1500字范文 > I firmly believe in the power of forgiveness and I have got a lot of pleasure from it.Last

I firmly believe in the power of forgiveness and I have got a lot of pleasure from it.Last

时间:2023-06-07 06:42:40


I firmly believe in the power of forgiveness and I have got a lot of pleasure from it.Last


I firmly believe in the power of forgiveness and I have got a lot of pleasure from it.

Last year, I was at the traffic lights on my way to work when my car was hit from behind. After, a flustered (惊慌失措的) young man admitted it was his and apologized to me again and again. After that, he why he had not been “in the moment” while driving. He told me that hishad just run out and promised to pay for the damage to my car later. I could his real stress, and as he gave me his details and promised to find a way to pay, I tried tohim and told him not to worry too much.

When I got to work, myurged me to contact my insurance(保险) company and chase the young man for compensatory(赔款) payment immediately,as I wasn’t with him and knew nothing about his work or family. The same thing happened when I told my sister what had happened and she firmly told me not to let him get awayit. She knew that I only had a small amount of money in the bank and wasthat I would not chase the young man for payment.

With everyone pressuring me to ask for payment, I was unsure about what to do. I finally decided toa small second-hand car. After about four months, it was coming up to Christmas and I started to think about how this young man might be feeling, waiting for me to “sting ” him, so I finally made a and sent him this note:

“ Hi Joe,

A few months ago you the back of my car. I have managed to pickanother car, so I have been able to get around. I want to let you know that I am not going to _ any payment from you. If in future you could helpelse out, that would be great.”

After sending it, I felt that a great weight had finally been lifted from my shoulders. It wasn’t until then that I __the act of _ could make one feel happier.

【小题1】A.playing B.waitingC.hearingD.watching【小题2】A.coming overB.pulling overC.going overD.taking over【小题3】A.faultB.mistake C.shortcomingD.error【小题4】A.determinedB.repeated C.admittedD.explained【小题5】A.strengthB.resource C.oil D.money【小题6】A.senseB.touchC.feelD.smell【小题7】A.believeB.comfortC.criticizeD.guide【小题8】A.neighborsB.familiesC.colleaguesD.schoolmates【小题9】A.contentB.disappointedC.concernedD.familiar【小题10】A.withB.from C.ofD.off【小题11】A.worriedB.interestedC.thrilledD.embarrassed【小题12】A.placeB.buyC.repairD.book【小题13】A.quietB.puzzlingC.nervousD.frightened【小题14】A.contractB.promiseC.document D.decision【小题15】A.destroyedB.touchedC.beat D.hit【小题16】A.offB.upC.outD.on【小题17】A.findB.seekC.receiveD.keep【小题18】A.somebodyB.nobodyC.anybodyD.everybody【小题19】A.recognizedB.realizedC.learnedD.hoped【小题20】A.givingB.warningC.forgivingD.appreciatingB




【小题1】B 动词辨析。在上班的路上遇到红灯所以要停下来等(wait)。A玩;C听见;D观看。

【小题2】B 动词短语辨析。撞车之后要停车(pull over)。A过来;B靠边停车;C复习;D接管。所以答案选B。

【小题3】A 名词辨析。年轻人惊慌失措,承认都是他的错(fault)。A强调责任过失; B判断看法错误;C可以改正的缺点;D违反某一标准的错误。所以答案选A。

【小题4】D动词辨析。他解释(explain)说他开车的时候有些走神。A 决定;B 重复;C承认。所以答案选D。

【小题5】D上下文。下文提到pay for the damage,所以此处指钱(money)刚花完。答案选D。A力气;B资源;C油。

【小题6】A动词辨析。我能意识到(sense)他的压力。A感觉到,意识到;B 触摸,摸起来;C感觉起来;D 闻起来。

【小题7】B 动词辨析。下文提到“told him not to worry too much”指“告诉他不要太过担心”,所以此处指安慰(comfort)他。A 相信;C批评;D 指导。

【小题8】C 名词辨析。上文有work所以此处指同事(colleagues)。A 邻居;B家人;D校友,所以用C。

【小题9】D 形容词辨析。因为我不熟悉(be familiar with)他,对他的工作和家庭一无所知。A be content with对……满意;B be disappionted with对……失望;C be concerned with对……关心;所以选择D。

【小题10】A介词辨析。短语get away with“干坏事不受惩罚或从轻发落”。

【小题11】A 形容词辨析。她知道我银行里钱不多,很担心(worried)我不会追着那个人要赔款。B 感兴趣的;C惊恐的;D 尴尬的。所以答案选C。

【小题12】B 动词辨析。我最后决定买(buy)辆二手车。A放置;C修理;D预定。所以答案选B。

【小题13】C 形容词辨析。圣诞节即将到来,我想年轻人可能会很紧张(nervous)。A安静的;B令人迷惑的;D害怕的。所以答案选C。

【小题14】D 名词辨析。我决定给他发个信息。A 联系;B make a promise 承诺;C文献;D make a decision做决定。所以答案选D。

【小题15】D 上下文。第二段37个空前面用到my car was hit…所以答案选D、hit。

【小题16】B 副词辨析。我已经买了另一辆车,我又可以开车了。A去除,剪除;B(碰巧)廉价地买到;C认出,挑选;D挑选,选中。所以答案选B。

【小题17】B 动词辨析。上文两次提到…chase the young man for payment,所以这儿指“向年轻人索(seek)赔”。A找到;B 搜索,索要;C 收到;D保持。所以答案选B。

【小题18】A 不定代词辨析。如果你将来能帮助别人(somebody else),那就太好了。A某人;B没人;C 任何人;D 每个人。所以选择A。

【小题19】B 动词辨析。直到那时我才意识到(realize)宽恕能让人更幸福。A辨认出;C 学到;D 希望,所以答案选C。

【小题20】C 上下文。第一段就提到… the power of forgiveness…所以答案选B。句意同上。
