1500字范文 > 奇观叙事 narration of marvelous spectacle英语短句 例句大全

奇观叙事 narration of marvelous spectacle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-20 13:12:19


奇观叙事 narration of marvelous spectacle英语短句 例句大全

"奇观"叙事,narration of marvelous spectacle

1)narration of marvelous spectacle"奇观"叙事

2)the narration of the five remarkable books奇书叙事


1.Folk Legends and Their Intact Length;民间传奇与完整长度——90年代长篇小说所追求的两大奇书叙事特征

2.Narrative Style of Anecdotal Trivia in Historical Works of Southern Dynasty论南朝史书杂采奇闻轶事的叙事方式——以南朝范晔《后汉书》为例

3.Revolutionary Narration and Traditional Patterns in the Revolutionary Hero Legend Novels;革命书写超越中的羁绊——十七年革命英雄传奇小说中的模式化叙事

4.Destiny and Allegory--The Revival about Writing Conception of the Five Master Works in the Nineties Novels;宿命与寓言——奇书理念在90年代长篇小说叙事中的复活

5.Sima Qian s curiosity and fantastic beauty ofRecords of the Historianin narrative style;略论司马迁的好奇与《史记》叙事之奇美

6.From Historical Literary Narrative to Oral Narrative in-Performance;从历史性书面叙事到表演性口头叙事

7.The Art of Narrative Viewpoint of Tang s Legend and the Independence of Its Style;唐传奇叙事视角艺术及其叙事文体的独立

paring Narration of Song and Yuan s Script With That of Teleplay;话本“书场叙事”与电视剧“拟书场叙事”比较研究

9.The Special Narration of the Chinese Films;说书人叙事——中国电影中的独特叙事角度

10.The Narrative Characteristics of "the Red Legend" and Its Current Fate;“红色传奇”的叙事特征及其当代命运

11.Analysis of the Narrative Technique and Intelligence in The Da Vinci Code;《达·芬奇密码》的叙事策略及其智慧表达

12.Legend and Myth:the Subject of Modern Family Narratives;传奇与神话:现代家族叙事主题一种

13.The Rational Thoughts and the Deviational Thoughts of Chinese Advertising Narration;中国广告叙事“奇”、“正”思维辨析

14.On Bai Juyi s Narrative Poem "Changhenge";“传奇”的叙事——论白居易的《长恨歌》

15.Mediocrity and Special--Structure Pattern of ZHANG Ai-ling s Romance Narrating;常与非常——张爱玲《传奇》叙事之结构模式

16.The Narrative Mental Time Pattern of ZHANG Ai-ling s Romance;论张爱玲《传奇》叙事的心理时间模式

17.Qi: the Essential Esthetic Characteristic of Ancient Chinese Narrative Literature;“奇”:中国古代叙事文学的根本审美特征

18.An Interpretation of Three Encounters from the Perspective of Greimas" Structural Narratology从格雷马斯叙事学视角解读《三次奇遇》


the narration of the five remarkable books奇书叙事

3)Narration legend叙事传奇

4)narration in legend传奇叙事

1.Thenarration in legend in this historical period was in a dilemma.时期(1949-1966年)的革命历史小说通常以传奇叙事演绎无产阶级革命崇高理想。

5)narrative montage叙事蒙太奇

6)montage narrating蒙太奇叙事

1.Yan Geling\"s novels have the characteristics ofmontage narratings in plot development and details.严歌苓的小说在情节发展和细节处理上具有蒙太奇叙事的特点。


