1500字范文 > 工程观点 Engineering viewpoint英语短句 例句大全

工程观点 Engineering viewpoint英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-13 10:19:24


工程观点 Engineering viewpoint英语短句 例句大全

工程观点,Engineering viewpoint

1)Engineering viewpoint工程观点


1.Prominence Given to Engineering Viewpoint and Method in Teaching Principle of Chemical Engineering;化工原理课程教学中突出工程观点和方法教育

2.From An Engineering Point of View: Preliminary Discussion in Epistemology of Engineering;从工程的观点看——工程认识论初探

3.An eminent aeronautical engineer"s perspective on the history of engineering.一位杰出航天工程师关于工程历史的观点。

4.Some Key Points of the Engineering of Static Regional Greening Landscape on Urban Roads城市道路静态区域绿化景观工程施工要点

5.From an aeroplane engineers point of view, an aeroplane also is a structure.从飞机工程师的观点来看,飞机也是一个结构物。

6.Some issues on strengthening the education of the project management postgraduates;加强建筑管理工程类研究生培养的几个观点

7.Observation and Analysis on Flow Velocity & Direction at Fixed Point of Fengli Terminal Project in Jiangsu江苏丰立码头工程定点流速流向的观测与分析

8.Features of Self-embedding Landscape Reinforced Retaining Wall and the Engineering Application自嵌式景观加筋挡土墙的特点及工程应用

9.Is your opinion turning towards the Labour Party?你的观点是不是在转向工党的观点?

10.However, I want to take serious issue1 with the position your editor, Wang Zhi Qiang, takes on the Three Gorges project.但是,我不同意贵刊编辑王志强关于三峡工程的观点。

11.The convenience of this from the viewpoint of structural engineering is of course obvious.从结构工程的观点来说,这种形式的方便自然是很明显的。

12.Discussion on the Key Points of Hoosegow Administrative Work with the Scientific Development Concept;把落实科学发展观作为公安监管“三基”工程建设的着力点

13.Study on the Contracts of Public Projects--A Perspective Based on the Stakeholders Theory公共工程项目契约关系研究——一个基于利益相关者理论的观点

14.Engineering Culture from the Perspective of the Engineering Essence of "Processlism";从“过程主义”的工程本质观看工程文化

15.The View of Time in Distance Education: From the Point of View of Anthropology;远程教育的时间观——从人类学的观点看

16.Spatial View in Distant Education--from the angel of anthropology;远程教育的空间观——从人类学的观点看

17.Establishing Chemical Engineering and Technology Course System Based on the Idea of Large-scale Engineering;化学工程与工艺专业“大工程观”课程体系的构建

18.Establishing Modern Engineering Views for Training Creative Engineering Personnel;树立现代工程观 培养创新工程人才


landscape characteristics of construction projects土建工程景观特点

3)the idea of pan-engineering大工程观

1.Based onthe idea of pan-engineering,the traditional model of experimental teaching has changed in the course of laboratory construction and experimental teaching.以“大工程观”的办学理念为指导,在油气储运实验室建设与实验教学改革过程中,打破传统的以课程为主的实验教学模式,充分体现系统性、完整性、实践性和创造性,重视实验教学手段、方法和内容的改革,融入新技术,更新实验内容,建立新的实验教学体系。

4)the idea of large-scale engineering大工程观

1.The characteristic analyses of curriculum setting in America higher engineering education based onthe idea of large-scale engineering——A comparative research between MIT and STANFORD;基于大工程观的美国高等工程教育课程设置特点分析——麻省理工学院与斯坦福大学工学院的比较研究

2.According to the characteristics of the higher engineering education andthe idea of large-scale engineering,a comprehensive,systematic,practical,creative course system of chemical engineering and technology was established.针对工科高校办学特点,运用"大工程观"的综合性、系统性、实践性和创新性构建化学工程与工艺课程体系。

3.The chemical major experiment center should be founded underthe idea of large-scale engineering by coordinating and optimizing of the traditional chemical specialty laboratory.在"大工程观"教育理念指导下,优化整合原有化工类专业实验室,建立专业实验中心。

5)engineering values工程观

1.Contemporaryengineering values play an important role in engineering education.当代工程观反映了当代工程科学和工程技术与社会、经济、文化、生态交叉融合、协调构建的新趋势,对于开展工程教育和培养中国现代化建设的工程人才有重要意义。

6)engineering ideas工程观念

1.Some actions should be taken to inspire students learning interest and learning enthusiasm,help students fosterengineering ideas to combine basic theory with engineering practice,enhance students capabilities of analysis and dealing with problems."电路原理"课程是电气和电子类专业的一门主干技术基础课程,在教学过程中要充分体现出课程的工程性和实践性,调动学生的学习兴趣和学习积极性,树立理论联系实际的工程观念,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。

2.In this paper,how to link theory with practice,training ofengineering ideas,combination of basic theories and engineering on the teaching of Analog Electronic Technology are discussed.本文以集成运放电路在压力检测中的应用为例,探讨了模拟电子线路课程教学中如何将理论联系实际、如何培养工程观念、如何将基本理论与工程应用相结合等问题。

3.Based on the explaining of engineering idea,the paper discussed the cultivatingengineering ideas in chemical engineering technology teaching,from the prepare for lessons to the process of course teaching and diversification of the exam and confirmation of the exercitation.在阐述工程观念的基础上,从教师课前的备课、课堂教学的讲解、考核形式的多样化、实习实验的巩固等方面讨论了化工工艺学教学对培养与强化学生的当代工程观念的重要性。


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