1500字范文 > One day a rich man wanted to sell some goods in another town and buy some things there. He

One day a rich man wanted to sell some goods in another town and buy some things there. He

时间:2021-03-10 00:04:19


One day a rich man wanted to sell some goods in another town and buy some things there. He


One day a rich man wanted to sell some goods in another town and buy some things there. Heto take ten servants(仆人) with him. They would carry the goods and also someto eat on their way. The rich man said toof his servants, Ali, you are theand the weakest one. You maythe lightest load(担子) to carry. Ali thanked him and chose theload. It was their food-bread. The rich man said, How foolish you are! Thats the heaviest oneBut Ali wasto lift it up. And so they set off. Four hours, they stopped for a rest. They allsome of the bread. Then there wasbread for Ali to carry. Each time they ate some, the load became smaller and lighter. At last the clever servant had nothing to carry.

【小题1】A.agreedB.likedC.decidedD.refused【小题2】A.foodB.goodsC.waterD.meat【小题3】A.allB.bothC.noneD.one【小题4】A.tallestB.smallest C.busiestD.fastest【小题5】A.findB.giveC.chooseD.carry【小题6】A.lightestB.smallest C.bestD.biggest【小题7】A.gladB.worryC.sorryD.tired【小题8】A.earlyB.laterC.pastD.last【小题9】A.lovedB.putC.calledD.ate【小题10】A.moreB.littleC.lessD.noC




【小题1】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:他决定带着10个仆人和他一起去。agreed同意 liked喜欢decided决定refused拒绝。根据They would carry the goods可知,富人是带着仆人去的。故选C。

【小题2】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:在路上,他们可以带着货物,也可以带着一些吃的东西。food食物goods货物water水meat肉。根据to eat on their way可知,本题选A。

【小题3】考查代词及语境的理解。句意:富人对他所有的仆人说。all所有的both两者都none没有人one一个人。根据Ali, you are the smallest and the weakest one可知,本题选D。

【小题4】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:阿里,你是最矮小的,也是最柔弱的人。tallest最高的smallest最小的busiest最忙的fastest最快的。根据and the weakest one可知,本题选B。

【小题5】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:你可以选择最轻的担子。find找到give给choose选择carry携带。根据Ali thanked him and chose......可知,本题选C。

【小题6】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:阿里感谢他,并选择了最大的担子。lightest最轻的smallest最小的best最好的biggest最大的。根据Thats the heaviest one可知,本题选D。


【小题8】考查副词及语境的理解。句意:4小时之后,他们停下休息。early早的later之后past超过last最后。根据they stopped for a rest可知,本题选B。

【小题9】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:他们都吃一些面包。loved喜爱put放called打电话ate吃。根据Each time they ate some可知,本题选D。

【小题10】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:然后就没有面包让阿里担了。more更多little少的less更少的no没有。根据At last the clever servant had nothing to carry可知,本题选C。
