1500字范文 > 日本语言 Japanese language英语短句 例句大全

日本语言 Japanese language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-31 05:52:42


日本语言 Japanese language英语短句 例句大全

日本语言,Japanese language

1)Japanese language日本语言

1.It opens up the new situation for theJapanese language research as the grammatical structure system and the theory of analytical language,which is integrated by grammar,logic and principles.战后日本在语言研究领域,一反过去,即以统合[语法、逻辑、习惯]的语言结构体系、语言分析理论相继问世,为研究日本语言开创了局面。

2.The author attempts to study the overdraft phenomenon,local characteristics,and new trends of theJapanese language to explore the value of Japanese culture.文章试图通过研究日本语言的透支现象、本土特点及创新趋势来探究日本文化的价值。


1.The language of the Japanese, written in kana mixed with Chinese characters.日语带有汉字特征的书写的日本语言

2.Relations between Views of Lu Xun s Language and Japanese Development;鲁迅的语言文字观与日本语言文字发展之关系

3.Review on the Research of the Relationship between Buddhism and Japanese Language Literature佛教与日本语言文学关系的研究述评

4.On Basic Theory of Modern Japanese Language;现代日本语言结构分析理论基础的研究

5.The Position and the Classification of Japanese "wakamonokotoba";日本「若者言葉」的语言定位和分类

6.Studies on Okinawa Dialect in Japanese and the formation of "Okinwan Japanese"论日本冲绳方言与“冲绳日语”的形成

7.the language (related to Japanese) that is spoken by the people of the Ryukyu Islands.琉球岛人的语言(和日本语有亲缘关系)。

8.Nonverbal Communication in Japanese Culture and Japanese Intercultural Communication Teaching日本文化中的非语言交际与日语跨文化教学

9.View the Nationality of the Japanese from its Language Phenomenon;从日语的某些语言现象透视日本民族的民族性

10.Aesthetic Sense of the Japanese Seen from Their Language Expressing Ways;从日本人的语言表达方式看日本人的审美观

11.Japanese like to pun--their language is well suited to punning.日本人喜欢一语双关——他们的语言适合说双关语。

12.The Linguistic Feature and Social Culture of Loan Words in Japanese;日本语外来语的语言学特征及其社会文化视角

13.Japanese food is like their language and culture.日本菜就好象他们的语言和文化。

14.The Canadian-Japanese is at home in both languages.那个加拿大籍日本人两种语言都精通。

15.Linguistic Mannerism and Aesthetic Consciousness of the Japanese;浅谈日本人的语言行为及其审美意识

16.Discussion on the difference of sex status of Japanese from language usage;从语言表达看日本人的性别地位差异

17.On the Taboo Language and Taboo Customs in Japanese Daily Lives日本人日常生活中的禁忌语言与禁忌习俗

18.the language (usually considered to be Altaic) spoken by the Japanese people.日本人的语言(通常认为属于阿尔泰语系)。


Japanese language culture日本语言文化

1.The studies ofJapanese language culture, which originated from social linguistics in the 1970s, are now concered with theoretical issues.日本语言文化研究孕育于社会语言学 ,产生于 2 0世纪 70年代 ,逐渐发展 ,已开始重视和探索理论方面的问题。

3)Japanese cultural linguistics日本文化语言学

1.Japanese cultural linguistics is a new subject shaping up.日本文化语言学是一门尚在建设中的新学科 ,其理论基础主要在于语言与文化相互影响、相互制约的“共变”关系。

4)Zen and Japanese Language禅宗和日本语言

5)Japanese language and literature日本语言文学

6)The Research on the Language of Japanese Comic & Anime日本动漫语言研究


