1500字范文 > 民族汉考 Chinese Proficiency Test for Minorities英语短句 例句大全

民族汉考 Chinese Proficiency Test for Minorities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-31 12:51:48


民族汉考 Chinese Proficiency Test for Minorities英语短句 例句大全

民族汉考,Chinese Proficiency Test for Minorities

1)Chinese Proficiency Test for Minorities民族汉考

1.From HSK toChinese Proficiency Test for Minorities in China;从HSK到民族汉考——民族汉考刍议


1.From HSK to Chinese Proficiency Test for Minorities in China;从HSK到民族汉考——民族汉考刍议

2.Exploring of Oral Test on MHK;“民族汉考(MHK)”口语测试探讨

3.Practice and Analysis of Standard Setting on MHK;民族汉考三级分界标准的探索与分析

4.Reflections on Teaching Minority Nationality Languages to the Han Nationality Students;对汉族学生学习少数民族语言教学的思考

5.Thought on the Impact of Nationality Psychological Differentiation Towards Chinese Acquisition;中西民族心理差异对汉语习得影响的思考

6.The Analysis and Research on the Function of the Code-Switching between Uygur "Minkaohan";维吾尔族“民考汉”之间语码转换功能分析

7.Thought of improving the Efficiency in Chinese Teaching to Minorities;提高少数民族学生汉语教学效率的思考

8.Thought on Further Perfecting Chinese Testing System for Minority Students;进一步完善高校民族学生汉语测试体系的思考

9.An Analysis and Thought on the Teaching Chinese Language to Minority Ethnic Students of Xinjiang;对全疆少数民族学生汉语教学的分析和思考

10.English and Chinese Bilingual Teaching of Computer Course in Ethnic Minority College;关于民族院校计算机专业英汉双语教学的思考

11.Thoughts on Constructing a Bilingual Discipline of Mongolian and Chinese Languages in Ethnic Universities and Colleges Concerned;关于相关民族院校构建蒙汉双语学科的思考

12.Survey and Thought of Minority Students Participating in Chinese Corner;对少数民族学生汉语角活动的调查与思考

13.Ponderations on the New Works and New Meanings in Chinese Vocabulary Teaching for National Minority;关于少数民族汉语词汇教学中新词新义的思考

14.A Few Ideas about the Reform of College Entrance Examination in Chinese for Minority Nationalities in Xinjiang;关于改革新疆少数民族汉语高考的几点想法

15.Reflections on Regulation of Chinese Teaching to Ethnic Students;对少数民族汉语教学进一步规范化的思考

16.Reflections on Culture Entering Chinese Teaching for Minority Nationality;少数民族汉语教学中文化介入的几点思考

17.A Research on the Relationship between the Second and Third Language of Minority Students in Xinjiang Normal University;新疆师范大学少数民族民考民学生汉语与英语学习相关性研究

18.The Situation and Reflection on the Usage of Mandarin by Minority College Students in Xinjiang:A Case Study of Minority College Students in Shihezi University;新疆少数民族大学生汉语使用状况与思考——石河子大学少数民族大学生汉语使用调查



3)Test of Chinese Language Ability for Ethnic Minorities少数民族汉语水平考试

4)Han nationality汉民族

1.On names of persons in ancient China sHan nationality;中国古代汉民族人名文化

2.The unified environment during the period of the Qing and Han Dynasties created an excellent atmosphere for the cultural exchange betweenHan nationality and other minorities around.秦汉时期大一统的环境为汉民族与周边少数民族间的文化交流创造了良好的氛围,饮食文化交流也异常活跃。

3.The factors which makeHan nationality to be the largest nationality in the world are complicated.汉民族成为世界第一大民族的因素颇多,其中最主要的因素是:巩固的地域和稳定的经济生活;强烈的民族意识和强大的民族凝聚力:悠久发达的历史文化。

5)English and Chinese nations英汉民族

6)the Han Nationality汉民族

1.A Brief Research on the Material Culture Legacy ofthe Han Nationality in Southern Xinjiang Being in Imminent Danger;浅析汉民族物质文化遗产在南疆的濒危现状

2.Look atthe Han Nationality s View of Cultural Value from Everyday Euphemism;从日常委婉语看汉民族的文化价值观

3.Cultural mentality perspective of the Han nationality in verbal communication;言语交际中的汉民族文化心理透视


