1500字范文 > Pros and Cons of Euthanasia1500字英语作文

Pros and Cons of Euthanasia1500字英语作文

时间:2018-12-14 08:04:50


Pros and Cons of Euthanasia1500字英语作文

Euthanasia is becoming more and more debatable in the world of medicine. As a medical college student, I maintain that doctors have a duty to do the dying patients a favor to alleviate their pain and suffering. I also agree that it is their freedom to choose what they want.

I maintain the major determinant lies in the contradiction of law and morality. As the Constitution records, " Citizens" personal freedom and personality are not vialoted." Thus, the people who against the Euthanasia may think that the doctors have no right to do so. But I want fire with them since the Plato once said that" Suicide is a way to get rid of incurable pain." And the man who is suffering the pain has the right to express he will continue otherwise else give up his life. But we should realize that only when the patient is experiencing extreme suffering, that there is no chance of a cure, and the patient has made repeated made request of Euthanasia can doctors do that.

I agree to alleviate the pain and therefore I approve of Euthanasia. I assert the following factors can be given and will suffice. To begin with, Euthanasia is in accordance with the interests of dying. Additionally, it can set aside some of the medical resources and use them for the public who call for medical help more. Thus, it is another manifestation of social justice. Because of the complexity of Euthanasia, involving the moral, legal, medical and many other aspects, China has not yet made legislation for it. Consequently, in order to avoid the legal obligation, the doctor should inquire the patients or their family members.

To summarize, I hold the view that Euthanasia is beneficial for both patients and society.
