1500字范文 > 地理新课程 new geography curriculum英语短句 例句大全

地理新课程 new geography curriculum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-08 06:05:01


地理新课程 new geography curriculum英语短句 例句大全

地理新课程,new geography curriculum

1)new geography curriculum地理新课程

1.This article will analyse and uncover the definition,aim,rule,mode and method of the integration betweennew geography curriculum and information technology in theory .本文从理论层面对地理新课程与信息技术整合的定义、目标、原则、模式以及方法等理论体系进行较为全面地分析、探讨,试图为广大基础教育阶段的地理教师进行地理新课程与信息技术整合提供理论依据,也为未来地理教师的成长提出了素养方向。

2.In this paper, basing on thenew geography curriculum theory, geography teaching theory, effective teaching theory and modern learning theory, analysis the philosophies ,the conditions and the strategies of the effective teaching.本文以地理新课程理论、地理教学论、有效教学论和现代学习理论等为指导,从有效教学的涵义、特征、理论基础等方面阐述有效教学的理念,从地理新课程的实施、地理教师的素养等方面分析地理新课程有效教学的条件,探讨了地理新课程有效教学的策略。


1.Geography New Curriculum Effective Teaching Practice Research;地理新课程有效课堂教学的实践研究

2.Execution of Geography New Course and Teaching Ability of Geography Teacher;地理新课程实施与地理教师教学能力

3.New Geographic Course and the Educational Reform ofGeography in Normal Universities ;地理新课程与高师地理教学改革初探

4.Theoretical Study and Practice on the Effective New Geography Curriculum Teaching;地理新课程有效教学理论研究与实践

5.Simply Discussing the Research Study under the New Conception of the Geography Course;地理新课程理念下的研究性学习初探

6.Researching of Integration of New Geography Curriculum with Information Technology;地理新课程与信息技术整合理论研究

7.Ecological Care about New Geography Curriculum Teaching Methods;地理新课程教学方法的生态关怀研究

8.The Understanding of Integrated Three-dimensional Objective of New Geography Course;对地理新课程“三维目标”整合的认识

9.Using the Ideas of the New Curriculum to Guide Today s Geography Classroom Teaching;用新课程理念引领现代地理课堂教学

10.Research on the New Concept Pedagogic Innovation in Geography Course of Teachers′ College;新课程理念下高师地理教材教法课程教学改革

11.To the new curriculum:the design and innovation of the Geography teaching;走进新课程:论地理教学的设计与创新

12.Research on the Development and Practice of Teaching Case in High School Geography Optional Course;新课程高中地理选修课程教学案例开发与实践

13.On the Function of the Environment Education of Geography in Senior Middle Schools on the Background of the New Curriculum;论新课程标准下高中地理课程的环境教育功能

14.The Cultivation of Geographic Thinking Ability under the Idea of the New Curriculum;新课程理念下地理思维能力培养研究

15.Geography Teacher s Quality Structure under the New Curriculum Reform Ideas;新课程理念下地理教师素质结构研究

16.Study on Ideological Standard of New Curriculum and in Use of Design for Junior School Geographical Class;新课程标准理念与初中地理课堂教学设计研究

17.The Construction of Evaluation Criteria of Class Scheme for High School Geography Based on the New Curriculum新课程理念下中学地理说课评价标准的构建

18.The Research of Selection about Human Geography in High School Geographic Textbook under the New Concept of Curriculum新课程理念下高中地理教材人文地理选择研究


New curriculum of geography地理新课程

1.The Condition, Problem and Countermeasures of New Curriculum of Geography in Junior High School in County;第二章通过对安庆市宜秀区农村几所初中地理教育的调查,分析农村初中地理教育现状和地理新课程取得的成果。

3)new curriculum reform of geography地理新课程改革

4)new senior high school geography curriculum高中地理新课程

1.By analyzing thenew senior high school geography curriculum distance research and training program in ,we know that the web distance research and training is suitable to adult learning and can help balance the professional development resources among different areas for geography teachers.高中地理新课程远程研修的案例分析表明,基于计算机技术的网络远程教育适合成人学习个性化要求高的特点,有利于平衡地区之间地理教师专业发展所用资源。

5)new standard of geological courses地理新课程标准

6)new geography curriculum standard新地理课程标准


部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)sectorial or thematic military geographybumen huo zhuanti lunshi diliXue部门或专题军事地理学(sec‘orial orthematie military geography)见军事地理学。
