1500字范文 > 树人 cultivation of moral goodness英语短句 例句大全

树人 cultivation of moral goodness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-07 00:56:12


树人 cultivation of moral goodness英语短句 例句大全

树人,cultivation of moral goodness

1)cultivation of moral goodness树人

1.The renowned philosopher and educationist Wang Yangmin integrated thecultivation of moral goodness with delivering knowledge.王阳明教育思想给我们的重要启示,一是"树人",二是创新。


1.Zhou Shuren, pseudonym Lu Xun.周树人,笔名鲁迅。

2.Let"s subtract ninety from the hundred years and rear people in ten.百年树人,减少九十年,十年树人。

3.The Witness of the Development of Zhejiang Shuren University:Reading Shuren Research浙江树人大学发展的见证——读《树人探究》

4.An old Chinese saying goes, “It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people”.中国有句古话: “十年树木,百年树人。”

5.One who chops wood, especially one who chops down trees.伐木人砍树的人,尤指砍倒树的人

6.Walnuts and pears you plant for your heirs.为后代种梨树(前人栽树,后人乘凉)。

7.One generation plans trees in whose shade another generation rests.前人栽树,后人乘凉。

8.One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests/ One sows and another reaps前人栽树,后人乘凉

9.The indian peel the bark from tree to make canoe.印第安人从树上剥下树皮做皮舟。

10.gum-like substance from the sapodilla.人心果树产的一种象树胶的物质。

11.The Indian peals the bark from tree to make canoe印第安人从树上剥下树皮做皮舟

12.prickly pear【植】霸王树;仙人球(霸王树的梨状果实)

13.The old people in the mountains plant lindes to purify the forest.山区的老人种菩提树来净化树林。

14.The Indians peeled the bark from birch trees to make canoes.印地安人从桦树剥下树皮做独木舟。

15.Well, people are always tearing branches off that bush to use as whips for their horses.总是有人从那树丛里折树枝做马鞭。

16.The men chopped the trees down.人们把这些树砍倒了。

17.Forests, Trees and People Programme森林、树木和人方案

18.When somebody is called an evergreen tree,当有人被称为常青树时,


To nurture men and plant trees树人树木

3)The Tree of Man《人树》

1.An Allegory of Man and Nature——An Ecological Aesthetic Analysis of Patrick White s Novel "The Tree of Man";人与自然关系的寓言——帕特里克·怀特小说《人树》的生态审美

2.On the Implications of Time in the NovelThe Tree of Man by Patrick White;论怀特小说《人树》的时间意蕴

3.His representative work,The Tree of Man was written in 1955 which first secures his status in the Australian .他的代表作《人树》创作于1955年,这部作品确立了怀特在澳洲文学界的地位,同时也为他赢得了国际声誉。

4)HAB Shu-ren韩树人

5)Chorisia speciosa美人树

1.Introduction and cultivation ofChorisia speciosa, Pterocarpus indicus and Terminalia mantaly;美人树、紫檀和小叶榄仁的引种与栽培

6)Bo Shuren薄树人

1.Bo Shuren(7 November 1934—22 September 1997).薄树人(1934—1997年)是当代中国天文学史界的代表人物。


