1500字范文 > 游历叙事 narratives of travel英语短句 例句大全

游历叙事 narratives of travel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-07 21:01:48


游历叙事 narratives of travel英语短句 例句大全

游历叙事,narratives of travel

1)narratives of travel游历叙事

1.When delving into thenarratives of travel in Genesis,the first book of Bible,we find that the element of movement plays a dominant role in the biblical narratives,especially the displacement of the characters,which is one important means for the narrator to display the space background in Genesis.对《圣经·创世记》的游历叙事进行了考察,发现移动因素在《圣经》叙事中占有支配性的地位,在卷首的《创世记》中,人物的移位是叙事者展示空间场景的一种重要手段,多样化的游历叙事增添了《创世记》的叙事艺术品质。


1.Diversity and Unity:the Narratives of Travel in Genesis多元而统一:《圣经·创世记》的游历叙事

2.Decoding Maugham"s Historical Narrative from His Travelogue On a Chinese Screen从《在中国屏风上》解读毛姆游记的历史叙事

3.From Historical Literary Narrative to Oral Narrative in-Performance;从历史性书面叙事到表演性口头叙事

4.The Theoretical Point for the Comparison Between Literary Narrative and Historical Narrative;文学叙事与历史叙事比较的理论基点

5.Narrative Strategy: Between Fiction and Fact -A New Historicist Reading of Maxine Hong Kingston s China Men;游走于虚构与现实间的叙事策略——汤亭亭《中国佬》的新历史主义解读

6.History is silent on the subject.历史没有叙述这件事。

7.The Narrativity of History and the Historicity of Narrative: Hayden White s Poetics of History;历史的叙事性与叙事的历史性——海登·怀特的历史诗学

8.Historic Narrative: The Constructions of Textual Significance and Narrative Strategy;历史叙事:文本意义与叙事策略的多样建构

9.On the Narrative Latitudes and Models of the Historical Novels by Famous Writers during the 1930 s;论30年代名家历史小说的叙事纬度与叙事模式

10.Historical Narratives: Their Fictitious Narrative Indirectness and Its Effect;中国历史叙事中的间接虚构叙事及其效果

11.History,Personage and Minutia--Historical Narrative in JIN ke"s "The Country Gentlemen"历史·人物·细节——论金科《乡贤》的历史叙事

12.Understanding Historical Literature:Narrative Configuration and Historical Sense理解历史文学:叙事塑形与历史意识

13.Narration: Between Pattern and Effect --On the Narrative Art of The Travel of Lao-can;叙事:在模式与效果之间——论《老残游记》的叙事艺术

14.long film,story,etc dealing with heroic deeds and exciting adventures叙述英雄事迹和历险的电影、故事等

15.From Historical Explanation to Historical Narrative:A Review of Translations of Historical Philosophy;从历史解释到历史叙事——评《历史哲学译丛》

16.Construct Chinese History in Memory and Narrative--about Historical Narrative Means of Spring Moon;在记忆与叙事中建构中国的历史——论《春月》的历史叙事手段

17.THE HISTORICAL EXISTENCE OF LITERATURE AND NARRATION--On Hayden White s Postmodernistic Historical Narration;文学与叙事之维的历史存在——论海登·怀特的后现代历史叙事学

18.Fiction and Narrative Style;虚构与叙述方式——兼谈历史编纂与叙事文学在叙述方式上的分野


historical narration历史叙事

and Lines:Time and Space──On Yu She and its femininehistorical narration;网和线:“时间性”与“空间化”——论《羽蛇》及女性历史叙事

2.Historical Narration in the Pan-Politicalized Context on the Discourse Form of Historical Play Composed in the Seventeen Years(1949-1966);泛政治化语境中的历史叙事

3.The Dilemma of Historical Narration in Visual Culture:A Case Study of"Cape No.7 Phenomena"视觉文化中存在的历史叙事问题——基于对“海角七号现象”个案研究的思考

3)historical narrative历史叙事

1.The HiddenTruth in the Detail——in the perspective of Tacitus Historical narrative;细部的真实——考察塔西佗历史叙事的一个向度

2.Interpreting the Historical Narrative Stories about Bao Gong s Adjudicating Cases;解读历史叙事的包公断狱故事

3.They employed the mode ofhistorical narrative and demonstrated two different forms:sense of responsibility for construction of history and sense of realities for deconstruction of history, and traces of developing history and writing from the perspective of marginalization.海外华文文学作家白先勇和严歌苓,是北美新老移民两代作家的代表人物,他们以历史叙事的方式来展现各自不同的故土记忆,并呈现出两种不同的形态:建构历史的使命感与解构历史的现实感、演绎历史的轨迹与边缘立场的书写。

4)historic narration历史叙事

1.The works created by Chi Li recently stress on exploring historic process of individual life growth in the course ofhistoric narration,which uses beautiful,simple and passionate language to"strive for absorb - ing readers aesthetic judgment of novel"and take part in historic discovery and judgment.这一创作意向体现出浓郁的浪漫情怀与历史叙事的多维视角,是作者对《烦恼人生》为代表的“新写实”风格的超越和发展。

2.This new historic consciousness is expressed through the changes in the textualhistoric narration and clearly indicates the neo-historic novels value appeal for rewriting history.它之所谓“新”,不能简单地理解为题材的创新,而是体现在相对传统历史小说而言所持的历史意识之“新”,这一点又是通过文本中历史叙事的新变传达出来,从而清晰地勾勒出新历史小说重新书写历史的价值诉求。

5)history narration历史叙事

1.Firstly,textbook can use imagination and fiction to arouse students imagination inhistory narration.在历史叙事方面,教科书可以运用形象推演、虚构性的想象和具有史料性的文学想象,激发学生的想象力;在活动设计方面,教科书可以围绕文献资料、故事和历史剧、反事实想象设计活动,加强学生的想象力;在图像运用方面,教科书可以运用想象画和文物图像等。

2.And the key tohistory narration is to confirm its time sequence and establish its inner logical construction.革命历史记忆的建构实际上是一个历史叙事的问题,新中国革命历史长篇小说关于革命历史的叙事经历了一个从革命的现实反映到革命的历史化讲述,再到历史的革命化讲述的过程,通过这个过程来建立革命历史的整体记忆。

6)history narrative历史叙事

1.Its intervention inhistory narrative makes thehistory narrative a background and the art narrative a foreground, which breakshistory narrative and leads to the autonomy of art.它对历史叙事的介入导致历史叙事后撤为背景而将艺术叙事植入前景,构成历史叙事的中断并取得自律存在。

2.Its interference of thehistory narrative makes it a background and makes art narrative a foreground, which breakshistory narrative and leads to the autonomy of art.它对历史叙事的介入导致历史叙事后撤为背景而将艺术叙事植入前景 ,构成历史叙事的中断并取得自律存在。


