1500字范文 > 多边主义 Multilateralism英语短句 例句大全

多边主义 Multilateralism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-21 08:34:29


多边主义 Multilateralism英语短句 例句大全



1.Regionalism andMultilateralism:Review;区域主义与多边主义的关系:文献综述

2.On the Development and Prospect ofMultilateralism in East Asia;东亚多边主义发展及其前景分析

3.The New Ostpolitik: The Implement ofMultilateralism in All-Around Way by FRG;新东方政策:联邦德国对多边主义的全面实践


1.Regionalism and Multilateralism:Review;区域主义与多边主义的关系:文献综述

2.Regionalism,Multilateralism and Economic Integration in Asia;区域主义、多边主义与亚洲经济一体化

3.The struggles between multilateralism and unilateralism kept on going in the UN.联合国内多边主义与单边主义的斗争持续不断。

4.Multilateralism, From Old to New:A Theoretical Study of the Transformation of International Institutions;从旧多边主义到新多边主义——对国际制度变迁的一项理论思考

5.From Bilateralism to Multilateralism: A New Model of Relations between China and East Asian Countries;从双边主义到多边主义:中国与东亚关系的新模式

6.From Bilateralism to Multilateralism:Transformation of ASEAN Security Cooperation Mechanism;从双边主义到多边主义:东盟安全合作模式的转变

7.First, uphold multilateralism to realze commonsecurity.第一,坚持多边主义,实现共同安全。

8.The Rise of Multilateralism due to Balance-of-Power Difficulties;从均势制衡的难题看多边主义的兴起

9.The U.S. and ASEAN Regional Forum--the Perspective of Multilateralism美国和东盟地区论坛——多边主义的视角

10.Multilateralism:International Institutions and the Leading Power;多边主义:国际制度与主导国家之间的互动

11.The New Ostpolitik: The Implement of Multilateralism in All-Around Way by FRG新东方政策:联邦德国对多边主义的全面实践

12.The Effectiveness of International Anti-terrorist Cooperation in the Context of Multilateralism;论多边主义框架下国际反恐合作的有效性

13.Brief Analysis on Multilateralism and Formulation of USA Early Post-War Policy on Germany;简析多边主义与战后初期美国对德政策的制订

14.In this connection, the key lies in a full implementation of the spirit of development through multilateral cooperation in world economic affairs.关键是要在世界经济事务中全面贯彻多边主义的合作发展精神。

15.Solution of Dispute,Multilateral Approbation,Position of Justice-positive Doctrine论纠纷解决、多边认同与司法积极主义

16.The Multi-dimensional Interpretation of Justice in Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Its Border Expansion中国特色社会主义正义的多维解读与边界拓展

17.a member of the Fabian Society in Britain.英国费边主义社会成员。

18.However, unilateralism has shown up;但是,单边主义倾向抬头,



3)institution of multilateralism多边主义制度

1.This article first briefly reviews the reasons why a hegemonic power chooses to participate in theinstitution of multilateralism, and then analyzes the behavior and causes of a hegemonic power s limited participation in aninstitution of multilateralism by the case of the US participation in the ARF.本文首先对霸权国家参与多边主义制度的原因进行简要的理论回顾,然后通过冷战后美国参与东盟地区论坛的个案考察霸权国家有限参与多边主义制度的行为与原因。


1.An Inquiry into the Causes of the Proliferation of NewBilateralism in Asia-Pacific Region;亚太新双边主义兴起的原因研究——一个政治经济学的分析视角

2.Multilateralism within the framework of ASEAN has been a forbidden zone for ASEAN security strategy and bilateralism becomes the main mechanism for ASEAN security cooperation.东盟框架内的多边主义一直是东盟安全战略的禁区,所以双边主义成为东盟主要的安全合作方式,但在冷战结束以后,东盟内部以及与外部多边合作的趋势越来越明显。

3.The bilateralism is a theory that two countries (or regions) take part in and work out problems by negotiation.双边主义是由两个国家(或地区)参加并协商解决问题的一种理论和主张。


1.Analysis of economic back ground of internationalunilateralism;国际单边主义行为的经济背景分析

2.Unilateralism or Multilateralism? --the Influence of Iraq War on International Structure;单边主义还是多极化?——析伊拉克战争对国际格局的冲击

6)China"s multilateral institutions周边主义


