1500字范文 > Although websites such as Facebook and MySpace experienced rapid growth during the middle

Although websites such as Facebook and MySpace experienced rapid growth during the middle

时间:2020-11-18 02:00:07


Although websites such as Facebook and MySpace experienced rapid growth during the middle


Although websites such as Facebook and MySpace experienced rapid growth during the middle of the first decade of the 21st century, some users remain unaware of the fact that the information they post online can come back to haunt them. First, employers can monitor employees who maintain a blog, photo diary, or website. Employers can look for controversial(引起争议的) employee opinions, sensitive information disclosures, or wildly inappropriate conduct. For example, a North Carolina newspaper fired one of its features writers after she created a blog on which she wrote about the strange things of her job and coworkers without signing her real name.

The second unintended use of information from social networking websites is employers who check on prospective employees. A June 11, New York Times article reported that many companies use search engines and social networking websites such as MySpace, Xanga, and Facebook to conduct background checks on college campuses. Although the use of MySpace or Google to check a student’s background is somewhat unsettling to many undergraduates, the Times noted that the use of Facebook is especially shocking to students who believe that Facebook is limited to current students and recent alum(校友).

Corporate employers are not the only people interested in college students’ lives. The third unintended use of social networking websites is college administrators who monitor the Internet — especially Facebook — for student bad behavior. For example, a college in Boston’s Back Bay expelled (除名) its student Government Association President for joining a Facebook group highly critical of a campus police sergeant. In addition, fifteen students at a state university in North Carolina faced charges in court for underage drinking because of photos that appeared on Facebook.

Although more users of websites such as Facebook are becoming aware of the potential dangers of online identities, many regular users still fail to take there basic security precautions(警惕). First, only make your information available to a specific list of individuals whom you approve. Second , regularly search for potentially harmful information about yourself that may have been posted by mistake or by a disgruntled

(不满的)former associate. Thrid, never post obviously offensive material will likely make its way to the wider world. By taking these simple steps, members of the digital world can realize the many benefits of e-community without experiencing some of the damaging unintended consequences.

【小题1】The main purpose of the passage is to .A.explain the growth of the digital world from the view of privacyB.discuss the risks of the digital world and suggest ways to protect yourselfC.propose steps Facebook, MySpace and Google can take to protect user privacyD.illustrate(说明) potential unintended uses of private information【小题2】The writer implies that users should take all of the following actions to protect their online privacy EXCEPT .A.know to whom you make your online information availableB.actively hunt for damaging information posted about you or under your nameC.speak with employers to inform them of any misinformation published about youD.avoid uploading information that would be extremely damaging if it were discovered【小题3】According to the passage, which of the following does the author imply?A.Information obtained unwillingly from the Internet is permitted in court.B.It is impossible to protect yourself from unintended uses of information online.C.Even if you restrict who can view your data, the government may still access it.D.Done properly, posting offensive information about oneself brings no risk.【小题4】In the last paragraph the author mainly .A.offers detailed examples to support previous viewpointsB.further explores the ill-effects of the Internet on the protection of privacyC.summarizes the points of the above paragraphsD.provides suggestions to overcome the previously mentioned problemsB





【小题2】推理题:根据最后一段中“only make your information available to a specific list of individuals whom you approve”让你的信息到一个特定的只有你能批准的列表,可知A正确;根据最后一段中“regularly search for potentially harmful information about yourself that may have been posted by mistake or by a disgruntled(不满的)former associate”定期搜索潜在的对自己有害的信息,这些信息可能是错贴或一名心怀不满的前助理发布的,由此可知B正确;根据最后一段中“never post obviously offensive material will likely make its way to the wider world”从不发布会在更广阔范围内传播的有攻击性的材料,因此D正确;根据例子可知C项错误。故选C。

【小题3】推理题:根据第三段中“fifteen students at a state university in North Carolina faced charges in court for underage drinking because of photos that appeared on Facebook”北卡罗莱纳州立大学的15个学生在法庭上面临未成年酗酒指控,因为出现在Facebook上的照片,可知网络上的信息在法庭上是被承认的。故选A。

