1500字范文 > In a small village there lived a potter(陶工) who had a donkey. Every day his donkey would

In a small village there lived a potter(陶工) who had a donkey. Every day his donkey would

时间:2022-07-29 08:29:43


In a small village  there lived a potter(陶工) who had a donkey. Every day his donkey would


In a small village, there lived a potter(陶工) who had a donkey. Every day his donkey would carry soil from the to his house. Since the field was quite far off, the potter would under a tree midway, tying(拴) his donkey nearby.

One day, the potter to take the rope with which he tied the donkey every day. When he reached the , he became worried and didn’t know what to do. At that time, a saint(圣人) to be passing by. When the potter told the saint what his was, he said, “Take the to the place where you tie him every day. to tie him using an imaginary rope. He won’t run away.” The potter did what the saint had said.

When he woke up, to his and relief, he found the donkey standing in the place. But to his frustration, when he prepared to leave for , the donkey did not move. , the potter saw the wise saint again and told him about the donkey’s behavior. The saint said, “Go and pretend to untie the rope.” The potter the saint’s advice.

Now the donkey was ready to leave for home. The potter thanked the wise saint and went home his donkey.





【小题1】考查名词:A. factory工厂,B. garden花园,C. field 田野,D. village村子,从后面的句子:Since the field was quite far off, 可知每天他都会用驴从田地往家里运土。选C

【小题2】考查动词:A. stand站立,B. rest休息,C. sing唱歌,D. dance跳舞,从前面的句子:Since the field was quite far off, 可知陶工都会在半道的一棵树下休息,把驴拴在一旁。选B

【小题3】考查动词:A. forgot忘记,B. decided决定,C. expected期待,D. agreed同意,一天,陶工忘了带他每天拴驴用的绳子。选A

【小题4】考查名词:A. stone石头,B. tree树,C. bridge桥,D. hous房子,从前面的句子:the potter would under a tree midway,可知是当走到那棵树旁的时候,选B

【小题5】考查动词:A. failed失败,B. attempted尝试,C. happened发生,D. managed设法,一位圣人刚好路过,happen to do“碰巧做…”,选C

【小题6】考查名词:A. animal动物,B. plant植物,C. problem问题,D. result结果,圣人想知道陶工碰到了什么麻烦。选C

【小题7】考查名词:A. bird鸟,B. flower花,C. donkey驴,D. rope绳子,从前面的内容可知:圣人说:“把驴带到你每天拴它的地方,选C

【小题8】考查动词: A. Believe相信,B. Learn学习,C. Wish希望,D. Pretend假装,用一根想象的绳子假装把它拴好。选D

【小题9】考查名词:A. surprise惊讶,B. disappointment失望,C. anger生气,D. regret后悔从后面的句子:he found the donkey standing in the place. 。可知他醒来后发现驴还站在原地,感到很吃惊,同时也松了一口气。选A。

【小题10】考查形容词:A. similar相似,B. special 特殊,C. same同样,D. wrong错的,驴还站在原地,选C

【小题11】考查名词:A. field田地,B. school学校,C. home家,D. hospital医院,从前面的句子:Every day his donkey would carry soil from the to his house.可知 陶工准备出发回家了,选C

【小题12】考查副词:A. Quickly快,B. Luckily幸运地, C. Unfortunately不幸地,D. Badly坏地,从后面的句子:the potter saw the wise saint again,可知幸运的是,陶工又看到了那位睿智的圣人。选B

【小题13】考查形容词:A. funny滑稽的,B. foolish愚蠢的,C. proper合适的,D. strange奇怪的,从前面的句子:when he prepared to leave for , the donkey did not move. ,可知他跑向圣人,告诉他驴的奇怪行为。选D

【小题14】考查动词: A offered提供,B. followed跟随,听从,C. refused拒绝,D. received接受,陶工听从了圣人的建议,选B

【小题15】考查副词:A. happily快乐地,B. sadly难过的,C. seriously 严肃地,D. casually随意地,陶工谢过圣人,高高兴兴地牵着驴回家了。选A
