布。知道了质量特性值服从什么分布,就可以利用这一点来保证与提高产品的质t。(孙静)
