1500字范文 > My brother and I were brought up in a town in Scotland. Our father was a struggling but

My brother and I were brought up in a town in Scotland. Our father was a struggling but

时间:2020-06-23 22:25:42


My brother and I were brought up in a town in Scotland. Our father was a struggling   but


My brother and I were brought up in a town in Scotland. Our father was a struggling , but I always knew he was . He never criticized us, but used to bring out our best. He’d say, “If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t give them water, they die.” Ias a child I said something about somebody, and my father said, “time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you.” He explained that if I looked for the best people, I would get the best.From then on I’ve always tried tothe principle in my life and later in running my company.

Dad’s also always been very. At 15, I started a magazine. It wasa great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a :stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.

I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision,any good father would. When he realized I had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dadme to go into law. And I’ve regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist,_I didn’t pursue my .You know what you want. Go fulfill it.”

As turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a nationalfor young people in the U.K.My wife and I have two children, and I’d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dadme.

【小题1】A.biologistB.lawyer C.managerD.gardener【小题2】A.strictB.honestC.learnedD.special【小题3】A.powerB.courageC. praiseD.warmth【小题4】A.thinkB.remember C.imagineD.guess【小题5】A.unkindB.unnecessaryC.unimportantD.unusual【小题6】A.Another B.AnyC.Some D.Other【小题7】A.onB.atC.inD.about【小题8】A.in case B.in returnC.by chanceD.by turns【小题9】A.reviseB.setC.reviewD.follow【小题10】A.seriousB.experiencedC.understanding D.demanding【小题11】A.keeping upB.making upC.picking upD.taking up【小题12】A.suggestionB.decision C.choiceD.notice【小题13】A.andB.even ifC. asD.as if【小题14】A.persuadedB.allowedC.helpedD.suggested【小题15】A.almost B.neverC.seldomD.always【小题16】A.butB.ratherC.forD.therefore【小题17】A.promiseB.taskC.dreamD.belief【小题18】A.thisB.itC.heD.that【小题19】A.magazine B.newspaperC.programD.project【小题20】A.controlled B.raisedC.reminded D.comfortedB




【小题1】. B.名词辨析。A. 生物学家;B. 律师;C. 经理;D. 园艺师。从下文“my dad persuaded me to go into law”可知作者的父母亲从事的是法律工作,应该是一个律师,答案选B。

【小题2】. D.形容词辨析。A.严格的;B. 诚实的;C. 博学的;D. 特别的。根据上下文可知父亲虽是一个为生计而奋斗的律师,但他对孩子们从不批评,而是赞扬,通情达理并且允许作者弃学办杂志,所以作者说父亲教育孩子的方式却很特别,选D,其他选项不符合语境。

【小题3】 C.名词辨析。A.力量;B. 勇气;C.表扬;D. 温暖。前一句说他从不批评我们,后一句用but进行转折,显然要选的词应该与criticize词义相反,故选C。

【小题4】. B.动词辨析。A. 思考,认为;B. 记得;C想象;D. 猜想。从情理可知对于小时候说过的话作者只是记得,而不是认为的,也不是想像或猜想。故答案选B。

【小题5】.A .形容词辨析。A. 不友好的; B. 不必要的;C.不重要的; D. 不寻常的。根据下文you say something unpleasant about somebody else判断作者说了令人不愉快的话,由此判断要选的词与unpleasant同义, unkind“使人不愉快的,苛刻的”,故答案选A。

【小题6】 B.代词辨析。A. 另一个;B.任何; C. 一些;D.其他的。由情理可知人们任何时候说别人不好的话,都是自己内心或品质的反映,故答案选B。

【小题7】C 介词辨析。A在……之上;B. 在;C.在……内; D. 关于。从语境判断父亲教育作者要去发现或者寻找别人身上最好的东西,on强调物体的表面,而in则侧重内在,故答案选C

【小题8】. B.短语辨析。A.以防万一; B. 作为回报;C.碰巧;D. 轮流,依次。根据上下文可知父亲认为如果去发现别人身上最好的东西,那么反过来别人的品质也会影响到自己,答案选B。句意:如果你从别人身上寻找最好的东西,那么同样你也会得到最好的东西。

【小题9】D .动词辨析。A. 修订;B.设置;C. 复习;D. 遵循。从语境判断作者听从了父亲的建议,follow the principle“遵循这一原则”,故答案选D。

【小题10】 C.形容词辨析。A.严重的;B. 有经验的; C. 谅解的,通情达理的; D. 要求。从下文父亲最终允许“我”弃学办杂志看,父亲是通情达理、善解人意的,故答案选C,其他不符合语境。

【小题11】 D.动词短语辨析。A.继续,维持; B.编造,组成; C.捡起,接收(节目),接人等; D.占据(时间或空间)。根据情理判断办杂志会占去作者很多的时间,故答案选D。

【小题12】C.名词辨析。A.建议;B. 决定;C. 选择;D. 通知。从下文“stay in school or leave to work on my magazine”可知校长让我作出一个选择,答案选C。

【小题13】 C.连词辨析。A.并且;B. 即使;C.因为; D仿佛。根据上下文内容判断前后句是因果关系,故答案选C。句意:因为任何一位父亲都会这样。

【小题14】A 动词辨析。A. 说服;B.允许;C.帮助;D.建议。从下文可知父亲后悔遗憾他没能去实现自己的梦想,由此推断父亲的父亲已经成功地说服了父亲从事法律行业,故答案选A。

【小题15】D .副词辨析。A. 几乎;B.从不;C.很少;D. 总是。因为父亲的梦想是成为一个“biologist,”却被说服当了一个“lawyer”,所以父亲在这里表达的意思是他总是因此而后悔遗憾,故答案选D。

【小题16】 A词语辨析。.A但是;B.而不是;C. 因为;D. 因此。上句提到自己曾经想当biologist,而根据文章内容可知父亲没有实现自己的梦想,所以前后句之间应为转折关系,故选A。

【小题17】. C.名词辨析。A. 承诺; B. 任务; C. 梦想;D. 信念。父亲本来想当一个生物学家,但是结果在家长的劝说下成了一名律师,由此可知他没有去追随自己的梦想,故答案选C。

【小题18】 B.代词辨析。A.这个;B.这,那,它;C.他;D. 那个。固定结构:as it turned out “结果是,正如结果那样”,it 代替后面的那句话,答案选B。

【小题19】. A.名词辨析。A.杂志;B报纸;C.程序;D项目,计划t。根据前文已提到的At 15, I started a magazine. 判断答案选A。

【小题20】C. 动词辨析。A. 控制;B. 抚养,饲养;C. 提醒;D.安慰。从语境判断作者对于父亲的教育方式非常感激并欣赏,所以他也想用父亲培养他的方式去培养自己的孩子们。而且根据the same way判断空格处要选的词应该与bring up 同义,故选B。
