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水平考试 proficiency test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-19 20:54:39


水平考试 proficiency test英语短句 例句大全

水平考试,proficiency test

1)proficiency test水平考试

1.The new goal of testing candidates comprehensive abilities set in the revised version means a return from achievement test toproficiency test,a beginning step that has a profound significance.新考纲提出测试学生综合应用能力这一新的考试目的,意味着开始了从教学考试向水平考试回归的旅程,这启始的一步具有非常积极的意义。


1.English: This year I am determined to pass the HSK proficiency test.中文:今年我要试试考汉语水平考试。

2.National Proficiency Test of Putonghua国家普通话水平考试

3.The English Proficiency Test英语水平考试 考试大纲(征求意见稿)

4.The Reconsideration of Equating Design of HSK;关于汉语水平考试等值设计的新思考

5.A study of the theoretical viewpoints and standardization of Putonghua Proficiency Test;普通话水平考试的理论思考与标准化

6.The Advanced Chinese Proficiency Test and Its Reading Test Research;高等汉语水平考试及其阅读测试研究

7.The Comparison between the HSK(Advanced)Construct Validity and the C.TEST Construct Validity;中国汉语水平考试与实用汉语水平认定考试构想效度检验

8.To get the job he has to pass a proficiency test .为得到这份工作他必须通过水平考试。

9.From HSK to MHK:The Chinese Language Proficiency Test in Xinjiang从HSK到MHK——汉语水平考试在新疆

10.A Glimpse of the Test Design for Science Experiment in Achievement Testing System for High Schools;高中学业水平考试实验考查方案设计探析

11.TOEFL is the Test of English as a Foreign Language.托福是测试英语作为一门外语的水平考试。

12.Examinations also lower the standards of teaching.考试也使教学水平降低。

13.Some thoughts about the "speaking" test item of PSC;对普通话水平测试“说话”试项的思考

14.This examination is intended to separate the sheep from the goats.这次考试就是想区分一下水平高低。

15.How to Improve Students Performance in PRETCO Level A and B in Teaching;在教学中提高A、B级英语考试水平

16.Reflections about "Topic-Speaking" in Level Test of Putonghua;对普通话水平测试中“说话”的思考

17.On the Thoughts of Pre-examination Training in PSC;关于普通话水平测试测前培训的思考

18.Thoughts on regularization of Putonghua test;关于规范普通话水平测试工作的思考


test horizontal level考试水平级

3)qualification and level test资格和水平考试


1.The Reconsideration of Equating Design ofHSK;关于汉语水平考试等值设计的新思考

2.On the Test of Passage Knowledge inHSK;汉语水平考试中的语段测试

pared with the study of the standard test of Chinese language level(HSK), PSC is weak in terms of degree of difficulty,trust and efficiency.与汉语水平考试(HSK)的研究相比,普通话水平测试(PSC)在难度、信度、效度等方面的研究显得还很薄弱,而难度、信度、效度都是衡量测试质量高低的重要指标。

5)computer proficiency计算机水平考试

1.Based on the present technology,we put up a practical and feasible online plan toensure the normal running ofcomputer proficiency test.在现有的技术条件下,提出一个切实可行的连网方案,使计算机水平考试系统能够在网上正常运行。

6)Test for computer software proficency软件水平考试


