1500字范文 > It was a cold wet day on June 6th when 14-year-old Wasana arrived at school. Waiti

It was a cold wet day on June 6th when 14-year-old Wasana arrived at school. Waiti

时间:2018-08-10 10:20:23


It was a cold  wet day on June 6th    when 14-year-old Wasana arrived at school. Waiti


It was a cold, wet day on June 6th, , when 14-year-old Wasana arrived at school. Waiting outside his classroom for his classmates to ,Wasana stared at the ,then his eyes fell upon the 18-metre-high hill that at the back of the classroom.

He large amounts of rainwater flowing down the hill, and water was also bubbling at the base of a rock on the hill. For a few minutes, Wasana the water, wondering why it looked so . Then it hit him—the was similar to the video he was shown during Disaster Management classes. Fearing a disaster, he shouted at the students waiting outside their classrooms. “Run, run, don’t stay here! The on the hill is going to fall on us! ”

Chaos broke out as the ran to the open area that had been appointed as an emergency gathering point. When some teachers Wasana, he showed them the water gushing from the hill, and they started leading the students to safer ground.

Just then Principal Gurusinghe drove into the school. Wasana ran over to tell him what was happening. After the site, Grrusinghe knew the school was inThe enormous rock at the top of the hill could come crashing down .

a group of teachers and older students Gurusinghe climbed the hill and tried to make the water flow away from the rock. They were too : ten minutes later, they heard screams as the huge rock rushed down the hill. There was little Grrusinghe and his group could do as they watched the earth their classrooms. Thanks to Wasana’s action and careful observation, was hurt in the accident.

【小题1】A.restB.dineC.chatD.arrive【小题2】A.rainB.hillC.bookD.sun【小题3】A.stoodB.placedC.facedD.hid【小题4】A.feltB.knewC.heardD.noticed【小题5】A.glared atB.stared at C.shouted atD.aimed at【小题6】A.dangerousB.movingC.interestingD.familiar【小题7】A.showB.viewC.scene D.scenery【小题8】A.headingB.leavingC.goingD.coming【小题9】A.angrilyB.rudelyC.happilyD.wildly【小题10】A.rockB.waterC.sandD.tree【小题11】A.villagersB.studentsC.principalsD.climbers【小题12】A.blamedB.questionedC.approachedD.instructed【小题13】A.choosing B.visitingC.examiningD.clearing【小题14】A.reliefB.lossC.securityD.danger【小题15】A.at any minuteB.for the momentC.for onceD.at one time【小题16】A.LeadingB.Demanding C.CoveringD.Helping【小题17】A.nervousB.strangeC.uniqueD.late【小题18】A.swallowB.threatenC.affectD.blow【小题19】A.legalB.quickC.direct D.united【小题20】A.no oneB.only oneC.anyoneD.someoneD




【小题1】D考查动词的词义。句意为:在六月六日这个又冷又潮湿的日子,十四岁的Wasana来到学校,在教室外面等待他的同学的到来。rest vt作息; dine vt进餐,用餐;chat vt 聊天;arrive vi到达。他的同学陆陆续续来到学校,故答案应为D。等待他的同学来。

【小题2】A考查名词的词义。句意为:Wasana盯着外面的雨。rain n雨,雨水;book n书; hill n山,小山;sun 太阳。因为Wasana他在教室的外面,眼光最后落在了教室后面的小山上,所以她应是看着外面的雨,不可能是书排除C;最后看到的是山,排除B;天下着雨不可是太阳,排除D。

【小题3】A 考查动词的词义。句意为:最后我的目光落在了矗立在教室后面的一座十八米高的小山上。stood vt 站立,矗立;place vt放置;face vt面对;hid vt隐藏。eg:There stood a gentle woman under the tree.

【小题4】D 考查动词的意思。句意为:她看到有大量的水从小山上流下来。水在小山的岩石上也总是冒泡。felt vt感觉到; knew vt知道,了解;heard vt听到,听说;noticed vt注意到,观察到。故答案应为D。

【小题5】B 考查动词短语的含义。句意为:Wasana盯着这些雨水,感到很奇怪为什么(这个场面)是如此的熟悉呢。因为下文她想起了在录像带上看到过的场面,故此处应表达熟悉的意思。glare at怒视;stare at 盯着,凝视;shout at对---大喊。aim at 针对,瞄准,目的在于。故答案应为B。

【小题6】D考查形容词的词义。句意为:感到很奇怪为什么(这个场面)是如此的熟悉呢。因为下文她想起了在录像带上看到过的场面,故此处应表达熟悉的意思。dangerous adj 危险的;moving adj感动的,动人的;interesting adj有趣的;familiar adj熟悉的。故答案应为D。

【小题7】C 考查动词的意思。句意为:雨打在了他的身上,这一幕和他在灾难管理的课堂上看的录像带上的(场面)太相似了。show n演出,展出;view n观察,视野,风景;scene n场面,(剧目,场景中的)一幕。 scenery n风景,景色。故答案应为C。

【小题8】D考查分词的意思。(她)害怕一场就要到来的灾难,向他的同学大喊---。heading 标题,朝前的;


【小题9】D 考查副词的词义。句意为:(她预感到要有大的灾难到来)大使出了最大的声朝他教室外面的

同学大喊。angrily adv生气地;rudely adv 粗鲁地;happily adv高兴地; wildly adv狂暴地,野生地。


【小题10】A 考查名词的词义。句意为:她朝她的同学大声的喊到,快跑,山上的岩石要砸向我们了。从上文中几次提到水从岩石上流过,所以此处应为岩石。rock n岩石;water n水;sand n沙子,沙土;tree n树。故答案应为A。

【小题11】B考查名词的词义。句意为:在同学们跑向指定的紧急集合点的空旷地方时,场面一片混乱。villagers n村民;students n学生;principals n校长,负责人;climbers n登山者,这是在学校里面,所以应为学生。故答案应为B .

【小题12】C 考查动词词义。句意为:当一些老师走到Wasans的跟前时,她让老师看了不断从山上冒出

的水,他们开始引导学生去安全的地方。 blame vt 责备,责怪;question vt 问及,问题approach vt 接近,

靠近;instruct vt介绍,说明。故答案应为C,老师走近Wasana.

【小题13】C考查动词词义。句意为:就在这时,校长开车来到了学校,Wasana跑去告诉了他正在发生的事情。在查看了那个场面之后---。choose vt选择;visit vt参观;examine vt检查,检测;clear vt清除,使干净。故答案应为C,查看现场的意思。

【小题 14】D 考查名词的词义。句意为:在校长查看了现场之后,他知道学校有了危险。relief n 救济,减轻,缓解;loss n 损失;security n安全,保证;danger n危险。故答案应为D。

【小题15】A 考查短语的意思。小山顶上的岩石随时都有可能滚下来。at any time随时,在任何时候;for the moment 暂时,暂且for once 仅此一次at one time曾经,一度。故答案应为A.

【小题16】A 考查动词的意思。校长带领一组老师和一些年龄稍大的学生爬到了山上,想使水从岩石上流

下来。leading vt领着,带领;demanding vt要求,查问;covering vt覆盖;helping vt帮助。故答案应为A。

【小题17】D 考查形容词的意思。句意为:他们太晚了,十分钟之后,他们听到了巨响声,巨石从山上滚

了下来。nervous adj 紧张的;strange adj奇怪的;unique adj 独特的,唯一的;late adj晚的,迟到的。故答


【小题18】A考查副词的意思。句意为:泥土吞噬了他们的教室,校长和他的小组无能为力了。swallow vt

吞下,咽下;threaten vt威胁;affect vt影响;blow vt风吹。故答案应为A.

【小题19】B考查形容词的含义。句意为:多亏了Wasana的迅速的反应和认真的观察。legal adj 法律的,

合法的;quick adj 快的,迅速的;direct adj 直接的;united adj一致的,统一的,故答案应为B。

【小题20】A 考查代词的用法。句意为:多亏她迅速的反应和仔细的观察,在事故中没有造成人员伤亡。

no one 没有人;only one只有一人;anyone任何人;someone某人。故答案应为A。

