1500字范文 > 系统功能语言学 Systemic Functional Linguistics英语短句 例句大全

系统功能语言学 Systemic Functional Linguistics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-10 20:25:50


系统功能语言学 Systemic Functional Linguistics英语短句 例句大全

系统功能语言学,Systemic Functional Linguistics

1)Systemic Functional Linguistics系统功能语言学

1.The Cardiff Grammar: a Model inSystemic Functional Linguistics;系统功能语言学的一个模式:加的夫语法

2.Systemic Functional Linguistics and the Analysis of Educational Text;系统功能语言学与教育语篇分析

3.Systemic Functional Linguistics as a General Linguistics Theory;作为普通语言学的系统功能语言学


1.The Comparison between Systemic Functional Grammar and Transformational Generative Grammar;系统功能语言学与形式语言学的对比

2.Meta-Function Ideology in Systematic Functional Linguistics;浅谈系统功能语言学中的元功能思想

3.System,Function and Context of Situation in Systemic-Functional Linguistics;浅谈系统功能语言学中的系统、功能与语境

4.An Analysis of English Tourism Discourse from the Perspective of Systemic-Functional Grammar;英语旅游语篇的系统功能语言学分析

5.The Genre Analysis of the Analects of Confucius from the Systemic Functional Perspective;《论语》语篇体裁的系统功能语言学分析

6.Application of Systemic Functional Linguistics to Foreign Language Teachin;系统功能语言学在外语教学中的应用

7.Systematic Functional Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching简论系统功能语言学旗下的外语教学

8.A Systemic-Functional Interpretation of Discourse Coherence;从系统功能语言学角度解析语篇连贯

9.Discourse Comprehension Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics;基于系统功能语言学的语篇理解模式

10.Translation of Advertising Texts: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach广告语篇翻译的系统功能语言学途径

11.Translinguistics and Systemic Functional Linguistics: Compatible or Discrete;超语言学与系统功能语言学:相容还是分离

12.Perspectives on Meaning A Comparative Study of Systemic Functional Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics;系统功能语言学与认知语言学意义观之比较

13.The major differences between systemic-functional linguistics and transformational generative linguistics;系统功能语言学与转换生成语言学的主要差别

14.A Systemic Functional Attempt to Decode “Advances” and “Refusal” Between Strangers;从系统功能语言学角度看“搭讪”与“拒绝”的语言

15.Relationship between Text and Context of Situation in SFL;解析系统功能语言学语篇与情景语境的关系

16.Context in Systemic-Functional Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching系统功能语言学的语境思想与外语教学

17.The Complementarity between Pragmatics and Systemic Functional Linguistics from the Perspectives of Function,Context and Meaning语用学和系统功能语言学互补的可能性

18.A Systemic Functional Linguistic Approach to O·Henry s Short Stories;欧·亨利小小说的系统功能语言学分析


Systemic-functional linguistics系统功能语言学

1.Context in Systemic-Functional Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching系统功能语言学的语境思想与外语教学

2.Systemic-functional linguistics gives special priority to the realizing approaches to linguistic cognition.系统功能语言学关注语言认知的体现手段,并且对什么是语言认知有着自身的独到解读。

3.Translation from the perspective of systemic-functional linguistics means transference between two semantic systems with the focus of meaning and function.从系统功能语言学看翻译,就是着重从意义和功能角度去考察两个语义系统之间的转换。


1.SFL approaches categorization from a distinctive way from Cognitive Linguistics, such as grammar as construal of experience, the ideation base, scale of delicacy, thus establishing its own model of construing experience through me.系统功能语言学从自身理论,比如语法作为经验的编码、概念库、精密度阶等角度出发,对范畴化做了系统研究。

2.Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), with its roots in the critical linguistics of East Anglia, is closely related with Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL).批评话语分析起源于上世纪70年代的批评语言学,与系统功能语言学有较深的渊源关系。

4)systematic functional linguistics系统功能语言学

1.The present study,based on the context theory ofsystematic functional linguistics,aims to illustrate the theoretical idea of different contextual factors affecting the textual function in a multi-corresponding way.系统功能语言学的语境理论认为,语篇中语境因素对语篇功能有多元制约作用。

2.The paper,based on critical discourse analysis theory andsystematic functional linguistics,analyses Blair s speech from the point of transitivity,modality and presupposition,in which we can learn the language how to serves the ideology,and then we can have a better understanding of the political purpose of the lecturer.以批评性语篇分析理论为基础,以系统功能语言学为理论依据,从及物性、情态和预设三方面对布莱尔的演讲进行分析,从中可以看出语言是如何为意识形态服务的,从而很好地把握演讲者的政治意图。

3.But most of the works are analyzed from the respect of literal criticism, and very few are analyzed by using thesystematic functional linguistics developed by Halliday, M.被作为分析对象的作品通常多数是从文学批评的角度,从系统功能语言学的角度进行的分析较少。

5)systemic-functional grammar系统功能语言学

1.An Analysis of English Tourism Discourse from the Perspective of Systemic-Functional Grammar;英语旅游语篇的系统功能语言学分析

2.Based on Holliday ssystemic-functional grammar, specifically focusing on textual function and interpersonal function, this paper aims at applying these two functions to online news report.通过系统功能语言学提供的文本分析工具,文章从语篇和人际功能两方面对网络新闻做出分析。

3.This paper analyzes the system of modality in the Constitution of the United States,applying the theories of modality insystemic-functional grammar and theories of legislative language in forensic linguistics.本文运用系统功能语言学有关情态系统的理论和法律语言学有关立法语言的理论分析美国宪法的情态系统,发现在美国宪法中,主要出现情态动词、情态形容词(被动词组)这两类表示义务与意愿的情态表达式,几乎没有出现情态附加成分、情态名物化结构和情态隐喻等情态表达式。

6)SF context系统功能语言学语境

1.The aims for the study are to testify the applicability and practicability ofSF contextual theory to the translation of advertising texts; and construct a theoretical model to combine theSF contextual theory with the text translation.系统功能语言学语境观包括意识形态语境、文化语境、情景语境和上下文语境,它不仅是系统功能语言学基本理论的一个重要组成部分,而且为语言描写提供了一系列的参数并有力地解释了某些语言现象。


