1500字范文 > friends come to visit us in the evening they spend their time telling us they are in a hu

friends come to visit us in the evening they spend their time telling us they are in a hu

时间:2021-03-28 13:05:21


friends come to visit us in the evening  they spend their time telling us they are in a hu


friends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time telling us they are in a hurry and looking at their watches. It isn’t that our friends are all very busy, it is just that When we haven’t got a television. People think that we are very strange. “But what do you do in the evening?”,they are always asking. The answer is very simple. Both my wife and I have hobbies. We certainly don’t spend our evenings staring at the walls. My wife enjoys cooking and painting and often attends evening classes in foreign languages. This is particularly useful as we often go abroad for our holidays. I collect stamps and I’m always busy with my collection. Both of us enjoy listening to the music and playing chess together.

Sometimes there are power cuts and we have no electricity in the house. This does not worry us, we just light candles and carry on with what we were doing before. Our friends, however, are lost---no television!---So they don’t know what to do. On such evenings our house is very full ---they all come to us. They all have a good time. Instead of sitting in silence in front of the television, everybody talks and plays games.

【小题1】The couple have not got a television, because .A.they are not rich enoughB.they are strange peopleC.they enjoy spending evenings in their own waysD.they don’t know what to do when there are power cuts【小题2】Both of them are interested in.A.learning languagesB.travelingC.staying home aloneD.watching people play games【小题3】At night when there is no electricity, the couple.A.have to stare at the walls B.can do nothing but sit in silenceC.will have many visitorsD.have to go out for candles【小题4】The best title for this passage is .A.Why Do We Need a Television?B.Candle! But No Electricity!C.Different Friends, Different Hobbies.D.We Go Without Televisions!C




【小题1】细节题:从第一段的句子:Both my wife and I have hobbies. We certainly don’t spend our evenings staring at the walls.可知作者夫妻都有自己的爱好,希望用自己的方式度过夜晚,选C

【小题2】细节题:从第一段的句子:This is particularly useful as we often go abroad for our holidays. 可知作者夫妻都喜欢旅行,选B

【小题3】细节题:从第二段的句子:On such evenings our house is very full ---they all come to us. They all have a good time. Instead of sitting in silence in front of the television, everybody talks and plays games. 可知停电的时候,作者家里有很多客人,选C

【小题4】标题题:文章介绍作者家里没有电视机,因为他们有自己的爱好,没有电视过的很充实,也不怕停电,所以是We Go Without Televisions!没有电视可能行,选D
