1500字范文 > 需要层次 hierarchy of needs英语短句 例句大全

需要层次 hierarchy of needs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-17 00:52:38


需要层次 hierarchy of needs英语短句 例句大全

需要层次,hierarchy of needs

1)hierarchy of needs需要层次

1.A Preliminary Discussion of Maslow"s Theory of Hierarchy of Needs Reflected in Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》中体现的马洛斯需要层次理论

2.From psychological angle and based on the theory ofhierarchy of needs and Self-fulfillment theory created by A.从心理学角度,以马斯洛的“需要层次论”与“自我实现论”为基础,对《刺客列传》进行分析,刺客的心理动机主要是对亲和爱的看重,对尊严的渴望,对道义、名声及功业的执着追求。


1.Application of Requirement Structural Theory onPersonnel Management;需要层次理论及在我院管理中的应用

2.The comparative study of the Hierarchy of needs theory with the theory of ERG需要层次理论与ERG理论的比较研究

3.The Relationship between the Theory of Hierarchy of Needs and the Psychological Needs of Network需要层次理论与网络心理需求关系探讨

4.The need hierarchy theory is the most important part of his motivation theory.需要层次论是他的动机理论中最重要的部份。

5.Meeting Customers" Needs in Art Design from Maslow"s Hierarchy of Needs Theory从马斯洛的需要层次理论看艺术设计的需要满足

6.The Application of Level Theory of Needs in the Management of Higher Vocational Colleges Teachers;需要层次理论在高职学院教师管理中的运用

7.Happiness and Transcendentalist--From Maslow s Need Hierarchy Theory;幸福与超越——从马斯洛需要层次理论谈起

8.A Stratificational Analysis of Collegiate Young Teachers Development Request and Adaptation;高校青年教师发展需要层次分析与调适

9.The Influence of Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory to The Education;解读马斯洛需要层次理论及其对教育的影响

10.On ZHU Sheng-hao s Motivating Powers of Translating Shakespearean Dramas from the Perspective of Need Hierarchy Theory;从“需要层次理论”看朱生豪莎剧翻译动因

11.An Analysis on the Transfer-Rule of Sports Attention Based on Hierarchy of Psychological Needs;基于心理需要层次的体育关注力迁移规律分析

12.All these deep-rooted and underlying problems will take time to be addressed.而解决这些深层次的问题需要时间。

13.satisfy and accommodate the multilevel requirements of consumers满足和适应多层次消费的需要

14.the hierarchy of need periodicity constitutes the unity of interrelation.需要周期的层次构成相互联系的统一。

15.the different need of every hierarchy also calls for periodicity;每个层次的不同需要也具有周期性;

16.Multiphase systematic hierarchical theory of human sexual need;初论人的性需要多相系统层次结构说

17.Projecting consciously into levels higher than the astral dimension takes a high level of skill.有意识地投射至高于星体层的层次需要高层次的技巧。

18.Man, as a Product of the Coagulation of Multilevel Needs ─ A Review of the Western Scholars Theory of Human s Needs;人,多层次需要的凝结体──评现代西方学者关于人的需要的学说


demanding levels需要层次

3)meed gierarchy theory层次需要

4)hierarchy of needs theory需要层次论

1.The Research of Graduates Issue of Job-choosing and Employment Rights and Interests——In the Perspective of Maslow s "Hierarchy of Needs Theory";毕业生择业就业权益问题研究——以马斯洛“需要层次论”为视角

2.Three levels of people "s requirement of diets are analyzed and the means of soling the problems in dietary management at a hotel by use ofhierarchy of needs theory are discussd.分析了旅游饭店宾客的饮食需要,并提出人类饮食需要具有三个层次,探讨了如何应用需要层次论去解决旅游饭店餐饮管理实际问题。

5)hierarchical theory of needs需要层次论

1.Applications ofhierarchical theory of needs in nursing of severe cerebrovascular disease patients;需要层次论在重症脑血管病护理中的应用

6)layered structure of sexual need性需要层次结构


