1500字范文 > 英语专四作文题目:学生评价老师


时间:2018-08-27 11:22:25



Many students are required to evaluate their teachers but some teachers complain that these evaluations are unfair and can in some cases lead to the dismissal of a teacher. In your opinion, is the students evaluation of their teacher a worthwhile exercise? 专四范文: Difficulties with Students Evaluation of Their Teacher The students evaluation of their teacher can be a very subjective proposition because it depends a lot on how the evaluation is made and how it is subsequently used. I believe most teachers would like to know how effective their teaching really is and how it benefits their students. A difficulty with students evaluation of their teacher is finding the right formulae to achieve an honest, constructive and independent response. The size and makeup of the class can be a reason for this difficulty. The larger the class the more likely will be the range of ability in the students. That fact Limits the interaction between the teacher and individual students and automatically influences how students will perceive the effectiveness of their teacher. Smaller classes are much less likely to have a great range of ability in the students and their evaluation of their teacher will tend to be more consistent. A crucial aspects with students evaluation is how it is used. If it is a formal part of the schools program it needs to be used constructively in liaison with the teachers for the benefit of both teachers and students. For students evaluations to be worthwhile they need to be independent and honest. Negative comments from students, delivered with sincerity, can be very valuable in helping teachers change their teaching methods and making them more effective. Biased evaluations can lead to misinterpretation and less productive outcome. (237 words) 更多专四作文精彩句子: 1.An evaluation process depends on the methods used and how the evaluation is applied. 评价过程取决于使用的评价方法以及评价是如何进行的。 2.When dealing with opinions,it is usually very difficult to be entirely objective, 我们表达观点的时候,很难做到完全客观。 3.Teachers can be more effective with genuine feedback from their students. 老师从学生那里得到真实的反馈时,他们会更有效率。 4.Class size has a significant impact on students’ perceptions of their teacher. 班级大小对学生对老师的看法有重要的影响。 5.In some ways,negative feedback is more valuable to a teacher than positive comments. 在某种程度上,负面的反馈比正面的评价对老师更有价值。 更多精彩内容 全国新东方英语课程搜索

