1500字范文 > 英语专四作文题目:要让每个学生都接受高等教育吗?


时间:2022-11-20 14:31:18



Some people believe that college or university education should be available to all students. Other people take the view that higher education should be available only to good students. What is your opinion? 专四范文: University Education Should Be Available for All Many people propose the idea that higher education should be available to only qualified students-students with certain aptitudes, who have achieved an excellent academic performance. However,l beg to differ for the following reasons. To begin with, the general level of education nationwide has always been employed as a criterion to gauge how advanced or developed a society is. In an ideal egalitarian society, everyone should be able to receive higher education unless he willingly forgoes that option. In other words, education should not be viewed as a privilege enjoyed only by people who are endowed with certain talents. Furthermore, it would be tremendously beneficial to any society if the general public6 rather than the fortunate few can enjoy higher education. A wide range of social issues can be effectively remedied by a high-quality education which imparts crucial moral principles. In addition, a great amount of economic value can be generated if higher education is available to more people. Yet, I also concede that it may not be practical or realistic to provide higher education to everyone owing to limited financial as well as human resources. Not even the most affluent nation in the world can fulfill that objective at this stage In the final analysis, I believe that the more people who can receive higher education, the better off a society will be. (225 words). 更多专四作文精彩句子: 1.Higher education should be part of an individuals birthright. 接受高等教育应该成为一个人与生俱来的一项权利。 2.Knowledge is power and education certainly should occupy the top place of any governments agenda. 知识就是力量。教育当然应该成为政府的头等大事。 3.Government should increase the availability of higher education by allocating more resources. 政府应该通过给高等教育分配更多的资源来提高其普及程度。 4.I disagree with such an elitism assertion that higher education should be only for the privileged few. 我不同意这种认为只有少数幸运儿才能够接受高等教育的精英主义论断。 5.How can one reach a definite verdict regarding whether a student is good or not when there are so many disparate ways to judge? 判断一个学生是否优秀的标准多种多样,怎么可能断言一个学生是否优秀呢? 更多精彩内容 全国新东方英语课程搜索

