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高校女生 College female students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-29 19:48:18


高校女生 College female students英语短句 例句大全

高校女生,College female students

1)College female students高校女生

1.On college female students interest of physical education;长春市高校女生体育课兴趣现状及培养的研究

2.The situation of that the college female students are not interested in physical education courses and the cause of its formatioxn were analyted and studied.就高校女生对体育课兴趣不高的现状及原因进行了分析和研究,并在此基础上采取了相应的对策,来激发她们的学习兴趣和练习热情,进而提高她们的体育成绩和有效地发展身体素质,为全面实现高校体育教育目标提供强而有力的依据。

3.The author of the article analyzes the actuality and cause of the lack of interest in PE lessons among college female students and expatiates, in a systematic way, the countermeasures to the problem in the hope that it would be helpful reference in the effort to improve teaching efficiency of PE lessons to college female students.就高校女生对体育课兴趣不高的现状及成因进行了分析和研究,并在此基础上系统阐述了解决这一问题的措施和方法,以求为提高高校女生体育课的教学质量提供参考依据。


1.Reform on Physical Education Class for Girl Students for Their Interests;从学生的兴趣看高校女生体育课改革

2.Influence of Hip-hop Dance on Physical and Mental Health of female College Students探析街舞对高校女生身心健康的影响

3.An Empirical Study of Athletic Knee Injury for College Girls;高校女生膝关节运动损伤的实证研究

4.An Experimental Study on the Effect of Middle-distance Race Teaching on Female Students in Colleges and Universities;高校女生中长跑教学效果的实验研究

5.Investigation and Analysis of the Motivation of University Girls Taking the Course of Aerobics;高校女生选修《健美操》动机的调查分析

6.Analysis of Female Performance Lag of 100m Run in Colleges and Universities;对高校女生100米跑成绩滞后的探讨

7.A Study on the Present Situation and Countermeasure for Sports in Spare Time of College Girl Students;高校女生余暇体育现状及对策的研究

8.The Present Situation and Countermeasure of Physical Exercise of College Women Students;高校女生参加体育锻炼的现状及对策

9.An Exploration of Teaching Female College Students Volleyball Serving Skill;高校女生排球发球技术教学方法初探

10.Basketball teaching reform of university girl students;普通高校女生篮球课教学方法的改革

11.Relationship between Aerobics and Psychological Quality in female College students;有氧健身操与普通高校女生心理素质

12.A Study of Girl Students Extracurricular Physical Activities in Science and Engineering Colleges;关于理工类高校女生课余体育的研究

13.Research on Teaching Regularity of Physical Education for College Female Students;普通高校女生体育课教学规律的探讨

14.A Probe on Psychological Matter of University Girl Students Attending Swimming Class;高校女生游泳教学的心理学问题探讨

15.Problems in physical education for college girl students;对高校女生体育教学若干问题的研究

16.College Female Staff Plays an Important Role in Harmonious Campus Construction;高校女教工是和谐校园建设的生力军

17.Study on Sex Preference of Female Graduates高校女研究生意愿生育性别偏好研究

18.The Comparison Between the Male and Female Feachers for Teaching Physical Education Lesson of Fenale Students;普通高校男女教师授女生体育课的比较分析


college girl students高校女生

1.Aerobics teaching constitutes a central part in currentcollege girl students P E, the teaching method of which has its own characteristics and innate laws.健美操是目前高校女生体育教育内容中重要组成部分,健美操的教学有其本身的特点和内在规律。

2.The aims of this optional course,basketball forcollege girl students,are to enable them to master elementary knawledge and skills of playing basketball,to make them experience pleasuve from the game,at last to make them have more interests in it and to lay a fundation for lifelong exercises.普通高校女生篮球选修课的教学任务 ,主要是让学生掌握学习篮球基本知识和技能的方法 ,使之体验到篮球运动的乐趣 ,从而更好地培养篮球兴趣 ,为终身锻炼奠定基

3)university girl students高校女生

1.A study of factors influencinguniversity girl students participation in ex-curricular physical exercises;对影响高校女生参加课外体育锻炼因素的研究

2.In recent years, calisthenics has been added to the teaching content foruniversity girl students.近年来 ,健美操已列入高校女生的教学内容 ,如何激发学生对健美操的学习兴趣 ,已成为每个教师的当务之急。

3., this paper analyzes and discusses the psychological matter ofuniversity girl students attending swimming class.运用体育教学心理学原理,对高校女生游泳教学中出现的心理问题加以分析、讨论,通过对学生学习心理状态的调控,促进学生形成良好的心理品质,提高游泳教学效果。

4)college girls高校女生

1.A study of the athletic injury of 255college girls in gym class has discovered that the the cases of knee injury accounted for the largest part,most of which were the results of incorrect or inadequate preparation before running,jumping,shadowboxing or other sports,and partly with academic pressure,unbalanced nourishment,and female psychological or physiological factors.通过对255名高校女生两年体育课程中运动损伤情况的调查与分析,发现:膝关节运动损伤发生率明显高于其他部位。

2.Through analyzingcollege girls unreasonable reducing weight,the thesis puts forward some comesponding thoughts to directcollege girls to reduce weight scientifically.通过对高校女生的减肥非理性心理进行分析,并提出心理减肥的相应若干思路,以引导高校女生进行科学减肥。

5)university female students高校女生

1.An investigation on cognition ofuniversity female students on sex and reproduction health in Changsha city;长沙市高校女生性与生殖健康认知调查研究

2.After knowinguniversity female students probem in PE teaching,we d like to discuss how to improve their studying interest,design the effective teaching methoda and use various ways to arouse their study initiative,improving PE s teaching quality and let students grasp the action skills and form training habits in order to gain the aim of PE.针对高校女生在体育教学中存在的问题应注重培养她们学习体育的兴趣,制定行之有效的教学方法,使用多种多样的教学手段,来调动高校女生学习的积极性和主动性,提高体育课的教学质量,让学生掌握动作技能、技术,养成终身锻炼的习惯,达到体育教育的目的。

6)girl students in science and engineering colleges理工类高校女生




