1500字范文 > 奥运英语1000句——我想天气将非常炎热潮湿


时间:2021-07-27 10:30:27




A We’re going for a trip to the Fragrant Hills tomorrow.

A 我们明天将去香山游玩。

B Well, I hope the weather is OK for you.

B 哦,我希望到时天气怡人。

A Why? What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A 怎么?明天天气怎样?

B I think it’s going to be very hot and humid.

B 我想明天天气将非常炎热潮湿。

A Well, there’s no point in worrying about the weather. We’re just going for a walk. It’s better than rain.

A 哦,没有必要担心天气情况。我们只是去散散步。天不会下雨的。

B That’s true. I’m sure you’ll have a good time anyway.

B 那倒是。我肯定你们将会玩得非常愉快。

Notes 注释

1 You can use both going to . . . / going to . . . and will / will, eg I think it’s going to be hot and humid/ I think it’s going to be hot and humid: I think it will be very hot and sunny / I think it will be very hot and sunny.

你可以用going to . . . / 打算做. . . 和 will / 将要,例如:I think it’s going to be hot and humid/我想天气将会炎热潮湿。I think it will be very hot and sunny /我想天气将会炎热晴朗。
