1500字范文 > 魏碑课程 Wei dynasty carving course英语短句 例句大全

魏碑课程 Wei dynasty carving course英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-27 21:05:41


魏碑课程 Wei dynasty carving course英语短句 例句大全

魏碑课程,Wei dynasty carving course

1)Wei dynasty carving course魏碑课程

1.In China Institute of Fine Arts,in the teaching ofWei dynasty carving course,it is innovative and effective to combine techniques and concepts in situational teaching.在美院魏碑课程教学中把技术性与理念培养融汇于情境教学,行之有效而发前人之所未发。

2)Wei rubbings魏碑

1.Wei rubbings is one kind of new calligraphy style that appears during Southern and Northern Dynasties time in our country.魏碑是我国南北朝时期出现的一种新书体,它主要包括北魏、东魏、西魏、北齐、北周时期的各种石刻书迹,由于在北朝元魏时期最为盛行,故称其为“北魏体”简称“魏碑”或“北碑”。

2.Wei rubbings are the general terms of stone inscription and calligraphy of Northern Wei dynasty and the Northern and Southern Dynasties,which are similar to calligraphic styles of Northern Wei dynasty.魏碑,是北魏以及与北魏书风相近的南北朝碑志石刻书法的泛称,是汉代隶书向唐代楷书发展的过渡。


1.The reason that Yu developed a love for Northern Wei stone tablets is that the style encourages a valiant spirit through their bold and vigorous style.于右任所以喜欢魏碑,是因为魏碑有"尚武"精神,有粗犷豪放之气。

2.On the Culture of Wei Rubbings of Beiwei Dynasty in Luoyang and Datong--Taking Grottoes as a Center试论北魏大同、洛阳的魏碑文化——以石窟为中心

3.One can tell from a piece of calligraphy whether the writer has or has not seen a great number of Wei rubbings.一个人看见一幅字,便可以知道写字者有没有看过许多魏碑。

4.Tang Dynasty Surpassed Six Dynasty of Han and Wei in Epitaph Style试论唐代碑志对汉魏六朝碑志的发展与超越

5.Studying Up on the Northern Wei Dynasty Stone Tablet Inscription Ode to the Emperor’s South Inspection Tour北魏《皇帝南巡之颂》碑考察报告

6.The northern stone tablet calligraphy originated in the Northern Dynasties (386-581) and the Sui Dynasty (581-618).碑刻为北派,以赵、燕、魏、齐、周、隋为序,

7.Distinctive Features of Chinese Characters with Likeness in Form from the Steles of Six Dynasties From the Han to the Wei Dynasty;从汉魏六朝碑刻看形似字的区别特征

8.A Study on Synonymous Coordinate Compounds of Inscription in Southern and Northern Dynasties魏晋南北朝碑刻同义并列复合词研究

9.A Preliminary Conception of Literal Research of the Stele Inscriptions in the Han,Wei,and Northern and Southern Dynasties;汉魏晋南北朝碑刻文献文字研究的初步设想

10.The Modes and Style Evolvement of Joss Statues in North Henan Made in the Dynasty of Bei Wei (II);北魏豫北佛教造像碑的样式特征与风格演变(下)

11.The Modes and Style Evolvement of Joss Statues In North Henan made in the Dynasty of Bei Wei(I);北魏豫北佛教造像碑的样式特征与风格演变(上)

12.The Military Officer System in the Court Garrison in the Early Period of the Northern Wei Dynasty: A Record in Emperor Wencheng s Nanxunbei (Inscription of South Inspection);文成帝《南巡碑》所见北魏前期禁卫武官制度

13.Deified Stele and New Image Pattern--Cognizing and Reading Laojun"s Image Stele by Cai Hong of the West Wei Dynasty in Rui City in Shanxi Province神化的碑文及新样的造像——山西芮城县西魏《蔡洪造太上老君像碑》的识读

14.The discovery of the tablet Ode to the Emperor’s inspection tour of the South has offered nevv historical material for the research work in the field of ancieiit history of China,es-pecially history of Northern Wei Dynasty and national minorities.北魏《皇帝南巡之颂》碑的出土,为中国古代史特别是北魏史和民族史的研究,提供了新的史料;

15.For example, while in Beijing, he was introduced to Li Ruiquan, who tutored him in the script styles of the Northern Wei dynasty steles.例如,在北京时,他被介绍给李瑞荃,李教他北魏石碑的手迹风格。

16.Aesthetic Tropism about Sizing Up Personality of Han and Wei --Comparing of Epigraph Cai Yong Writing and Liu Shao’s < Personality Records>;汉魏人物品鉴的审美取向——蔡邕所撰碑文与刘邵《人物志》的比较

17.From Volume Thirtieth of Jin Shi Cui Bian to View the Systems of Monk Officials in the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi Dynasties;从《金石萃编》卷30《敬史君碑》看东魏、北齐的僧官制度

18.A monument commemorating the dead.墓碑纪念死者的纪念碑


Wei rubbings魏碑

1.Wei rubbings is one kind of new calligraphy style that appears during Southern and Northern Dynasties time in our country.魏碑是我国南北朝时期出现的一种新书体,它主要包括北魏、东魏、西魏、北齐、北周时期的各种石刻书迹,由于在北朝元魏时期最为盛行,故称其为“北魏体”简称“魏碑”或“北碑”。

2.Wei rubbings are the general terms of stone inscription and calligraphy of Northern Wei dynasty and the Northern and Southern Dynasties,which are similar to calligraphic styles of Northern Wei dynasty.魏碑,是北魏以及与北魏书风相近的南北朝碑志石刻书法的泛称,是汉代隶书向唐代楷书发展的过渡。

3)Wei dynasty stele carved stone魏碑刻石

4)advocating Wei Inscription尊魏碑

1.Objectively speaking,advocating Wei Inscription, giving up model copies, a.康有为认为书法艺术发展到清末 ,帖因翻刻过多 ,已失其本来神韵 ,唐碑不得自然之美 ,故应尊魏碑。

5)handwriting style of Wei tablet魏碑体

6)innovation in Wei rubbings魏碑精神


