1500字范文 > A PLANE crashed (坠机) in Libya on May 12 killing 103 people on board. The only survivor is

A PLANE crashed (坠机) in Libya on May 12 killing 103 people on board. The only survivor is

时间:2023-06-25 14:34:30


A PLANE crashed (坠机) in Libya on May 12  killing 103 people on board. The only survivor is


A PLANE crashed (坠机) in Libya on May 12, killing 103 people on board. The only survivor is a 10-year-old Dutch boy.

This is not the only example of a crash in which everyone but a child died. A 12-year-old girl was the only person to survive a air crash in the Indian Ocean. When a plane crashed over Sudan in , only a 3-year-old boy survived.

Its a question that leaves safety experts puzzled. So farthere is not enoughhard evidence forthem to answer withany certainty.

Although unclear, there arereasons to suggestthat children maycope (应对) better than others.

Professor Ed Galea at the University of Greenwich, suggested children would be cocooned(被紧紧抱住) within their seat and therefore might be less probably to receive injuries.

With an adult with their head above the seat and legs on the floor, they will receive some kind of injury landing on your head and legs, he told the BBC.

It would be miraculous (奇迹的) to survive that, but there have been cases(情况) of people falling into trees. A smaller body would mean its more possible the tree would break your fall, he explained.

Studies found other factors (因素), besides luck, influence the chances of surviving a crash.

One is seating. A study of plane crashed conducted by Poplar Mechanics found that people sitting toward the back of the plane were more probably to survive than those sitting toward the front. A survey conducted by researchers at the University of Greenwich in the UK found that what matters most is how close you are to an exit(出口). Sit in five rows(排) of an exit, and youve got better-than-even chances of surviving. Sit in six rows or more away, and your chances are less than 50-50.

Other factors for surviving a plane crash include wearing a seat belt, paying attention to flight instructions and staying alert(警觉) during taking off and landing. And of course, don fly with airlines that are the most pobably to crash.

【小题1】根据短文内容完成句子 (每空限填一个单词)

From Paragraph 1 we know only a 10-year-old Dutch boy .

【小题2】根据短文内容完成句子 (每空限填一个单词)

From Paragraphs 1-2 we may ask if are more possible to survive plane crashes than .

【小题3】根据短文内容完成句子 (每空限填一个单词)

According to paragraph 9, Sit six rows or more away, and you’ve got of surviving.



What’s the main idea of the passage?

was alive(didn’t die/ wasn’t dead)


(答案→)was alive(didn’t die/ wasn’t dead)


【小题1】根据文中原句The only survivor is a 10-year-old Dutch boy.可知这个小孩是唯一的幸存者,也就是说他是唯一活着的。

【小题2】文中1-2段描述的主要是小孩在飞机失事中存活的可能性比成年人高,所以此题应该填children ,adults/others,意思是:从1-2段我们可能要问是否小孩在飞机失事中的存活率比成年人(其他人)高?

【小题3】根据文中所提供的信息:Sit in five rows(排) of an exit, and youve got better-than-even chances of surviving. Sit in six rows or more away, and your chances are less than 50-50.可知如果你坐在离安全出口六排或更远,你生存的机会就会大大减少,所以此题填less chances。


【小题5】根据全文理解,这篇文章主要说了在飞机失事中能够存活下来的几种因素,所以是It’s about some factors for surviving a plane crash.。
