1500字范文 > 05月教师节里的润喉糖1500字英语作文


时间:2024-05-27 23:43:31




On the way back yesterday, little stink said that their teacher"s voice was hoarse, so he wanted to give the teacher some throat candy. After supper, the little stink who is always lazy to go out is willing to go downstairs to buy throat candy for the teacher!


This morning, when I received the teacher"s text message, I was a little surprised at the moment. I don"t know what I need the teacher to send the message suddenly. After opening it, I thought that the little stink should have given the throat candy to the teacher. The teacher"s message is to thank me for "teaching such a wonderful baby". I am very happy and a little lost.


I remember last night, after buying back the lozenges, my father and I were still talking about the matter that little stink wanted to buy lozenges for the teacher. I was deeply moved. The little guy paid attention to the teacher"s voice, but didn"t find that his mother"s voice had been hoarse for a long time. Even when we talked about it, little stink seemed to be quite surprised and asked, "your voice is hoarse, too?"




The people or things that are most likely to be ignored are always the nearest ones? Mom and dad are close to each other, not deliberately, but always there, every minute, every second. But teachers, or other people, can"t always wait there. If they don"t pay attention, they may leave. No wonder that they need more time and energy to care about.


But I"m still moved by the carefulness and love of little stink. I"m glad to see that he knows how to care for people around him, even if that person is not me.
