1500字范文 > 致自己的人生感悟语录 句句触动心弦 值得读一读!

致自己的人生感悟语录 句句触动心弦 值得读一读!

时间:2021-04-27 09:35:02


致自己的人生感悟语录 句句触动心弦 值得读一读!

一、我不敢爱你,因为我怕你不会像我爱你一样地爱我;但我不敢不爱你,因为我怕没有人会像我一样爱你。人的一生会遇到两个人,一个惊艳了时光,一个温柔了岁月。I dare not love you, because I am afraid you will not love me as I love you; but I dare not not not love you, because I am afraid that no one will love you as I do. A persons life will meet two people, one amazing time, one gentle years.

二、即使没有人为你鼓掌,也要优雅地谢幕,感谢自己的认真付出。真正的痛苦,没有人能与你分担。你只能把它从一个肩,换到你的另一个肩。我只拥有你的月光,我要把它当作骄阳。Even if no one applauds for you, you should gracefully close the curtain and thank yourself for your earnest efforts. No one can share the real pain with you. You can only change it from one shoulder to the other. I only have your moonlight, I want to take it as the sun.

三、有人帮你,是你的幸运;无人帮你,是公正的命运。没有人该为你做什么,因为生命是你自己的,你得为自己负责;没有人会关心你付出过多少努力,撑得累不累,摔得痛不痛,他们只会看你最后站在什么位置,然后羡慕或鄙夷。Its your luck to have someone to help you; its your fair destiny to have nobody to help you. No one should do anything for you, because life is your own, you have to be responsible for yourself; no one will care about how much effort you have made, how tired you are, how painful you fall, they will only see where you stand at the end, and then envy or despise you.

四、慢慢的,我也学着放下了。不是我变了,是我真的无能为力了,我认输了,我折腾不动了。分手后仍然做朋友不外乎两种情况:一是你们从未相恋,二是你们仍然爱着对方。Slowly, I learned to put it down. Not that I have changed, but that I really can do anything. I admit defeat, I can move. There are two ways to remain friends after breaking up: one is that you have never been in love, the other is that you still love each other.

五、你我从形影不离到背道而驰,你也再次找到了我的替代品,欢笑逗骂声让我感觉很熟悉,毕竟从前你我也是那样,但如今哪有什么可抱怨的,也许所有人都如此吧,长情最蠢,你要快乐,找个再听你讲故事的人。You and I are running against each other. You have found my substitute again. Laughter and teasing make me feel familiar. After all, you and I used to be like that. But nowadays, there is nothing to complain about.

Maybe everyone is like that. Its the stupidest thing. You have to be happy and find someone who listens to your story again.

六、你是我半生里消磨不尽的颓唐,蹉跎岁月亦难忘却的痴心妄想。你之所以一边埋怨自己,一边又安于现状,是因为你还没走到无路可走的时候。真正的选择,是别无选择。You are the decadence that I can spend half my life, and the delusion that I can forget when I waste my time. The reason why you complain about yourself and are content with the status quo is that you haven come to a time when there is no way to go. The real choice is to have no choice.

七、人生就像一扇门,有人悲观于门内的黑暗,有人却乐观于门内的宁静;有人忧愁于门外的风雨,有人却快乐于门外的自由。其实,人生很多东西无所谓最好的,只要是你认为值得就是最好!Life is like a door. Some people are pessimistic about the darkness inside, while others are optimistic about the quietness inside. Some people are worried about the storm outside, while others are happy about the freedom outside.

In fact, there are many things in life that do not matter the best, as long as you think it is worth it is the best!

八、像我这种过分敏感又极度缺乏安全感的人,要是爱上了就必须得占有,如果无法占有,相处对我来说绝对是艰熬,不如不爱。People like me who are too sensitive and insecure have to possess if they fall in love. If they can possess, its absolutely hard for me to get along with them, so its better not to love them.

九、你改变不了环境,但你可以改变自己;你改变不了事实,但你可以改变态度;你改变不了过去,但你可以改变现在;你不能控制他人,但你可以掌握自己;你不能预知明天,但你可以把握今天;你不可以样样顺利,但你可以事事尽心;你不能延生命的长度,但你可以决定生命的宽度;前路还长,愿有人看穿你的伪装,看懂你的过往,看透你的倔强,给你最真挚的爱和温柔。而你要记得,学着尝试,学着接纳,在对的人面前勇敢地做一个不逞强的人。独一无二的你,值得世间所有美好。You can change the environment, but you can change yourself; you can change the facts, but you can change your attitude; you can change the past, but you can change the present; you can control others, but you can control yourself

you can predict tomorrow, but you can grasp today; you can do so smoothly, but you can do everything you can; you can prolong the length of life, but you can .

To determine the breadth of life; the road is still long, I hope someone can see through your disguise, understand your past, see through your stubbornness, give you the most sincere love and gentleness.

And you have to remember, learn to try, learn to accept, and be a brave person in front of the right people. Unique you deserve all the beauty of the world.

十、 我最崇拜的人是我自己,只有我才会帮自己,度过一山又一山,克服一次又一次难关。对生命而言,接纳才是最好的温柔,不论是接纳一个人的出现,还是接纳一个人的从此不见。The person I admire most is myself. Only I can help myself, go through mountains and overcome difficulties again and again. For life, acceptance is the best tenderness, whether accepting a persons appearance or accepting a persons disappearance from now on.

十一、想送一首小诗送给远方的你,听说你有了新的朋友,可还曾时常想起我们一起玩耍的童年。世界上的事情,最忌讳的就是个十全十美,你看那天上的月亮,一旦圆满了,马上就要亏厌;树上的果子,一旦熟透了,马上就要坠落。凡事总要稍留欠缺,才能持恒。I want to send a poem to you in the distance. I heard that you have new friends, but I often think of our childhood playing together.

The most taboo thing in the world is perfection. If you look at the moon on that day, once it is full, you will soon be tired of it. Once the fruit on the tree is ripe, it will fall. In order to be persistent, it is necessary to leave a little deficiency in everything.

十二、能自己扛就别声张,你矫情幽怨的样子并不漂亮,做个勇敢的人,学着去承受命运给你的每一个耳光。人的两只眼睛,全是平行的,但却不平等看人。人的两只耳朵是分在两边,却总好偏听一面之词。人只有一张嘴,却总能说出两面话。If you can carry it on your own, don say anything. You don look beautiful. Be a brave man and learn to bear every slap from fate.

Peoples eyes are all parallel, but they look at people unequally. Peoples ears are divided on both sides, but they always listen to one side. A man has only one mouth, but he can always say two things.

十三、人越是怕丢人,就越在乎别人的看法。越在乎别人的看法,就越会忽略自己的感受。越忽略自己的感受,就越像木偶一样拼命活给别人看。最后,一步步将真实的自我囚禁在了深深的黑暗里。The more people fear humiliation, the more they care about what others think. The more you care about other peoples opinions, the more you ignore your feelings. The more you ignore your feelings, the more you will live like a puppet to others. Finally, step by step, the true self is imprisoned in deep darkness.

十四、 没有谁的幸运,凭空而来。只有当你足够努力,你才会足够幸运,这世界不会辜负每一份努力和坚持。不管是在生活中还是感情里,很多人都会觉得自己不幸福也不幸运,没有遇见那么多美好的事情,也没有一个真心对待自己的人。No ones luck comes out of nowhere. Only when you work hard enough will you be lucky enough, and the world will not fail every effort and perseverance. Whether in life or in feelings, many people will feel that they are not happy or lucky, have not met so many beautiful things, nor a person who treats themselves sincerely.

十五、生活坏到一定程度就会好起来,因为它无法更坏。努力过后,才知道许多事情,坚持坚持,就过来了。总有一次散场再也见不着面,总有一次流浪不曾见过海洋,总有一次爱情让人追悔莫及。Life will be better if its bad enough, because it can be worse. After hard work, I learned a lot of things, insisted on it, and came. There will always be a time when we will never see each other again. There will always be a time when we have never seen the ocean. There will always be a time when we regret our love.

十六、做人最好状态是懂得尊重,不管他人闲事,不晒自己优越,更不秀恩爱。你越成长越懂得内敛自持。做人静默、不说人坏话做好自己即可。不求深刻,只求简单。The best state of being a man is to know respect, no matter what other people do, not expose their own superiority, not to show affection. The more you grow up, the more self-restrained you become. Be quiet and do yourself well without speaking ill of others. Not deep, just simple.

十七、人活着,丢什么也不能丢了尊严,没什么也不能没了自信,少什么也不能少了骨气,缺什么也不能缺了志气。做人要顶天立地,做人要堂堂正正,做人要无愧于心。People can lose their dignity when they are alive. They can lose their self-confidence when they are alive. They can lose their spirit when they are short of anything. They can lose their ambition when they are short of anything. To be a man, we should stand up to the heaven, be upright and upright, and be worthy of our conscience.

十八、不那么好过的日子里,要学会每天给自己。找一个开心的理由,哪怕只是阳光很暖,电量很满。只有心境简单了,才能有心思经营生活;只有生活简单了,才能有时间享受人生!Learn to give yourself every day when you don have a good life. Find a reason to be happy, even if the sun is warm and the electricity is full. Only when the mood is simple, can we have the mind to manage life; only when the life is simple, can we have time to enjoy life!

十九、把所有的不快给昨天,把所有的希望给明天。生活中有坎坷,有风雨,有失落,有悲伤,凡事多往好处想。做一个乐观豁达、开朗的人,再多的失败,再多的不幸,总会有好消息传来;当你熬过最孤独的时候,就会觉得其实生活也不过如此,没有你想象的多么难过,也就不需要别人陪伴了。无论你曾经多么期待有人疼,有人爱,最后也觉得,算了不指望了,我一个人也很好。Give all unhappiness to yesterday and all hope to tomorrow. There are ups and downs in life, ups and downs, losses, sadness, and thinking of the best in everything. To be an optimistic, open-minded, open-minded person, no matter how many failures, no matter how many misfortunes, there will always be good news

when you get through the most lonely time, you will feel that life is just like this, not as sad as you imagine, you do not need the company of others. No matter how much you had expected someone to hurt, someone to love, and finally feel, counted out, I am also very good alone.

二十、 我们活得累,多数时候怪不得外界、怨不得他人,是我们自掘陷阱、自寻烦恼。走得再近,隔得再远,没站在同一个高度,任何理由都是一种距离。不仰于心,不俯于情,不念过去,不惮将来,如此甚好。We live very tired, most of the time no wonder the outside world, blame others, is our self-digging trap, self-seeking trouble. No matter how close or far you are, you are not standing at the same height. Any reason is a kind of distance. Its so good not to look up to your heart, not to submit to your feelings, not to look back on the past, not to worry about the future.

二十一、未来很长,爱你的人,正在路上,他没来的时间,愿你能做自己的太阳,与山川湖海为伴,自信勇敢,保持善良。The future is very long. The person who loves you is on his way. He has no time to come. I hope you can be your own sun, accompanied by mountains, lakes and seas, confident and brave, and keep good.

二十二、最简单的幸福是,难过的事情有人倾诉,开心的事情有人分享。抬头看到天上的星星依旧闪烁着,悬挂着的残月也洒出清辉的光,使这夜不至于那么黑,使我有影子为伴,不至于那么孤独。The simplest happiness is that sad things are told and happy things are shared. Looking up to see the stars still shining in the sky, the hanging moon also sprinkles a bright light, so that the night is not so dark, so that I have a shadow for company, not so lonely.

二十三、不知道要走多少步才能达到目标,踏上第一千步的时候,仍然可能遭遇失败,但成功也许就藏在拐角后面。很多时候,你离成功只差一点点的距离,只要你保持专注,直面挫折,不埋怨不逃避,你走过的每个低点,都会成为通往高峰的必经之路。认真的人改变自己,执着的人改变命运。我走得很慢,但我从不后退!I don know how many steps we have to take to reach our goal. When we take the first thousand steps, we may still encounter failure, but success may lie behind the corner. Many times, you are only a little short of success.

As long as you remain focused, face setbacks directly, don complain and don evade, every low point you go through will become the only way to the peak. Serious people change themselves, persistent people change their destiny. I walk very slowly, but I never walk backwards!

二十四、时间最终还是把我变成了一个不敢轻易说爱的人,时间没有让我忘了你,而是让我习惯了想你。真心喜欢过的人没法做朋友,哪怕再多看几眼,都还是想拥有。我从未放弃过爱你,只是从浓烈变得悄无声息。Time eventually turned me into a person who dared not say love easily. Time did not let me forget you, but let me get used to thinking about you. People who really like it can be friends. Even if they look at it a few more times, they still want to have it. I never give up loving you, just from strong to silent.
