1500字范文 > 新课程目标 new curriculum objective英语短句 例句大全

新课程目标 new curriculum objective英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-17 05:37:40


新课程目标 new curriculum objective英语短句 例句大全

新课程目标,new curriculum objective

1)new curriculum objective新课程目标

1.A strategy of realizing thenew curriculum objective:Introducing knowledge of physics history into physics teaching;引入物理学史知识有助于物理学新课程目标的实现


1.The Culural Innovation For the New Curriculum Goal and the Nation Basic Educational Curriculum Goal;新课程目标与民族基础教育课程目标的文化创新

2.The maneuverability analysis of the new curriculum target for compulsory education;义务教育新课程目标的可操作性分析

3.On the Strategy of History Teaching Carrying out the New Course Goal历史教学实现新课程目标的策略研究

4.NEW COURSE NEW ROLE NEW CONCEPTION--Teaching conception and accomplishment of the new course;新课程 新角色 新理念——漫谈新课程目标下的教师的素养和教学理念

5.The Goals of New Chemistry Curriculum (Process and Method) and Its Appraisal Implementation Research;化学新课程目标(过程与方法)及其评价实施研究

6.New Course Goal and Developmental Classroom Teaching Evaluation:The Case of Senior Middle School Chemistry Classroom Teaching;新课程目标与发展性课堂教学评价——以高中化学课堂教学为例

7.Hidden Curriculum: An Important Resource of the Latest Curriculum Reform;隐性课程:新课程改革目标的重要资源

8.Designs of Mathematics Classroom Teaching Objective on New High School Curriculum Standards;新高中课程标准下数学课堂教学目标的设计

9.Thinks on the New Idea and Aim of PE Curriculum in College and University;关于高校体育新课程理念及课程目标的思考

10.The Development of College PE′s Objective under the Thought of New Curricula;新课程理念下高校体育课程目标的发展

11.The Understanding of Integrated Three-dimensional Objective of New Geography Course;对地理新课程“三维目标”整合的认识

12.Analysis on the Judgement of Chinese P.E.Curriculum Objectives in New Period;新时期我国体育课程目标取向的论析

13.The Objectives of Emotion,Attitude and Values in New Curricula;新课程中的情感、态度与价值观目标

14.The Design of Mathematics Classroom Teaching Goals in Deaf Schools under the Background of the New Curriculum;新课程背景下聋校数学课堂教学目标的设计

15.The Design of Biology Classroom Teaching Goals on the Background of the New Curriculum;新课程背景下生物课堂教学目标的设计

16.A Study on the Designing of Teaching Objectives of Senior School Physics Based on the New Curriculum Standard基于新课程标准的高中物理教学目标设计研究

17.The Interaction between Departmental Selfishness and the Purpose of the Course on Teaching Practice of History and Social Science under New Curricula;主体本位与课程目标之互动——历史与社会新课程课堂教学实践探讨

18.Locating Teaching Goal and Task for Engineering Drawing Again;重新定位工程制图课程的教学目标和任务


Mathematical new curricular target数学新课程目标

3)New Geography Curriculum System地理新课程目标

1.Study on Case Teaching Based onNew Geography Curriculum System;地理新课程目标体系下的案例教学研究

4)curriculum goal课程目标

1.In view of the status quo of common curriculum of educational technology at normal universities,the paper discusses teaching reforms of common curriculum of educational technology at normal universities,which should take the curriculum construction as the core,clarify thecurriculum goal,standardize teaching content,and explore proper teaching patterns and multi-element teaching evaluation system.针对我国高师教育技术公共课的现状,对高师教育技术公共课的教学改革作了一些探讨,认为高师教育技术公共课的教学改革应以课程建设为核心,明确课程目标,规范教学内容,探讨适宜的教学模式和多元化的教学评价体系。

2.The article reckons that in order to set up acurriculum goal, the first thing should be to discuss the generating resource of thecurriculum goal.确立高职语文课程目标首先要探讨的问题是课程目标的生成来源问题,指出高职语文课程目标主要会受到四个方面的制约:学生成长需要的直接驱动、语文课程范式的内在促成、高职教育目标的本质牵制、社会发展需要的外围制约。

5)course objective课程目标

1.To meet the demands of professional training scheme and enlarge students employment,the course teaching contents were in accordance with thecourse objectives adjusted and improved with the cultivation of technical application competence as the cardinal line,in the teaching practice of Environmental Engineering Construction Technology,thus straightening the teaching contents.为满足专业培养方案要求,扩宽学生的就业岗位,在"环境工程施工技术"教学实践中,根据课程目标,以技术应用能力培养为主线对课程教学内容进行了调整与完善,理顺了教学内容,初步形成了具有高职教育特色的课程教学内容体系。

2.The author points out that ESP teachers in China should conduct a series of needs analyses before starting the course,as it provides a valuable insight into the way thatcourse objectives and syllabus is to be set up.笔者认为,专业教师应该根据实际情况开展需求分析,以明确课程目标和教学大纲。

3.In the curriculum standard,the concept of "course objective" is used.在课程标准中使用了“课程目标”的概念,它作为课程标准的核心部分,是指导整个课程编制过程最为关键的准则,是课程编制的起点和终点。

6)course target课程目标

1.On the Construction of the Wushu Course Target of Colleges and Universities;论高校武术课程目标的构建

2.And it establishes eightcourse targets of university special physical education course from showing loving care for life in order to make sure that the disabled students can get the high limit right of learning physical education.采用文献资料调研、调查等研究方法,对当前特殊体育课程目标与现实教学存在脱节的现象进行分析讨论,从生命关怀的视域确立大学特殊体育课程的八大课程目标,以保证身体练习障碍学生最大限度获得体育学习的权利。

3.The article analyses the worrying status of the higher teacher pedagogy in our country,and clearly explains the important positions and the active functions of thecourse target in construction.本文从分析我国高师教育学课程教学令人忧思的现状入手,明晰了课程目标在课程建设过程中的重要地位和积极作用,按照教师专业化发展的需求,本着教师教育为基础教育服务的原则,提出了教育学课程“三位一体”的课程目标,在此基础上对全面进行高师教育学课程改革,提升教学的有效性提出了几点建议。


