1500字范文 > 德育管理 management of moral education英语短句 例句大全

德育管理 management of moral education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-07 18:12:27


德育管理 management of moral education英语短句 例句大全

德育管理,management of moral education

1)management of moral education德育管理

1.Themanagement of moral education is guided with political direction and organized openly,but it can not achieve a timely and obvious effect.高校德育管理具有政治方向性、组织开放性、效果后显性、隐形性等特点。

2.The paper discusses from four aspects under new circumstances,explores how to construct schools for parents as the important point,impelsmanagement of moral education effectively and pushes all-round quality education.通过四大方面论述,探索在新形势之下,如何以家长学校为重要抓手,从而有效推动学校德育管理,全面推进学校素质教育。


1.A Study of High School Moral Education from the Perspective of Institutional Ethics制度伦理视角下的中学德育管理研究

2.The Usage of Human-centered Management in School Moral Character Education Management;论人本管理理念在学校德育管理中的运用

3.The Investigation and Disquisition of Countermeasures for Current Situation of the Administration of Moral Education in Middle Schools;中学德育管理现状的调查及对策研究

4.On the Perfection of Moral Education Management of Graduate Students;完善研究生德育管理工作的几点思考

5.Construct Schools for Parents Research Moral Education Mechanism;打造家长学校品牌 探索德育管理模式

6.Analyses of Psychological Problems and Moral Education Management Strategy Related to the Students in Senior Three;高三学生的心理问题与德育管理策略探究

7.Ethical System: Contemporary Management of the New Postgraduate Moral Direction.;制度伦理:当代研究生德育管理的新路向

8.The Problems and Countermeasures for the Situation of the Administration of Moral Education in Vocational Senior High Schools in Area Baotou;包头地区职业高中德育管理的问题及对策

9.Refection and Exploration on the Current Management System of Middle Schools Moral Education;新时期中学德育管理体制的反思与探索

10.Build up the business ethics culture, manage and educate employees on business ethics.建立商业道德文化,管理和教育员工商业道德。

11.A Survey on Dormitory Management Moral Education in Vocational School;职业学校学生宿舍管理中的德育研究

12.An Investigation on the Efficiency of the Flexible Management of Moral Education in an Teachers School;师范院校德育柔性化管理的效能调查

13.On the Multifunction of Educational Management and the Demanding for Ethic Adjustment;论教育管理的多端性及道德调节需要

14.Suggestions On Business Ethics Education For Business Management Majors;工商管理专业中商业道德教育的思考

15.The Research on the Education of Professional Ethics of the Students Majoring in Hotel Management;酒店管理专业学生职业道德教育简论

16.Deepening Moral Education Reform and Strengthening StudentsAdministration Mechanism in Colleges and Universities;深化高校德育改革 健全学生管理机制

17.Brief analysis on the manage work of university students" moral education大学生思想道德教育管理工作的浅析

18.The Study and Analysis of Education Administration System of Germany德国教育行政管理体制的考察与分析


moral education management德育管理

1.Moral education management and development of the campus culture in vocational high schools are two of the new topics in the fields of vocational education research.德育管理、职业中学校园文化建设是职业教育管理的新领域。

2.This research uses the methods of on-the-spot investigation, interview, symposium, and so on, which could make the attribution for the questions of themoral education management of the junior high schools in the rural areas.农村初中担负着加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的重要使命,本研究采用实地调查,访谈和座谈会等方式对农村初中德育管理存在问题进行归因,试图寻找适合农村初中德育管理的有效途径。

3)moral management德育管理

1.This article puts forward the feasible goal and ways by analysing the position and function of themoral management.通过分析德育管理的地位作用,提出了可行性目标和方法。

4)moral education administration德育管理

1.By means of understanding moral education of postgraduate s system property ,Thoroughly carried on postgraduate s Moral education administration system analysis and system synthesis ,administer would have establish moral education of scientific knowledge postgraduate s .运用系统论的观点看待研究生德育,是科学地建立研究生德育管理系统的基础。

5)Administration of Moral Education德育管理

1.The Problems and Countermeasures for the Situation of theAdministration of Moral Education in Vocational Senior High Schools in Area Baotou;包头地区职业高中德育管理的问题及对策

2.The administration of moral education is not only an organic part of school administration, but also a very important content of it.德育管理是学校管理的有机组成部分,是学校管理工作中一项十分重要的内容。

6)On Moral Education Governance德育管理论


