1500字范文 > 城市社区文化认同 the cultural identity of rural communities英语短句 例句大全

城市社区文化认同 the cultural identity of rural communities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-20 21:57:33


城市社区文化认同 the cultural identity of rural communities英语短句 例句大全

城市社区文化认同,the cultural identity of rural communities

1)the cultural identity of rural communities城市社区文化认同


1.The Cultural Identity Construction of Urban Communities and Rural Communities城市社区文化认同建设对农村社区文化认同建设的启示

2.The Religious Life of Urban Ethnic Communities and Cultural Identification--An Investigation on the Hui Ethnic Community of Shuncheng Street of Kunming;都市民族社区的宗教生活与文化认同——昆明顺城街回族社区调查

3.Research about the Agreement of Muslim Community Modernization of the Residents in Urban城市回族社区居民对社区现代化的认同研究

4.On the Urban Communities Spiritistic Culture Building and Urban Community Development;论城市社区精神文化建设与城市社区发展

5.Rebuilding Community Culture to Upgrade the Cultural Maintenance of Community--Research on the Construction Path in the Urban Community Self-organization;重塑社区文化,提升社区共同体的文化维系力——城市社区自组织能力建设路径研究

6.Study of the Culture Construction of the Community in Society Transiton Period;社会转型期的城市社区文化建设研究

7.Developing Community Civilization and Promoting the Civic Civilization Trait--A conception of constructing community civilization in Shijiazhuang city;发展社区文化,提升城市文化品位——石家庄市社区文化建设构想

8.The Development of Non-common Language Resources and Agreement of Urban Culture;非通用语言资源开发和城市文化认同

9.An analysis on social cultural environment of the urban community sports development in Jishou吉首市城市社区体育发展的社会文化环境分析

10.Animating Community Culture: the Basis of and the Key to Constructing Harmonious Communities in the Cities;活跃社区文化:建设城市和谐社区的基础和关键

11.On Suzhou City Community Culture Construction in Progress;推进中的苏州城市社区文化建设研究

12.Problems and Solutions in the Construction of Urban Community Cultural城市社区文化建设的问题与对策研究

13.Analysis of the Significance and Countermeasures of Urban Communities Cultural Construction城市社区文化建设的意义及对策研究

14.Cultivating of City Community Identity--Honors Xuetian Sub-district of Chongchuan District in Nantong;城市社区认同感的培育——对南通市崇川区学田街道的调查分析

15.On the Community Culture of Modern Cities;现代化大城市需要有繁荣的社区文化——谈谈社区文化建设

16.The Social and Cultural Functions of the Urban Hui Community: A Study on the Hui Community in Qijiawan, Nanjing;大城市回族社区的社会文化功能——南京市七家湾回族社区研究

17.Urban Community Culture:a Booster for the Growth of City--Consideration ofthe building ofculture in urban communities城市社区文化是城市发展的助力器——对城市社区文化建设的一点思考

18.A Study on the Diversification of Urban Community;城市社区多元化变迁的认识及规划应对


urban community culture城市社区文化

1.Various problems exist in the cultivation ofurban community culture, in the form of one - sidedness, repetition, lack of initiative participation, poor awareness and so on.社区文化狭义化,文化建设雷同化、社区参与自主性缺失,认同意识薄弱、主管部门不明确,各种关系没有理顺、有关法律法规没有建立和健全是目前我国城市社区文化建设存在的主要问题。

2.Being the microcosmic appearance of society culture, theurban community culture shows the city s spirit.城市社区文化是社会文化的微观再现,彰显着城市精神。

3.The construction ofurban community culture is an important part of socialist cultural and ideological progress.城市社区文化是社会主义文化的有机组成部分,是文明城市的形象基础。

3)the identity crisis of community culture社区文化认同危机

4)the cultural identity of urban communities农村社区文化认同

5)community culture construction城市社区文化建设

1.The Government Administrative Model and Transition in Urban Community Culture Construction;城市社区文化建设的政府管理模式及其转型

2.The Internet has provided thecommunity culture construction with a new platform.在传统的依靠地缘关系而产生的现实社区建构与邻里互动模式正遭遇冲击的现代社会,互联网的广泛使用为城市社区文化建设提供了新的平台。

6)City community spiritistic culture building城市社区精神文化建设


