1500字范文 > The Shanghai World Expo has been open for several months and there are large numbers

The Shanghai World Expo has been open for several months and there are large numbers

时间:2020-08-21 19:28:55


The  Shanghai World Expo has been open for several months and there are large numbers


The Shanghai World Expo has been open for several months and there are large numbers of volunteers serving there.

Chen Chuan,a 19- year-old student at Fudan University, is usually fast asleep at 6 am. But over the May 1 holiday, he was rising early to eat breakfast and41answer questions like,“Where can I find the toilet?” Such is the life of a Shanghai World Expo volunteer. But Chen and his 72,000 colleagues(同事)aren’t complaining, 42,they’re trying not to. “Volunteering is 43work,”Chen said,“but it makes me feel happy. ”

Other student volunteers have 44feelings. Wang Lin an 18-year-old volunteer from Chongqing University,told us about trying to explain to a tourist why a line to visit a pavilion was so long. When the tourist suddenly got quite angry, Wang became upset 45being shouted at. Wang said. “I didn’t expect we would have to face so many difficulties in our service. But I know serving is about giving 46. ”Still,the very next day, Wang received a reward(嘉奖)when she helped a lost child 47his parents. “The happy smiles and their gratitude(感谢)made me feel so 48,”Wang said. “That’s 49I now always smile to others,even if they don’t look happy. Smiling makes me happy. ”

50their green and white clothes,people call volunteers “Little Cabbage”. Wang likes this nickname(绰号). “We’re green, we are fresh,just like the vegetable,”Wang said.

【小题1】A.get ready toB.get ready forC.be readyD.get ready【小题2】A.at mostB.at leastC.after allD.at last【小题3】A.hardlyB.a hardC.a hardlyD.hard【小题4】A.sameB.differentC.difficultD.the same【小题5】A.forB.atC.in D.with【小题6】A.and receivingB.not receivingC.for receivingD.with receiving【小题7】A.foundB.with findingC.to be found D.find【小题8】A.sweetlyB.sweetC.sweets D.sweetness【小题9】A.what B.howC.why D.where【小题10】A.Because ofB.BecauseC.Thank to D.Thanks forA




【小题1】A。get ready to准备。早餐后便忙着去解答诸如“洗手间在哪里?”此类问题。

【小题1】B。at least至少。但陈川和其他72000名同伴没有怨言 ——最起码,他们尽量不去抱怨。


【小题1】D。the same同样的。其他志愿者同学也有同样感受。

【小题1】B。become upset at变得不安。因为大叫,王变得不安。

【小题1】B。但我知道服务是关于给予而不是接受(not receiving)。




【小题1】A。because of因为。因为他们的绿色和白色的衣服。
