1500字范文 > 多边环境条约 multilateral environmental treaties英语短句 例句大全

多边环境条约 multilateral environmental treaties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-12 11:41:56


多边环境条约 multilateral environmental treaties英语短句 例句大全

多边环境条约,multilateral environmental treaties

1)multilateral environmental treaties多边环境条约

1.During the proceeding of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development(UNCED)and in negotiating some newmultilateral environmental treaties,many international law scholars and some governments pay great attention to the compliance of international environmental law.多边环境条约、联合国海洋法公约以及WTO规则,是国际环境争端解决机制的主要法律渊源。


1.Analysis on Coordination of WTO Green Rule and MEAs(Multilateral Environmental Treaty);WTO绿色规则与MEAs(多边环境条约)协调之分析

2.The Reorganization and Thought on Environment Rights in Multilateral Treaties Since 1991;1991年以来多边条约中环境权的研究与思考

3.Treaty Law Issues in the Relationship between WTO and MEAs;WTO与多边环境协议(MEAs)关系中的条约法问题

4.The Study on Environmental Exceptional Provisions in Article 20~(th) of GATT;多边贸易体制下环境例外条款(GATT1994第20条)研究

5.Trade and the Environment under WTO: The Case Law of the Environmental Exception Clauses;多边贸易体制下的环境与贸易问题——GATT/WTO环境例外条款案例法研究

6.On Framework Convention: Focusing on International Environmental Treaties;论框架公约——以国际环境条约为例

7.Every news situation has several dimensions or sides, and the good reporter seeks to cover as many as possible.每条新闻发生的环境都是多维的或多边的,而好的记者总是寻求尽可能多的覆盖面。

8.Final Document on the Review of the Multilateral Treaty-making Process审查多边条约拟订程序的最后文件

9.Review of the Multilateral Treaty-Making Process多边条约制定程序的审查

10.A multilateral nuclear test ban treaty was to be signed.将签署一项禁止核试验的多边条约。

11.On the Concept, Characteristics and Types of Multilateral Criminal Treaties;略论多边刑事条约的概念、特征和种类

12.Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty关于环境保护的南极条约议定书

13.Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty on Environmental Protection南极条约环境保护议定书

14.Special Commission on the Environment of the eightcountry Amazon Cooperation Treaty亚马孙合作条约八国环境特别委员会

15.The Treaty Rules on Trade and Environment and Its Development Prospect;贸易与环境问题的条约规则及其发展

16.Conflict and Coordination between Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Multilateral Trade System;多边环境协定与多边贸易体制的冲突与协调

17.More than 200 multilateral conventions are applicable to the HKSAR, about 80 of which do not apply to the Mainland.适用于特区的二百多条多边国际公约中,约有80条不适用于内地。

18.Article12. The decision to accept a multilateral treaty or agreement shall be made by the State Council.第十二条接受多边条约和协定,由国务院决定。


Multilateral Treaty多边条约

3)international environmental treaties国际环境条约

1.In recent years,a new mechanism has arisen to promote compliance withinternational environmental treaties——compliance mechanism.该机制已经在多个国际环境条约体系下建立,被认为是国际环境法发展的一个新趋势。

2.With the improvement of China′s international influence,China has participated or signed more and moreinternational environmental treaties.随着中国国际影响力的逐步增强,加入或缔结的国际环境条约也日渐增多。

3.Environmental dispute arises more frequently nowadays as a result of increasing conflict over the use of natural resources, more heavy and technical obligations underinternational environmental treaties, and worsening global environmental problems in the face of increasing regulations.随着人类对自然资源使用冲突的加剧,跨境的环境污染问题日益增多,国家在国际环境条约下所承担的义务也日趋沉重。

4)Regional Treaty on Environment区域环境条约

5)conditions of the supervision environmental constraints环境约束条件

6)treaty of multilateral investment多边投资条约

1.Since 1990s,the liberalization of admittance prescribed by thetreaty of multilateral investment granted the national treatment to foreign investment admittance and abolished the relevant requirements.外资准入是国际投资领域的重要制度,二十世纪九十年代以来,多边投资条约中的外资准入自由化,突出反映在将国民待遇原则适用于外资准入阶段,废除准入阶段的履行要求等方面。


