1500字范文 > 高中英语高考基础高频动词短语give相关短语


时间:2022-01-03 14:21:52




1.give away 送掉, 分发, 放弃, 泄露, 出卖, 让步, 陷下(中文意思较多,请注意识记)

eg: She gave away all her money to the poor. 她把所有的钱都给了穷人。

She made me promise not to give away while it was hidden.她叫我答应不要泄露它藏在哪里。

He was given away to the police. 他被人向警方告发了。

2.give in 投降, 屈服, 让步, 交上

eg: He has given in tomy views. 他已经接受了我的观点。

Please give in your examination papers now. 现在请将你们的试卷交上来。

3.give off 发出(蒸汽、液体、雾等),长出(枝、杈等)

eg: Water always gives off steam when boiled. 水煮开后就冒出蒸汽。

The cake gave off a terrible smell. 蛋糕散发出难闻的气味。

4.give out 分发, 发出(气味、热等), 发表, 用尽, 精疲力竭

eg: The teacher is giving out the examination papers.老师正在分发试卷。

The radio is giving out a strange signal. 无线电正在发出一种奇特的信号。

The sun gives out light and heat to the earth. 太阳向地球散发出光和热。

Our food supplies began to give out. 我们的食品要吃完了。

5.give up 放弃(念头、希望等), 停止, 抛弃, 认输, 把……送交, <口>对……绝望

eg: The doctors have given him up. 医生说他的病已不能治了。

I have given up smoking.我已经戒烟了。

She gave up a lot of her friends when she got married.她结婚后跟许多朋友断绝了来往。

Shall we let the thief go or give him up to the police? 我们是将窃贼放走呢还是将他交给警察?

6.give way (to)撤退, 让路, 退让, 垮掉, 倒塌, 屈服, 跌价

eg: Give way to traffic coming in from the right. 让从右面来的车子先走。

Tears gave way to smiles. 破涕为笑。(经典)

We mustn’t give way to these unreasonable demands. 我们不能向这些不合理的要求让步。

