1500字范文 > Jim is a boy who thinks a lot and learns a lot. One day when he was passing the elephants

Jim is a boy who thinks a lot and learns a lot. One day when he was passing the elephants

时间:2021-06-08 18:29:52


Jim is a boy who thinks a lot and learns a lot. One day when he was passing the elephants


Jim is a boy who thinks a lot and learns a lot. One day when he was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped. He saw a group of elephants and these big animals had a rope around their front . The rope was very , so the elephants could break it easily. But to his surprise, did not.

Jim saw a trainer near the elephants. Then he walked over and asked him. “Well,” the trainer said, “When they were very young and much smaller , we used the same ropes to tie around their legs and, at that age, they were sure they hold(约束)them. As they get bigger and bigger, thy still believe the ropes can hold them, so they try to get away.”

Jim thought a lot that. These animals could break their ropes at any time, but because they they couldn’t, they didn’t give it a try.

Like the many of us believe that we can’t do something in our life, just because we didn’t do it successfully in the past.

【小题1】A.earsB.legs C.teeth D.necks【小题2】A.short B.thickC.thinD.long【小题3】A.he B.it C.she D.they【小题4】A.what B.when C.why D.where【小题5】A.colorB.size C.age D.look【小题6】A.could B.couldn’tC.need D.needn’t【小题7】A.ever B.never C.only D.sometimes【小题8】A.at B.in C.about D.to【小题9】A.agreed B.forgotC.meant D.believed【小题10】A.man B.elephants C.ropes D.trainerB




【小题1】考查名词及语境的理解。根据后文第二段to tie around their legs可知是前腿。故选B

【小题2】考查形容词及语境的理解。根据后文so the elephants could break it easily描述,大象能很容易的弄断它。可知前文绳子很细。A短B厚C细D长,故选C。






【小题8】考查词组及语境的理解。吉姆就这件事考虑了很多。think about,考虑。故选C.


【小题10】考查名词及语境的理解。像大象一样, 我们当中的一些人也相信我们不能做某事。结合上下文,可知C。
