1500字范文 > 语言功能 language function英语短句 例句大全

语言功能 language function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-19 07:47:17


语言功能 language function英语短句 例句大全

语言功能,language function

Language functions语言功能

1.It has also briefly analyzed their language functions in English.本文列举了现代修辞学主要研究的明喻、暗喻、换喻以及提喻在英语中的各种表达方式和常见句式,并对其语言功能进行了简析。

3)Linguistic function语言功能

1.While translating,translator should fully consider that and use foreignizing and domesticating correctly to exert the linguistic function of translation.在翻译过程中,译者应该充分考虑这些因素,根据具体情况正确运用"归化"和"异化",充分发挥翻译的语言功能。

2.Knowledge of the linguistic function of verbalization can help us to be more idiomatic in speaking and writing English.了解英语动词化的语言功能,学会正确使用动词化,有利于提高我们的英语表达能力。

3.Besides the linguistic function that FG entails during its operation,it is further burdened with cognitive pragmatic function as well.在具体运作中前景化除了行使语言功能,它还具有认知语用功能,同时在文学史的演变发展中发挥一定的文化功能。

4)linguistic functions语言功能

1.on the legitjmacy of the minority languages in our country viewed from the perspective oflinguistic functions;从语言功能看我国少数民族语言的合理性

2.As a supra-segmental feature, both English stress and Chinese "Qingsheng" can be surely compared to each other since they share much similarity in somelinguistic functions on the lexical level.英语重音与汉语轻声均属各自语言系统中的超音质特征,因二者的语言功能极为相似而具有较强的可比性。

3.Non-linguistic means simultaneously bears some kinds oflinguistic functions as incidental characteristic of linguistic intercourse.非语言手段作为言语交际时的伴随性特征并同时具有语言功能。

5)functions of language语言功能

1.The article examines typical context theories in pragma-tics, introduces life-world theory, and enlarges the concept of context into the whole life-world, on the basis of which the author divides the life-world into the outer-world, the inner-world, and the subjective creative world, and expounds thefunctions of language .在此基础上,作者将生活世界区分为外在世界、内在世界和主观创造世界,分别简要分析三个世界中的语言功能。

6)function of language语言功能


