1500字范文 > 职中语文 Chinese teaching in vocational school英语短句 例句大全

职中语文 Chinese teaching in vocational school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-07 10:52:18


职中语文 Chinese teaching in vocational school英语短句 例句大全

职中语文,Chinese teaching in vocational school

1)Chinese teaching in vocational school职中语文

1.The booming of the Yi zhong-tian lecture room send spring to theChinese teaching in vocational schools.易中天式的百家讲坛的火爆,给改革中的职中语文送来了一阵春风。

2)Chinese language in vocational school中职语文


1.The Views on the Tendency of Vocational Quality of Chinese Teaching Innovation in Vocational School;论职业素质取向的中职语文教学改革

2.Aesthetic Education of Ancient Chinese Teaching Process in Vocational Schools;在中职语文文言文教学中进行审美教育

3.The Research of Developing Students Oral Communication Ability in Chinese Teaching in Technical Secondary Schools;中职语文教学中培养学生口语交际能力之研究

4.The Integration of Chinese Classroom Teaching and Information Technology in Secondary Vocational School;中职语文课堂教学与信息技术的整合

5.On Humane Education of the Teaching of Chinese in Vocational High Schools;浅谈职业中学语文教学中的人文教育

6.The Study of Cultivating Oral Communication Competence for the Students in Vocational Schools中职学生语文口语交际能力培养研究

7.Humanities Character Education in Chinese Education of Higher Vocational College;高职院校语文教学中的人文素质教育

8.The Content of Literary Theory in the Course of College Chinese for Junior Colleges;高职高专大学语文中的文学理论教学

9.Enhance Humanistic Spirit Education in Chinese Teaching of Advanced Technical College注重高职语文教育中的人文精神培养

10.On the Cultivation of Cultural Awareness in English Teaching at Secondary Vocational Schools;职业中学英语教学中文化意识的培养

11.The Culture Consciousness Seepage in English Teaching in Higher Vocational Education;高职英语教学中的中西文化意识渗透

12.On Chinese Cultural Teaching in English Education in Vocational Colleges;试论高职英语教学中的中国文化教学

13.Contrastive Analysis of Speech Acts between Chinese and English Application Letters中英文求职信中的言语行为对比分析

14.Chinese New Standards and the Ancient Chinese Teaching in Vocation Technical School;语文新课程标准与职业高中文言文教学

15.Cultivation of Intercultural Awareness in English Teaching in Vocational Technical College;高职英语教学中跨文化意识培养研究

16.An Experiment of Cultural Teaching in the EFLT of Secondary Vocational Schools;职业学校英语教学中的文化教学试验

17.On Secondary Vocational School Chinese Language Teaching and Quality Education;谈中等职业学校语文教学与素质教育

18.The Study on Development of Chinese Teaching Materials in Vocational School in Jiangsu Porvince;江苏省职业高中语文教材的发展研究


Chinese language in vocational school中职语文

3)Chinese class in secondary professional school for the deaf聋中职语文课

4)Chinese Teaching in Vocational Technical School职业中专语文

5)Chinese In Vocational School职业中学语文

6)Chinese textbook for vocational school中职语文教材

1.For ages, researches onChinese textbook for vocational schools have been carried out slowly and unsystematically.为此,笔者在对中职语文课程的性质、培养目标进行重新认识的基础上,以江苏教育出版社2001年版中职语文教材为研究对象,深入剖析了该教材在编写体例、选文、作业设计以及呈现方式等方面的特点,并指出了教材编写方面存在的一些问题:职教特色不突出、拓展延伸不充分、序列安排不完善、低起点问题未能解决、选文系统有待改进等等。


语文教学中发掘文学作品的教育作用语文教学中发掘文学作品的教育作用making use of the educational function of literary works in Chinese teaching语文教学中发掘文学作品的教育作用(making use of the edueational funetionof literary works in chinese teaehing)青少年学生由于缺乏经验,直接自发地从文学作品中接受教育是有限的,因此,语文教学要发挥教师的主导作用,使文学作品能对学生发挥较大的教育作用,就需要注意以下几点:(l)教师要探情、注重迁情,做到文章情、学生情、教师情的三情合一。(2)适当疏通文字、沟通今古,以促进理解,便于展开联想与想像。(3)创设情境,引导学生进入意境,产生共鸣,得到体验。创设情境既可运用直观手段创设相应气氛,也可以是提出问题造成愤徘状态。如学习《祝福》后,可以提问:鲁迅写的是祥林嫂的悲惨命运,为什么用祝福这个吉祥的词作标题?启发学生深挖主题思想,进入意境,把握艺术形象,形成共鸣。创设情境是为了诱发学生的联想和想像以获得相应的情感体验,是为了进入作品的意境引发共鸣便于内化。要努力引导学生把作品的语言文字诉诸形象,自觉调节表象形成想像,才能进入意境。这就需要引导学生发现和欣赏作品中的景物美、人物美和意境美。在想像中受到感情的熏陶、得到难以言传的美的享受,在物我相融中陶冶情操。(4)必须拨动学生情感的琴弦,要感而动之。主要是使学生通过想像的替代作用进入意境,在物我相融中受到感染,由表同而认同,将作品的高尚情操悦纳内化为自己的心灵。(5)在把美育与德育结合起来的同时,也要在美的鉴赏中进行创造性的实践活动。(6)在文学鉴赏指导中,要注意限制一些消极作用,进行正面引导。(梁息全撰巨巫查{审)
