1500字范文 > 1~19岁人群 The group between the age of 1 and 19英语短句 例句大全

1~19岁人群 The group between the age of 1 and 19英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-13 11:54:16


1~19岁人群 The group between the age of 1 and 19英语短句 例句大全

1~19岁人群,The group between the age of 1 and 19

1)The group between the age of 1 and 191~19岁人群


1.Analysis of HBV infection status between age of 1 and 19 in Ali District阿里地区1~19岁人群乙肝病毒感染情况调查分析

2.Surveillance of DPT Antibody in Healthy Population Aged 2-19 in Henan Province河南省2~19岁健康人群百日咳 白喉 破伤风抗体水平监测

3.One19- year-old had started putting Harvey down in front of the others.一位19岁的青年当着众人贬哈维。

4.Analysis on Hepatitis B Vaccine Coverage among the Population of 1~59 Years Old in Shandong Province山东省1~59岁人群乙型肝炎疫苗接种情况调查分析

5.Dongxihu District is a well-known home of longevity, with32590- years-old and19 hundred-years-old.武汉著名长寿之乡,有90岁以上老人325人,百岁以上寿星19人。

6.At about the age of 1 or 2 years the wolf is ready to leave the pack and start his own.狼在1-2岁时离开狼群,开始独自生活。

7.He was called a man "soaring up to the sky", and he was the only best athlete in this Asian Games. He was only 19 years old. His height was 1.93 meters.他是这届亚运会唯一的一名最佳运动员,年仅19岁,身高1米93。

8.Tampa Bay has managed only three runs in 19 1/3 innings against the 37- year-old in .坦帕湾在面对这名37岁投手主投的19又1/3局中,只得到3分。

9.A Survey of Eugenic Knowledge and Attitudes AmongIndividuals in Childbearing Age from 19 to 35Years Old in Shandong Province;山东省19—35岁育龄人口优生知识与态度调查

10.Knowledge of Eugenism and Attitude to Eugenism: A Survey of the Child - bearing Population Aged 19-35 in Shangdong;山东省19-35岁育龄人口优生知识与态度调查

11.Shingles affects about one million people in the USA alone- it most commonly affects people over the age of50.带状疱疹病仅在美国就导致1百多万人患病-一般疾病影响的是50岁以上的人群。

12.The average age of the students is 19.学生的平均年龄是19岁.

13.At the age of nineteen he began his duty.他19岁时开始服兵役。

14.Since joining the Black Cats the19- year-old defender has been a key figure in their rampant surge up the Championship table.加入黑猫之后,这位19岁的后卫成为了联赛中的重要人物。

15.On September 1, 1651, in the seaport town of Hull, the nineteen-year-old Boy decides to ship aboard a vessel Bound for London.1651年9月1日,在海港城市赫尔,这个19岁的小伙子决定登上一艘驶往伦敦的船只。

16.The first people immunlized with inactivated vaccine against HFRS was 30~39 age group and the next peoples were 40~49 age and 20~29 age group;30~39岁年龄组,其次是40~49岁和20~29岁年龄组是首选接种人群;

17.Queiroz now cannot wait to work with Nani, 20, and Anderson, 19, honing their potential.奎罗兹简直迫不及待要与20岁的纳尼和19岁的安德森共事。他们潜力惊人。

18.there were 32 male and 11 female,aged from 19 to 67 years(average 26.8 years old);年龄19~67岁,平均年龄26.8岁。


Healthy persons under 19 years19岁以下正常人群

3)Non-diagnostic groups below 19 years19岁以下无症状人群

4)Population under 15 years old≤15岁人群

5)children aged 4-17 years4~17岁人群

6)in one"s teens在13岁到19岁时


