1500字范文 > Development of a widely accepted chronology for the arrival of humans has been equally di

Development of a widely accepted chronology for the arrival of humans has been equally di

时间:2022-08-12 05:39:08


Development of a widely accepted chronology for the arrival of humans has been equally di


Development of a widely accepted chronology for the arrival of humans has been equally difficult, and it was only with the development of optically stimulated luminescence dating that a human presence in Australia was confirmed at 53,000 to 60,000 years ago. Older dates for a human presence in Australia have now been shown to be erroneous .

The importance of Australia as a separate natural laboratory in which to test extinction theories lies in the fact that humans arrived there much earlier than they arrived in the other continental areas (the Americas and northern Eurasia) that experienced substantial megafaunal extinction. What Miller et al. have shown is that the extinction of Genyornis occurred simultaneously across southeastern Australia (indeed probably right across the continent) about 50,000 years ago. This is very close to the presently accepted time of arrival of humans in Australia. It was also a period of modest climate change, well before the dramatic climatic fluctuations of the terminal Pleistocene. The data of Miller et al., therefore, support those who see human hunting rather than climate as causing the extinction of the megafauna.

Genyornis was a ponderous bird, around 80 to 100 kg in weight, about twice as heavy as the living emu and cassowary. It was an inhabitant of Australias inland plains and some coastal regions, but its legs were relatively short and thick, suggestion that it was a slower runner than the emu. Proponents of humancaused extinction suggest that it is just such characteristics that made the megafauna vulnerable to human hunting.

A new school of thought has recently established itself in the extinction debate. It advocates the idea that a combination of human impact and climate change was responsible for the extinction of the worlds megafauna. The new Genyornis data also weaken that argument, for the following reason. Fifty thousand years ago, Australia was experiencing mild cooling; 11,000 to 12,000 years ago, the Americas were experiencing rapid warming. These disparate climatic conditions, all coincident with megafaunal extinction, suggest that whatever was happening with climate, it was bad for the big animals. Under these conditions, the hybrid model becomes indistinguishable from the humancaused extinction model for the influence of climate becomes extremely weak, and only the arrival of humans is important in predicting extinction.

【小题1】 The last word “megafauna” in Paragraph 2 most probably means

A birds. B plants.

C big animals. D small animals.

【小题2】 Genyornis was vulnerable to human hunting because it was

A a delicacy. B very weak.

C very small in size. D clumsy.

【小题3】 How many models have been put forward for the extinction of Genyoris?

A One. B Two.

C Three. D Four.

【小题4】 That Australia experienced mild cooling and the Americas rapid warming suggests that

A the climatic conditions were unfit for Genyornis to live.

B Genyornis were highly adaptable to different climatic conditions.

C The two climatic conditions were both bad for Genyornis.

D The climatic conditions had nothing to do with the extinction of Genyoris.

【小题5】 The selection is mainly about

A the debate over the time of the human presence in Australia.

B the relationship between the human presence and magafaunal extinction.

C the relationship between human activities and climatic changes.

D the debate over factors causing megafaunal extinction.C




【小题1】[C big animals.

【本题考点】 词语释义题。

【试题精解】 考生如果有一定的构词法知识一眼就可看出该题的答案。 “mega”在英文中指 “big”;fauna指 “animals” ,显然[C 为正确答案。考生如果没有这方面的知识,也可以利用上下文来判断。作者在提到megafauna后紧接着提到了Genyornis,在第三段开始对其进行了描述: “Genyornis was a ponderous bird, around 80 to 100kg in weight, about twice as heavy as the living emu and cassowary.” 足见其大。

【考点出处】 第二段末句,但对该词的推断却应联系上下文。

【小题2】 [D clumsy.

【本题考点】 细节判断题。

【试题精解】 第三段中指出 “it is such characteristics that made the megafauna vulnerable to human hunting” “such characteristics” 指的是其 “heavy, short and thick”, 即 “clumsy”。

【考点出处】 根据第三段第二句可知它的腿短而粗,跑得慢,[D 项clumsy“笨拙的”与句意一致。

【小题3】 [C Three.

【本题考点】 细节判断题。

【试题精解】 文中共提到了三种:(1)Human hunting;(2)Climate;(3)Human impact and climate change。

【考点出处】 第二、三、四段中。

【小题4】[D The climatic conditions had nothing to do with the extinction of Genyoris.

【本题考点】 推理暗示题。

【试题精解】 澳大利亚经历了 “mild cooling”, 美洲经历了 “rapid warming”, 而两个地方都出现了Genyornis的灭绝,说明气候对其灭绝并未产生什么影响。在文中最后一段作者也指出 “the influence of climate becomes extremely weak, and only the arrival of humans is important in predicting extinction.”

【考点出处】 第二段和第四段。

【小题5】[D the debate over factors causing megafaunal extinction.

【本题考点】 主旨大意题。

【试题精解】 本文重点介绍了造成“magafaunal extinction”的三种原因,所以[D 为正确答案。

【考点出处】 考察对全文的理解能力,实际上从第三题的做答中我们就可得出解答该题的部分相关信息。




3.erroneousa.错误的 [同义 false, incorrect, inexact


5.fluctuationn.变化 [同义 oscillation, rolling

6.ponderousa.笨重的 [同义 heavy, weighty, massive, bulky





之所以把澳洲称为试验种族灭绝理论的天然实验室,其重要性在于(lie in):人类到达这儿的年代要远远先于到达经历过巨型动物灭亡的其他大陆(如欧洲和欧亚大陆北部)的年代。Miller等人向我们说明,“巨鸟”于50,000年前在澳洲南部同时灭绝,这和人们普遍接受的人类到达澳洲大陆的时间相当接近。这也是气候温和的时期,随后很久才发生了更新世晚期灭绝性的气候剧变。Miller的资料支撑了认为人类捕猎而非气候变化是巨兽灭绝的原因的观点。

“巨鸟”是远古时期一种巨型鸟类,重约80到100公斤,是鸸鹋和食火鸡的两倍重。它是澳洲内陆和沿海地区的动物,但它的腿相对短而粗,证明它不如鸸鹋跑得快。坚持人类导致这种鸟灭绝的人说,它们的这种特性使它们很容易受到(be vulnerable to ...)捕杀。

在这一“灭绝争论”中,新的学派又建立了。他们赞成人类及气候因素结合导致(be responsible for ...)了世界范围巨型动物的灭绝的观点。新的巨鸟资料也削弱了这种争论,原因如下:50,000年前,澳洲气候逐渐变冷;11,000到12,000年前,美洲气温迅速上升。这些完全相异的气候条件正好与巨鸟灭绝时期相吻合(be coincident with)。这说明,无论气候怎样变化,巨型动物还是难逃厄运。在这种情况下(under these conditions),这种结合两种说法的观点就变得与人类导致其灭绝的观点难以区别了。因为在他们看来,气候影响是那么微弱,只有人类的到来才预示了巨型动物的灭绝。
